Truth goes left, art goes right

Krystal 2022-04-19 09:02:34

The movie I copied from my classmates didn't have much expectations for how exciting the plot would be, but the English title "Prime" was translated into "Spring Heart Ripple", which still aroused my curiosity and unwillingness: because of "Spring Heart" "And curious, I am unwilling to be translated into such a name that satisfies people's curiosity for such a good word "Prime". Finally, one night last week, I clicked on this movie, and after watching it, I was glad I clicked on it, an excellent and memorable sketch.

The opening scene of the movie is a little dull, maybe this is the sense of reality that the director wants to express. Life is a routine, like the heroine who goes to see a psychiatrist after get off work, like the heroine who wants to be youthful with friends. Everything is obviously natural and ordinary. When men and women meet, men and women fall in love at first sight. Although the eldest boy is 14 years old, the charm of mature women is obviously fatal; women also like the sincerity and cuteness of men, and the psychiatrist's persuasion to "try", the two began to date. . However, with the development of the plot, dramatic scenes appeared: the heroine confided the sweetness of love to the psychiatrist, which made the psychiatrist feel puzzled and uneasy. It turned out that the male protagonist was the only son of the psychiatrist.

Falling in love was originally a matter of two people, but now, the psychiatrist didn't know about it, and a contradiction appeared: on the one hand, she was happy for the patient's new life; on the other hand, the happiness of the Jewish only son was what she cared about the most. In desperation, he also found a friend for psychological counseling. From the beginning of her support and encouragement to the heroine, to now she can only listen nervously. Facing the struggle of selfishness and professional ethics, Aunt Mei's performance is really superb.

Life is still going on, so the doctor had a showdown with the heroine, when she was "unbearable", and when the heroine and the hero had differences. Surprise is the common feeling of the three people. Then there is a cycle of disputes and compromises between men and women, and finally, when they made up for the second time, the heroine made up her mind to say no, just to keep the best "Prime" of the two: a 37-year-old female self-confidence , elegant, 23-year-old boy lively and enthusiastic.

The ending of the unforgettable film, because of this ending, the authenticity of the whole film can be preserved and continued. After the male protagonist chatted with his friends and said that he was about to travel far, he returned to the bar to take the hat that fell, and saw the female protagonist who was chatting with his friends. , still turned back, wiped the ice flowers on the window with a breath, and stared at the heroine; the heroine turned her head and saw the man, and smiled in surprise. . . . At this time, the background music Rachael Yamagata's "I wish you love" sounded slowly. The quiet and emotional singing made this song like the sincere wishes of the male and female protagonists to each other. That snowy night was so warm.

Generally speaking, this is a real work. It doesn't have as many artistic plots as "The Last Dream of the Covered Bridge", but it can also convey the same emotion as Aunt Mei and Lord Ke at the end of "The Gallery".

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Prime quotes

  • David Bloomberg: We're gonna have vacation sex tonight!

    Rafi Gardet: ... What is vacation sex, Dave?

    David Bloomberg: I don't know, but you're gonna get it, girl.

  • David Bloomberg: [dog barks at David and pepper spray is sprayed in his eyes from the collar] Ahhhh!

    Rafi Gardet: Oh, my God! Are you OK?

    David Bloomberg: Yeah, I think I'm blind.

    Rafi Gardet: Oh no, better call the pediatrician!