Little you have big dreams

Adelbert 2022-12-19 08:25:58

Although "Little Sheldon" is a spinoff of "The Big Bang Theory," for now, I prefer the former. The theme of "Young Sheldon" - family - is more in line with the orientation of watching the show, and the portrayal of young Sheldon and his family, school teachers and friends in it makes me feel warm. The Big Bang Theory is an adult world, and Little Sheldon is a child's world.

Every character in it is super funny: from Billy Sparks, a neighbor who is always slow to respond, to Father PJ, to the funny teachers in the school, everyone shakes the burden of making people laugh.

Of course, the soul character is still little Sheldon, with his meticulous hairstyle, carrying a box that obviously does not match his body shape, and chanting words that he understands better than adults. He is so stubborn and cute: because he got a B for the first time in his life, he made a small report to his mother that his father and Meemaw disturbed his study; his mother asked him to believe in religion, so he read a lot of materials to study each religion by himself, and finally Created "Worship of Mathematics", the only sin is "stupidity"... He is so cute that people want to hug him, even though he will push you away in disgust.

When I watched The Big Bang Theory, I always thought that Sheldon's dad must not be serious, but in this show I seem to have found the real answer. Although George and Sheldon, who only know football and brisket, have almost zero common language, George still tries his best to communicate with his son. The episode where George was going to take Sheldon to the space shuttle launch really made a lot of tears, a heavy rain disrupted all plans, and then George started asking him about the science of thunder and lightning in order to cheer Sheldon up... adult Sheldon's voice "Dad used to act stupid on purpose just to make me feel better. I never got a chance to see the space shuttle launch in person, but it was the happiest trip I've ever had, and I wish I could be alive with him tell him when it’s time”, tearjerker Max. There's also George standing up for Sheldon, taking him to Houston to talk to the man at NASA, and taking Sheldon home from his host family late at night... These little details shaped George.

Anyone who has seen The Big Bang will know that Sheldon and his mother, Mary, have a very strong relationship, and I can appreciate that even more after watching the show. The childhood of a genius is destined to be lonely, and without the company of friends, only family members can rely on. Like Sheldon in the first episode saying "Mom is my Christian soldier" while resting his head on his mom's shoulder. A mother's love is always selfless. When Sheldon left his mother for the first time to go to school, and his mother was holding the little pair of gloves Sheldon would wear to pray before cooking, tears poured down, I think this is The mother's helplessness and sadness over parting.

There are also brother George who dreams of being a male model, Missy, the elder sister of the ghost and the ghost, and Meemaw, who will always love Sheldon the most. Although this family will have quarrels, they will definitely conquer your tear glands when they warm up.

I really, really hope this show can go on. I love every character here, really.

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