also talk about love

Sven 2022-04-19 09:02:35

At first, I came to watch it with the mentality of watching urban romantic comedies, because the Chinese translation is really easy to misunderstand. What is "Love in New York" and "Love in New York", when you hear it, it makes people hold popcorn and hug their lover. A heartwarming romantic comedy. But as soon as the movie came out, there was a slightly gothic black sky, a gloomy ocean, diffuse dark clouds, desolate leaves, and a cold morning light. All of this seems to follow the style of European poetic film, there is absolutely no atmosphere of New York, let alone warm love.

But then again, I love it.
I also read some film reviews, and many people attribute this film to reality and ideals, or a smaller one, to choose between the one who loves me or the one I love. Before making a statement, this time there is really a need for spoilers, and it is best to alt+f4 if you don't want to listen to the plot.
Leonard is an ordinary man in New York who has an extraordinary experience: his long-time lover died after getting married. From then on, he fell deeply into the sadness of widowhood and could not extricate himself. Later, his parents introduced him the daughter of his business partner, Sandra. The two like each other. But then met the blonde beauty Michelle, and fell in love with this woman. But Michelle is also the mistress of a married man. And so, the story unfolds. Until the end, Leonard wanted to run away with Michelle, and at the last moment, Michelle's lover gave up his family and returned to Michelle, and Leonard accidentally gave Sandra the ring he wanted to give Michelle.

In fact, on the surface, it seems that this is a big tragedy. Leonard loves very hard, but in the end he gets nothing. Michelle struggles in front of married men and men chasing her, and her daughter has to make a sad choice. And Sandra, who seems extremely happy and happy on the surface, is actually a puppet of this lie.
But in fact, after so many things, I am very optimistic about this seemingly sad love story. I remember one of the scenes is very meaningful, that is, when l and s were in a very harmonious relationship, they fell in love with m madly, when he confessed to m, m asked him "you will never say this when you get to know me ”"no! i am fucking in love with you , do you think that i don't know about love ? i had a wife!" Actually m didn't question l's understanding of love, but l When I was excited to express myself, I involuntarily mentioned that my love for m was actually love, and nothing else. In fact, the answer is not what was asked. In other words, l is also subconsciously thinking, is this crazy infatuation really love? is it or not? This is his own problem, and it is also everyone's problem.
A harmonious relationship between boyfriends and friends, a beautiful but destructive obsession like moths to a flame, which one is love? In fact, we don’t need answers, as long as we are worthy of our hearts, what does it matter which one we choose? Sacrifice everything for passion, you think it is worth it, then you burn it, your spiritual spark must be gorgeous. For the sake of responsibility, numb your nerves. If you think you should, then go for sex. Your life will be long.

In this way, the film becomes more rational and neutral. In fact, it is very sad that many of us have burned into ashes without thinking, or the road has a long history. This is the real tragedy. In fact, whether you burn to ashes in the end, or simply walk on. It's important that you make sure you've stopped at a fork in the road instead of going down the river on a raft. This reminds me of Socrates' quote: "Life without thinking is not worth it"
Finally, let's talk about the actors, leonard is played by river phenix's brother, his brother is really famous. But in fact, his brother is definitely a guy with excellent acting skills, with melancholy and innocent eyes, intellectual black hair, and exudes a classical aristocratic atmosphere. Gwneth will not say anything, I have never thought how good she is in acting. I don't know how she won the Oscar. Shakespeare in Love is indeed a good film, but it is not good for the heroine. Hey, this time it's just normal. But Leonard's mother turned out to be Isabella Rossellini from Italy, which is incredible.
The movie has a dramatic style, but it does not lose the gorgeousness of the movie. Although the topic is a bit old-fashioned, I think it's worth a look.

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Two Lovers quotes

  • Michael Cohen: A kid's got to start thinking about his future sometime.