The previous paragraph is incredible. After all, I still think that since you have borrowed money from the bank, you should have to repay it. If you can’t repay the loan, it is your own problem, and you should bear the risk of the consequences of borrowing money. But later, it was discovered that the bank was using the money of the poor and the government's money (taxpayer's money) to play games, and the guilt was attributed to these Wall Street scumbags. Fortunately, the American people have the right to vote, and one vote is more or less useful. Whether it is "Final Fantasy" or not, the American people still have a straw to grab.
It is very interesting for Laomei to make a documentary. The yellow strips of "CRIME SECEN DO NOT CROSS" are used to surround the building and demand the exercise of the right of "citizen arrest". This symbolism is too strong. But what touched me the most was the sentence "I refused to live in a country like this, and I am not leaving". If it were placed in China, between I am not and I can not, how many people would be willing to say it What about "I am not leaving"?
(April 13, 2010 16:33)
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