simple beauty

Ibrahim 2022-04-21 09:03:00

Regardless of age background, optimistic and independent female characters are almost standard for Ghibli productions. This is also the primary reason why I, as a less optimistic and independent woman, likes to watch his animations. After watching it, there is always a positive emotion of wanting to become a better person.

Hand-painted scenery and beautiful music are also standard for Ghibli. Apart from that, I really liked the film from the script to the characters. It only takes one and a half hours to tell the feelings of the hero and heroine, the demolition of the club building, and the three clues of the past of the parents' generation. The dialogue language is concise and direct, and the characters' actions are also neat. It only describes ordinary life fragments, such as Xiaohai cooking rice, frying fish, engraving, cycling in the wind, parking, and printing, all of which are delicate and touching.

Note a few special places:
Junichi Okada is voiced by Jun Kazama and Yuichiro Sawamura, and Shunsuke Kazama is voiced by Shiro Mizunuma and Yoichi Tachibana. The voice of Matsuzaki Kai is Nagasawa Ami. (It's a tragedy for the seafarers, the children don't have their own last name)
The graffiti on the wall near the Philosophy Department first appeared as "I think, therefore I have", and the second time it appeared, it was changed to "I think, therefore I am".
There is a sign "GHIBLI" on the outer wall of the big ship where the protagonist boarded at the end.

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Extended Reading

From Up on Poppy Hill quotes

  • Shun Kazama: There's no future for people who worship the future, and forget the past.