Heartbreaking stories and myths about values

Dillan 2022-04-24 07:01:17

A romantic fairy tale about the identity of modern people, there is a tragic core behind the tender story. The shaping of the mother's image in the film is basically in line with the expectations of Japanese society for women. Women are accessories to the family. They must give everything for the family and the children, which is similar to a traditional slave morality. This is why I think the story hides an abnormal value. The mother has been passively accepting her destiny, but the two children lack gratitude and response to the mother's efforts. The lack of two-way interaction makes the mother's behavior even more distressing. The second half of the story focuses on the change in the identity of the two children, and the mother is reduced to a tool person. In addition, many comments based on the mother's behavior in the film say that mother's love is great and women deserve respect, but they don't know that this is a writing about women in a patriarchal context, because this kind of remark is based on the contempt for the life value of the female subject. above. However, although it is not perfect or even has problems, I still like this film very much, and I will still be moved by the emotions it renders. The two images of heavy snow and heavy rain in the film seem to have deep meaning, and the atmosphere created corresponds to the two Child Snow and Rain's choice of fate and its ending.

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Wolf Children quotes

  • Ame: Why is the wolf always the bad guy?

  • [after Revealing to Hana that he is a Werewolf]

    Wolf Man: Were you surprised?

    [She nods]

    Wolf Man: Do you want to break up?

    [Hana shakes her head]

    Wolf Man: But you're trembling, are you scared?

    Hana: No.


    Hana: Because you're you.