How come no one sees the ending?

Daniela 2022-04-19 09:02:34

I watched it many years ago, and now I read the film review, how can I find that everyone has not seen it?

In the end, when Duff went back to the pub, the group of people who saw Rafi was obviously her family, and the one who put his hand on her shoulder should be her husband.

What Rafi wants is a stable marriage and a husband who lives in peace.

Duff needs to be adventurous, passionate and entrepreneurial.

Love can't give them what they have for each other, and the combination will make a compromise for each other, and both will suffer.

Eventually Rafi got her own family a year after the split.

Duff got his own business.

At the moment of each other in the tavern, their glances told each other that they were still in love, but lost to reality.

Happiness sometimes has nothing to do with love, nothing to do with what you want.

Duff didn't do anything, and went out in disappointment, going in the wrong direction.

He may be thinking, if he does it again, will he exchange love for today's career.

Lafite indoors may also be absent-minded, whether a stable marriage is worth losing that fiery love.

The spring heart is no longer rippling, but when the bridge returns to the bridge road, maybe the spring heart really starts to rippling,

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Prime quotes

  • David Bloomberg: We're gonna have vacation sex tonight!

    Rafi Gardet: ... What is vacation sex, Dave?

    David Bloomberg: I don't know, but you're gonna get it, girl.

  • David Bloomberg: [dog barks at David and pepper spray is sprayed in his eyes from the collar] Ahhhh!

    Rafi Gardet: Oh, my God! Are you OK?

    David Bloomberg: Yeah, I think I'm blind.

    Rafi Gardet: Oh no, better call the pediatrician!