What Americans care about most is American human rights

Monica 2022-04-21 09:02:51

What I saw was a socially realistic film of American self-criticism and reflection. Does America really care about human rights? In fact, what they care most about is American human rights.

The film integrates an old American professor, a Syrian mother and son, and a Senegalese girlfriend into the story skillfully, using the common points of music, melody, rhythm, love, family and friendship in the world to break down the gaps of race, language and religion.

I saw some very interesting little tricks:
- The old professor taught how to improve the economy of developing countries vs. He was never able to help the people he cared about (two people from developing countries)
- He loves African drum music vs. Syrian mom loves Classical Music and Phantom of the Opera
- the gloom of teaching in college vs. the joy of playing African drums on the street
- having to break into the old professor's house and finally welcome strangers vs. hugging Uninvited guests who hope to come to the United States but are deported (I think it is also the focus of the film The Visitor)

I recommend this film, let us learn the reflection perspective and criticism skills of social phenomena from film practitioners in big countries.

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The Visitor quotes

  • Zainab: Why did you invite him?

    Tarek Khalil: We're staying in his apartment. What could I do?

    Zainab: And I'll be stuck with him while you play your drum.

    Tarek Khalil: You know you're very sexy when you're mad at me.

    [leans in to kiss her]

    Prof. Walter Vale: [interrupts] Hello! If you don't mind, I think I will come.

    Tarek Khalil: Cool.

    Prof. Walter Vale: Let me get my coat.

    [Zainab frustrates]

  • Prof. Walter Vale: I've been teaching the same course for 20 years, and it doesn't mean anything to me. None of it does. I pretend. I pretend that I'm busy, that I'm working, that I'm writing. I'm not doing anything.