Others have the freedom you want

Keith 2022-11-03 20:26:19

"On the Road" is beautifully shot, but when I watch it as a movie, I always feel that something is wrong. I feel like I should read the original book. Also, I am a little puzzled about the adaptation at the end of the movie, is it just to create a dramatic contradiction, or is it just the director's understanding of the original? I think this change has gone too far from the original idea! Not very understanding. The director's filming method is loyal to the original work and recorded in the running account, but at the end he imposes his own understanding. Tonight, as he said, Venus must be low, and before the darkness that blesses the earth is complete, it will scatter its gleaming dots on the grasslands, make all the rivers dark, cover the peaks, cover the coast, except old age , no one knows what happened to who, at this time I think of Dean, Moriarty, I even think of old Dean, Moriarty we never found, I really miss Dean, Moriarty . Dean is Jake's understanding of freedom. Everyone has a Dean in their hearts, and they will enjoy the happiness they bring when they are in it, but when others live the same life, they condemn their shameless selfishness.

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On the Road quotes

  • Dean Moriarty: Hey Sal... I love you as ever.

  • Sal Paradise: The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.

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