Knowledge is the machine tool, words are the parts to be machined

Fabian 2022-04-19 09:02:37

Patience and erudition are machine tools Words are the parts machined on the machine tool plunging into the vast book The blade of the machine tool swirls the rheological machine tool that traces the word The rheological machine tool cuts the flames to find the correlation of the machine tool The gears of the machine tool are intertwined The lights in the production workshop are awake and the words are annotated. Offline words fleshed out Oxford Dictionaries Dictionary editors who powered the machine with life editors or had the title of professor or the label madman They brought the words to life Watched the movie The Professor and the Madman and read the original novel many years ago. Expand vocabulary and value language.

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Extended Reading

The Professor and the Madman quotes

  • James Murray: Who's she?

    Dr. William Chester Minor: The impossible.

    James Murray: The more impossible, the greater the love.

    Dr. William Chester Minor: Do you truly believe that? My heart is so sick.

    James Murray: Well... what I know of love is that the sickness often becomes the cure.

  • Ada Murray: Sometimes when we push away, that is when we most need to be resisted.