Keywords of non-linear narrative, what does it mean in the title?

Glen 2022-04-25 06:01:01

This movie belongs to the after-viewing. You take the initiative to chew it and think it's a bit interesting. If you just want to watch it a little bit brainstorming or the plot makes you surging, forget it. After all, literary suspense is easy to be flat and boring, and if there is no resonance, it is easier to become the director's own self-confidence. Similar nocturnal creatures like Tom Ford are the same, but I like it in comparison.

In fact, I was quite numb after watching it. Maybe it’s because I watched a lot of plot (genre) movies on this subject, or maybe I just don’t have a sense of substitution or I’ve accepted it a long time ago. That’s how people are, and they’re not ugly. , But I have long accepted such ugliness.

This film does have something to praise, at least not a character is a Virgin, IQ offline, the behavior of all the characters seems so reasonable. And many people don't like the long shot of the promenade (in fact, I don't like it that much), I think it is a mystery, but in fact it is a hint.

I don’t think I need to discuss other characters, because the center of the film is actually the 17-year-old black brother.
Let me talk about the It on the surface of the title. In fact, It is very simple, it is the fear of darkness and the unknown. From the beginning to the end of this film, there are no ghosts, nor ghosts, and everything that may happen has a reasonable explanation and is artificial.

Little black brother, adolescence (sexual desire), art student (love to paint), at first glance, he is a person who is sensitive and thoughtful in his heart. The departure of his relatives and the long-term suppression of fear made him neurasthenia and insomnia. It is difficult to say whether sleepwalking has existed before or developed later, but sleepwalking must exist. So why It comes at night is because his sleepwalking (sickness) happens at night, and it is closely related to the fear of darkness.

The first time he dreamed that his grandfather was still breathing rapidly in the red house (and the full shape after the lesion), the second time he dreamed of Will with dilated black pupils (Will was still tied to a tree at the time), and the third time Dreaming that Will’s wife Kim came to his room, one is to satisfy his sexual fantasies, and the other is because of incomprehension, shame and fear of sex, seeing her vomiting blood, the last time his arms are full of big blister. All of these are in line with the symptoms and manifestations of that deadly infectious disease.

So to be honest, I feel that he might not want to live a long time ago, but the human desire to survive made him fear death, so he kept making those sick dreams to imply (decompress?) himself, to some extent. It is because subconsciously, he may have accepted the possibility of dying because of the illness, and finally achieved "self-realization".

Except for those few dreams, the others were sleepwalking, but he didn't know it. Just before the final death, the director showed us his memories, that is the real event of that sleepwalking, and because of this event triggered the final ending.

The story of the incident is restored as follows:

1. Will, because his father did not allow him to find a dog, perhaps he was active or sleepwalking. In short, he ran out to look for him secretly until the night. He heard the barking of the dog and followed him. In the end, it was obvious that the dog was caught. Some other animal killed him, and he was frightened (as for what a "monster" is, it's up to the audience to make up for it).

2. He dragged the dog back to the house (the dog was already infected at that time) and found that the little black brother who had been unable to save the dog was mentally traumatized/frightened and went into a state of sleepwalking again. --- So in terms of objective facts, it is indeed impossible to unlock the red door with the height of Andrew Xiaobai's child, only possibly Xiaohei.

3. He woke up again on the way back to his room, but because of excessive sadness (accepting death requires process and time) he blocked the memory of finding the dog. Then he started to walk out again, because this is his routine at night (insomnia anyway), his behavior is typically out of anxiety about the surrounding environment. Hearing the sound of breathing, he found Andrew (seems to be in Grandpa's previous room?), in fact Andrew also had sleepwalking, and then sent Andrew back to his parents' bed. --- At this time Andrew has been infected by the little black brother.

4. He walked to the red door. The door was open. He heard a noise inside, and then ran to wake Dad. (The middle process is omitted) Dad said to let everyone go to the living room for a meeting. When he asked if he just opened the door and didn't go in (for fear of infection), Brother Xiaohei replied that the door was already open when he went. The final result of the discussion is that everyone is isolated from each other on their own family unit.

