Meet love, meet freedom.

Wilfrid 2022-04-21 09:02:51

The film tells the love story of the young lady Lucy and the underclass young George.

The film tells the story of the Victorian era. Lucy, a young lady from the upper class in England, and her cousin Charlotte, went to Florence, Italy for a vacation. When Lucy arrived at the room, she found that her room could not see the Arno River. The cousin complained that Lucy's mother could not make a reservation. Room with a view.

The latter two went to the dinner party. At the dinner, George's father saw that George liked Lucy, and heard that his cousin and Lucy were discussing about the room. Room. A lady at the table gushed about her artistic taste.

The exchange of rooms made Lucy and George meet for the first time. Later, there was a fight in the square. When Lucy fainted and fainted, he was hugged by George. Old George taught his son to have the courage to pursue love. Lucy later Having a chance to talk alone with George, Lucy said to George, "No matter what, life will go on as it is." George said, "No, I won't, and neither will you."

A few days later, Lucy and her cousin accepted Pastor Bieber's invitation to have a picnic in the suburbs. George and his son were also invited. After arriving in the suburbs, Lucy said she was going to find Bieber and left her cousin, but was taken to George by the coachman. On the hillside full of wheat ears, George kissed Lucy, but this scene was seen by his cousin. After her cousin took Lucy back to the hotel, she packed up and wanted to go back to England, and Lucy promised not to tell her mother.

After returning to England, her mother introduced Lucy the gentleman Cecil, and the two got engaged. But it was destined by fate that George and his father became neighbors with Lucy under the introduction of Cecil. George saw that Cecil was just treating Lucy as a beautiful decoration, not letting her have her own ideas. Lucy gradually found that Cecil's hypocrisy made her unacceptable, so she cancelled the engagement with Cecil. Old George learned from his cousin that Lucy had cancelled the engagement and encouraged her to pursue her love bravely.

With the help of their father George Sr., Lucy and George eloped to Florence and returned to the room with the view from the window.

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A Room with a View quotes

  • Charlotte Bartlett: In my small way I am a woman of the world. And I know where things can lead to.

  • Eleanor Lavish: Smell! A true Florentine smell. Inhale, my dear. Deeper! Every city, let me tell you, has its own smell.