Detailed analysis of how Adrian might know Beren behind the mirror

Lillian 2022-04-22 07:01:43

Write on the front: "may" underline; some details may be suspected of over-interpreting, but I infer the conclusion based on obvious clues + potential clues.

Personality: Prodigal son in love, has a long-term flirtation object (violinist), a well-known conductor; conceited (thinks flirting is a trivial matter, and is reluctant to reveal to the prosecutor that the quarrel is because of his flirtation; in the dialogue "she is a beautiful woman" "No, she's often alone, it wouldn't be possible"), not a simple person ("I prefer/appreciate the dark side of it")

Background: Adrian (hereinafter referred to as A) quarreled with Beren (hereinafter referred to as B) after flirting and was caught flirting. Beren's warning in the car was a foreshadowing, and A should be preparing to apologize with a rose in his hand that night.

Detailed proof: male protagonist's performance in the mirror + other reasoning

1. After watching the video, vent your directional emotions in the mirror

✓ After watching the video and sitting on the bed with an angry expression, the camera shot to A, and he turned from a sloppy look to a focused glare at the camera; and the next shot was B looking at A's grief behind the mirror and taking care of himself Rejoice, that is, the previous perspective is B's perspective. That is, A's glare is facing the mirror. 49'53″

Generally speaking, when a person is alone, thinking, brooding or emotional, the eyes are generally down, or the eyes are swayed towards somewhere, and they do not deliberately focus on an object of unknown meaning and bring out the emotion. .

✓ After watching the video, when looking around with a rose in hand, his eyes clearly stayed on the bedside table (that is, where B dropped the key) and on the ground in front of the mirror for a while, and after staying, A's eyes gradually rose to the mirror surface, then A angrily smashed the rose precisely on the mirror instead of on the bed. 50′3″

This eye placement is very interesting. After observing for a while from the bedside table to the ground in front of the mirror, and then moving thoughtfully to the mirror, the entire movement route is exactly the same as the route B is walking, it is likely that B is in front of the mirror in a panic left traces. And what is the posture of hitting the mirror? Judging from the movie screen, A has to raise his arm and throw the rose horizontally, which is much more difficult than hitting the ground.

A's eyes and actions show that he is clearly and deliberately venting his emotions on a mirror that normally means nothing to him.

2. "Conversation through the lens" and "Blindness"

✓B said "I love you" to A in front of the mirror out of fear and guilt, but just as the camera turned, A suddenly moved, stroked his forehead and cried. Of course, it may also be the director's consideration of rhythm and contrast. set. 53′52″

✓ The side of the bedside table where the key is dropped is obviously the side where B sleeps, and it is also where the mirror is facing. A watched the video and borrowed wine to relieve his sorrows, all of which happened to be at the foot of the bed facing the mirror. The sentence "good luck" also seemed to be a powerful counterattack against B. 57′10″

✓In front of the bathroom mirror, B asks what A means, just after he finished speaking, A just looked up at the mirror. 57′27″

✓Before connecting to the bathroom mirror, B found that there would be ripples on the washstand by kicking the water pipe, and then frantically knocked it to cause very obvious and continuous ripples on the water surface of the washstand. However, A lowered his head to take the wine glass and swallowed the wine and looked down twice, but he did not respond to the obvious ripples, and after swallowing the wine, he raised his head and looked at the mirror intriguingly for a while, then left. 57′37″-58′10″

✓A flirting with the second woman in the mirror

3. Other reasoning analysis (with subjective guessing)

Landlady obviously lied. From the secret room settings (military uniforms, cans, diaries, photos), it can be seen that her husband is obviously not an engineer. From her words, it can be guessed that Landlady is probably a jealous and possessive woman. The husband will be kept in a chamber of secrecy (in poor conditions) as a warning or punishment, etc.

✓ It can be seen that Hans the dog has a good relationship with A and B, and from the perspective of the second female, it can be seen that Hans often stays still in front of the mirror, and even scratches his paws at the mirror. But A never cares/notices about this.

✓A is a well-known conductor, and is naturally sensitive to sound, but the second woman can notice the strange sound coming from the water pipe for a few nights, and A has never noticed it.

✓ Transfer of keys. B put on the key necklace while filming the video, and then accidentally fell and was picked up by the second woman, and finally appeared on the bed again, and the second woman disappeared. A repeatedly flipped through the video, and met the second girl every day, but never cared about the necklace.

✓ The night when A claimed the body and went home, he got up late at night in another bedroom holding Hans in a daze. Er didn't seem to pack up the books that fell on the floor, so A's expression and tone were a little nervous when he entered the bathroom). The next day, the second girl moved into the bedroom without authorization, and A was also dazed and thoughtful when hugging. On the third day, the second girl received a photo of A and her lover. When the camera turned, A suddenly decided to end the relationship with her lover. The prodigal son turned back? It's not that simple. From A's point of view, it is likely that A bumped into the second woman and apologized, thinking that the second woman found B but ignored or killed her, so she thought deeply that night, and the next day she was warned by the police and moved. In the bedroom, from A's point of view, a series of behaviors of the second woman include ignoring B and even possibly killing B and staying away from the master bedroom to prevent A from discovering B, all of which indicate that the second woman's darkness is beyond her imagination, and she is worried that she will meet her lover again. Being locked in the secret room by the second girl, no one cares (and also worried that the police who have a good relationship with the second girl may cover up the second girl or even frame themselves together), so A chose to give up her lover.

Views and impressions: Men mainly want fame, fortune and freedom in an open relationship, women mainly focus on love, and second women want money and love. The dark side already exists, but it is each other that gives each other the opportunity to magnify the darkness.

PS Belen's performance and rhythm music in the secret room were so wonderful that they pushed the perception to a climax. There are many things that can kill a person, but despair is clearly the most painful one.

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The Hidden Face quotes

  • Fabiana: Are you jealous?

    Ramírez: You finally got what you wanted, a guy with money. Better than a cop with a shitty salary.

    Fabiana: You may be right.