Never give up the fight

Kailyn 2022-04-23 07:03:37

The biggest feeling is, don't expect the vested interests to give up their own interests to help you and share their own cakes with you. This is impossible. If you want something, just fight and fight for it yourself. Stigmatizing women's rights, making their words into crazy words and jokes; splitting women's rights, making them fight in their own nests, making them kill each other and biting each other; threats, lures, and various means to make you shrink back and give up in fear. These methods are still in play. By the end I was really restless and burst into tears. Wherever there was oppression, there was resistance, even at the cost of my only life. The protagonist is an awakener. Following her perspective, we see the psychological transformation of a staunch feminist revolutionist, from silently enduring oppression, to speaking up because of fate, not admitting that he is a feminist when he was first arrested, shrinking back and fear, but as long as Once you have seen the light, you can no longer endure the darkness, and the fire in your heart gradually grows into a prairie fire, no longer shrinking or escaping, but firmly facing suffering and oppression, fighting and fighting for your due rights. It is only in this way that thousands of women have awakened to what they are today, and this road is long and difficult, and they will never surrender and never give up the struggle. While watching and typing, my hands kept shaking, and there was still a lot to express. Never surrender, never give up the struggle.

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Suffragette quotes

  • Maud Watts: Your mother's name is Maud Watts. Don't forget that name. Because, I'll be waiting for you to find me. Will you find me George? Don't forget it.

  • Violet Miller: You want me to respect the law? Then make the law respectable.