If the professor is in the People's Square subway station...

Precious 2022-04-21 09:02:51

Looking back at "Crash", "Crossing the Border", and looking at this
"Uninvited Guest", it seems that the theme of immigration, cultural integration, administrative violence and other topics can always be appropriately infecting the audience with New York as the stage.
On the other hand, looking at Shanghai, which is the most similar to New York in the Celestial Dynasty, the same topic is inevitably reminiscent of the humiliation of YP, which shows the huge gap in inclusiveness between Eastern and Western metropolises.
——The group differences in Shanghai, under the appearance of cultural contradictions, more reflect the economic class gap. Just as the observer in this film is an old professor, generally speaking, people who don't need to worry about life have time to carefully appreciate the connotations of different cultures and people.
Therefore, the group differences in Shanghai are actually a reflection of the class antagonism in China on a larger scale, that is, the so-called urban-rural imbalance. This century-old problem may be very reasonable to solve.

I highly recommend this humanistic film, which can serve as a good friend when the mind is quiet, and it can also be thought-provoking. Although, it has no realist value in our society.

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The Visitor quotes

  • Zainab: Why did you invite him?

    Tarek Khalil: We're staying in his apartment. What could I do?

    Zainab: And I'll be stuck with him while you play your drum.

    Tarek Khalil: You know you're very sexy when you're mad at me.

    [leans in to kiss her]

    Prof. Walter Vale: [interrupts] Hello! If you don't mind, I think I will come.

    Tarek Khalil: Cool.

    Prof. Walter Vale: Let me get my coat.

    [Zainab frustrates]

  • Prof. Walter Vale: I've been teaching the same course for 20 years, and it doesn't mean anything to me. None of it does. I pretend. I pretend that I'm busy, that I'm working, that I'm writing. I'm not doing anything.