"Father's Debt to Son" is understandable

Arnold 2022-04-19 09:02:36

After watching the movie, I have a few questions:

1. At the end of World War II, in the 1940s, were there any other methods of mine clearance besides manual mine shooting?

2. People are responsible for what they have done, and the same is true of countries. They must be responsible for what they have done and bear the consequences.

3. The people will always be played with and brainwashed by "ideology", "personality cult", crazy heads of state, and various inflammatory "isms", and then lose their rationality, distort human nature, become fanatical, and become demented , become a pawn in the war, follow the division into factions, and stand in line. Of course, there are also many innocent people staying awake, and many of them have been portrayed as characters and put on the screen.

3. Who said that human beings have enjoyed torturing their fellow human beings since ancient times. Torture is an evil grip, and torture can also be named justice. But the essence is torture.

4. The winner is the king and the winner is the king. If you dare to play, you must afford to lose. You can only afford to lose. There is no choice.

5. The victor uses the same cruel means (killing) as the enemy to defeat the enemy. After winning, there is still some inertia, and this means will continue terribly. So there is still evil hidden in victory.

6. How did LOUIS VUITTON, who is regarded as a senior by today's people, "survive" from World War II to the present? There are dirty, cowardly and cowardly hidden behind it, but it is not as popular as today's people? So what is justice then? , what is discernment.

6. The law of the father's debt to the son can never be broken. Pay for the mistakes that Lao Tzu made, because Lao Tzu has already paid, who made him your Lao Tzu. This is fetters. Pay for the mistakes made by the motherland, who made you the leek of the motherland. You can join another country, then you are a leek of another country.

7. In addition to the law of father's debt to son, there is also the law of one reward for one reward, or the law of eye for eye, tooth for tooth, blood debt for blood. When will the grievances be repaid? Okay, the apology is not enough, but atonement is needed. Otherwise it will not be possible. Therefore, Japan will not be forgiven, it will not admit its mistakes, and it will not atone for its sins. How can this newspaper be turned over?

8. The teenagers in the movie, what would happen if they were alive, they might go to college, they might find a girl they love, they might work as construction workers, they might become cooks, they might become hooligans, they might become criminals, they might become Chinese Greasy man. You just want to watch them live with vigor, and you don't want to see their bones shattered into sand. But what if it wasn't so?

9. So up to now, if there is any country or organization that starts or starts a war first, causing the people to suffer, then he must not die well, and he will be retributed, even if this world wins, the evil of war. It will also be devoured by his descendants. A country that starts a war will always be nailed to the pillar of human shame.

10. I hope that the motherland can be really strong, strong enough to protect the people of Lebanon. Strong enough to be truly respected and dignified. I hope the motherland will have that day.

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Extended Reading

Land of Mine quotes

  • Sgt. Carl Rasmussen: Those of you who count the mines, make sure my card is updated. This task is as important as defusing mines.

  • Lt. Ebbe Jensen: If they are old enough to go to war, they are old enough to clean up.