The movie "Peter Rabbit" is a live-action animated film adapted from a British century-old classic IP. The film tells the story of the pastoral adventure king "Peter Rabbit" leading a group of partners, and McGregor's uncle and nephew to compete for vegetable garden sovereignty and peace. The hilarious story of Bey, the beautiful hostess next door, who loves and fights wits and braves, and shows their magical powers. With the continuous escalation of the human-rabbit war, a series of funny, hilarious, and ironic anecdotes have also been triggered.
I like Peter and Benjamin the most, one is daring to challenge and take responsibility; the other is calm and steady, always accompanying. My dream City UK?? - Big Ben, London Bridge, Ferris wheel, it must be an elegant and historic country second only to China. There are many countries in the world, and the earth is so big, but my favorite is China, which has an uninterrupted history, and the United Kingdom, which also has a long history and culture.
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