5. In the morning, Andrew became ill. Although there was no obvious manifestation, Xiao Hei overheard that their family was leaving, and Andrew kept crying. He felt that something was wrong and suspected that Andrew was sick (because they all It is suspected that Andrew opened the door). Later when his father was about to break through the door, Will kept telling Andrew that he should close his eyes. One might be because he didn't want to let the child see blood in the fight, and the other was that Andrew was probably suffering from dilated black pupils. --- An objective fact, my father mentioned that grandpa would develop the disease within a day after he became ill. Andrew has a faster onset because of his younger age.

6. Soon after the fight, Brother Xiaohei also became ill, because the isolation lasted for one night (between 8-10 hours), and then his parents also became ill. If Andrew is Patient 0, they have cleaned themselves and isolated (should be airborne), the possibility of infection should be very low, otherwise this virus is too terrible, and humans should have been extinct long ago.

There is no possibility that Andrew got sick in Grandpa’s previous room, because if that room is considered dangerous by default, or contains infectious agents, their family will not take the risk and still live here, and at least if the door is Locked, not open. In other words, to be infected, you must stay in the same environment as the infected person when you are at a loss. The same principle can be reflected in Xiao Hei's room, and there is an extra bed, which should belong to his brother or younger brother.

Why did he drag the dog back to the house? Because the dog was seriously injured at that time and it was impossible to climb in by himself. Besides, the surrounding doors and windows were blocked by wooden boards, and it was only possible that the dog was brought in. If the killing of the dog was around If someone else wants to threaten them, it's better to attack them directly (they can even bring dogs in anyway). Why kill the dogs in demonstrations? It's meaningless. And no one else heard the obvious sound, it was all the words from the little black brother.

Xiao Hei Ge's behavior can be interpreted in many ways, depending on what you think. The most convenient is the manifestation of puberty. His It is anxiety, restlessness, sexual ignorance/sex depression (have sexual fantasies, but the result is terrible), and reduce communication with parents (almost when he is most relaxed and happy It’s just chatting with Will’s wife Kim at night, chopping wood with Will, and eavesdropping on their bedside conversations), eager to get in touch with peers. Under this apocalyptic background, this kind of emotion intensified, he could not resist the pressure, and he was obviously defeated as a literary student. He suffered from insomnia every night, nervous breakdown, and sleepwalking. Instead of living in fear, he would die. Generate an idea of ​​relief.

This is because the lack of emotion is fatal. This does not mean that his parents do not love him, or that he does not love his parents, but people are possessive, and he cannot possess any emotional relationship. He needs one. Kind of exclusive, so no one can give him except that dog.

Will has his wife, Kim, and a son, Andrew. They can accompany each other, and the children (unsurprisingly) will live a long time. His parents also have each other. And he, who has no love, also lost other relatives such as grandfather or even older brother or younger brother, and finally he lost his dog, which may be the last straw to crush him.

As for the father, a history teacher, step by step towards the dark abyss in order to survive.
The people he killed at the beginning were all patients, and even relatives were understandable.
Later, the attack on Will evolved into a murder after confrontation on the road. The targets were all men. It was a threat to his own survival and his family, and it was understandable to remove the threat.
In the end, he killed his partners who hadn't determined whether he had contracted the disease, and had lived together for a period of time (though not trusting enough), including women and children. This completely defeated his bottom line as a human being. Even if he felt that he just did what he should do, he did not do anything wrong, he made all the psychological preparations, but in the end he could not accept it. He did not shed tears, but he did not feel relieved because of it. People are selfish, and everything he does is actually correct in my eyes. After all, people are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed. Why bother he is responsible for his wife and children, although you can say that it's just that you want to live for the sake of morality. An excuse that makes sense and comforts oneself. But at the same time, no one would want to do this kind of thing. You can't object, he is also painful.

The fact at the end of the story is that even if they become "good guys" and let the Wills go, they will still die. The question raised at this time is: When humanity is annihilated, is there any point in surviving? Do you want to live to live?

When you choose to trust them and let them go, will it be easier for you to accept the result of your death (assuming that it is because your own son is infected instead of someone else's son)?

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It Comes at Night quotes

  • Paul: I'm just going to turn through a few things. When we go out during the day we like to stick to groups of two, just for safety. The red door, it's the only way in and out of the house. That stays closed and locked all the time. I have the keys, this is the only set.

    [he shows them the keys tied around his neck]

    Paul: The most important thing, we never go out at night. Got it?

  • Travis: [as the dog starts to bark at something in the woods] What's he see? What's he see?

    Will: He heard something.

    Paul: Let's get back in the house! Now!