Good man again.

Salma 2022-04-23 07:03:33

One is Darcy in Pride and Prejudice, one is Reid in Gone with the Wind, and the other is Boyle in this film. Even with the passage of time, the love for them will not diminish. Men who are mature and experienced but who yearn for love should probably be like this.

Although the main line of the film is about the history of coco chanel's fashion struggle.
But the man she had loved all her life and her emotional development were even more moving.

Just discovered.
It turned out that the love words between lovers do not need words, and the fragrance of love can be diffused by the rubbing of the ears.
Even if we go back to black and white silent films, we can read the words of lovers through one look and one action.
coco is so independent and so strong.
But in the end, he lost his love.
Absolutely, give her another choice, and she will agree to boy's marriage proposal without hesitation, instead of stubbornly insisting on the so-called right.
Sometimes, it is the happiest moment for a woman to take off her pretended strong mask and fall into the arms of her lover.

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Extended Reading

Coco Before Chanel quotes

  • [last lines]

    [subtitled version of French dialog]

    Adrienne Chanel: Boy had a car accident.

    Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel: Is he in the hospital?

    Adrienne Chanel: [shakes head 'no']

  • Arthur 'Boy' Capel: [Looking through the window at Balsan's place] Better to be a mistress than a wife.

    [Standing next to Gabrielle staring at her]