insurmountable regret

Rodolfo 2022-04-19 09:02:34

I watched an HBO movie before I came back to sleep from the night shift, but I didn't see the beginning. After searching it, it was called "Spring Heart" ("Prime"), about the love between a 37-year-old woman who just got divorced and a 23-year-old man The story, this woman is played by the heroine (Uma Thurman) in "Kill Bill". At first, she was not used to watching her strong and feminine performances. Later, she became more and more beautiful, and she looked like she was only 27 years old. She is a model, very successful in her career, but emotionally frustrated. At this time, she happened to meet this 23-year-old man (a handsome guy, whom she has never seen before), and the progress is going well, but the age difference is too much, and I am very worried. .

So she went to talk to her psychotherapist (Meryl Streep, who played "The Bridge of Last Dreams", an actress she liked very much, played a wonderful film department, and also transferred to HBO The reason why she didn't continue to change the channel because she saw her), the therapist, although she was not sure, she definitely encouraged her to find her true love and happiness. Later, she suddenly found out that the object of her relationship was her own son. She was shocked, but There is also professional ethics, sitting there calmly listening to her patients talk about all kinds of private and sweet details, and going to consult a psychotherapist who is older than her.

The 23-year-old man also established in this relationship that he would ultimately follow his inner choice and become an oil painter. In addition to being warm and sweet, their relationship was full of twists and turns. After breaking up and reuniting, their mother also learned about their true love, and the family accepted it. They felt that everything was starting to be beautiful, and this relationship was about to get on the right track. But what does a 37-year-old woman need, a child, a secure home, and that's not what a smug 23-year-old who has just found his career path can afford.

When the conflict became irreconcilable, the man ran to save it, "We really set up a family and have a child", and the woman finally said, I can't be so selfish, this is the best gift for me, That's enough


The camera moves directly to a year later. The man just came out of the restaurant and told his companions that as long as he sells one more painting, he can leave this place and go abroad to develop. A great blueprint for the future is being rolled out in front of him. At this time, he forgot his hat and left it in the restaurant. When he went back to fetch it, he found that this woman, Lafite, was eating there. I guessed that one of the people in the same seat was her husband, and she might be about to become a mother.

He found that she wanted to leave quickly at that moment. After walking out the door, he wiped the snow off the glass door of the restaurant with his hat and peeked inside.

At this time, Lafite also turned his head, the blues background music "I wish you love" sounded, and the vivid and warm plots of the past unfolded in front of them one by one. , separated by the furthest distance in the world, an insurmountable regret...

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Prime quotes

  • David Bloomberg: We're gonna have vacation sex tonight!

    Rafi Gardet: ... What is vacation sex, Dave?

    David Bloomberg: I don't know, but you're gonna get it, girl.

  • David Bloomberg: [dog barks at David and pepper spray is sprayed in his eyes from the collar] Ahhhh!

    Rafi Gardet: Oh, my God! Are you OK?

    David Bloomberg: Yeah, I think I'm blind.

    Rafi Gardet: Oh no, better call the pediatrician!