"There" movie script

Thomas 2021-12-31 08:02:04

"There 'screenplay

(based on Jay Sundays Kexinsiji adaptation of the novel of the same name)

text / Jay-day Kexinsiji, Robert · C · Guillou
/ Translated by Ren Xiaoping

edit foreword
famous American comedy film satire" there "in It was shot and released by the American Rorima Film Company in 1979. It won the Best Supporting Actor Award (M. Douglas) at the 1979 Academy Awards and the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 1980 Golden Universal Film Awards. Comedian Award and Best Supporting Role Award. The film shows the ups and downs of a pure and ignorant illiterate flower worker Johns in that sinful society. The plot twists and turns, exposing and satirizing the so-called democracy of capitalist society extremely sharply, and outlines all kinds of selfish and ugly souls cruising in capitalist society.

Interior view. Johns’ room. Dawn’s
room is simply furnished with a few pieces of valuable furniture from the 1920s. A large color television occupies the most prominent position in the house. There are no books, magazines, newspapers, etc. A man named Johns was lying on the bed. He slowly opened his eyes, his face expressionless. He reached out to the small table by the bed to touch his pocket watch. While he was looking at his watch, the watch bell rang. He got up and walked towards the closet across from the bed, his eyes never leaving the TV screen during this time. Johns put on his bathrobe and left the room.

The interior, flower room, and dawn
room are full of tools used by florists. Johns walked into the room and turned on a black-and-white TV from the 1940s. There is a revolving color film in front of the TV screen. This is the earliest color TV. Johns was watering the flowers while watching TV.

· · Dawn interior garage
stronger Adams Hand holding feather duster and wipes, cleaning with a still good in 1935 produced cars.

· Sri Lanka's strong interior room-dawn
strong Sri Lanka off bathrobe, hung it in the closet, he changed a channel, then went into the bathroom.

The garden is separated by two high walls between a three-story brick mansion and a bungalow behind the building. There is little snow in the world, and snowflakes drift into the garden. The wall door leading to the bungalow was open. Johns peeped out of the door for a while, then turned back into the door. For a moment, he appeared at the door again, this time holding an umbrella in his hand. He dressed neatly and walked towards the brick mansion, looking forward to the garden as he walked.

Interior · Back
Entrance Hall · Morning Johns walked into the building, hung an umbrella on the doorknob, and walked through the hall. Following his route, we can see that all the furniture in the building is covered with white cloth.

Interior·In the mansion—dining room·In the morning,
a large dining table is covered with white cloth, leaving only a small space for two people to eat. There is a TV on the table. Johns walked into the room, sat down, and turned on the TV. After watching TV for a while, he turned around, as if waiting for someone. But no one showed up. So he turned around again to continue watching TV. For a moment, footsteps sounded outside, and Johns smiled. An elderly black maid named Louise hurried into the house. Her expression looked alarmed.
Johns: Good morning, Louise.
Louise: (breathlessly) He is dead, Johns! The old man is dead!
Johns: (turns back to watch TV without reaction)...Oh.
Louise: He must have died in the middle of the night, who knows? Gosh! He wasn't even a bit angry. When I was anxious, I went and touched him. He was as cold as a fish. Do you believe it or not? Johns! They didn't pay me to do this thing... I quickly opened the sheets and covered his head.
Johns: (nods) Oh, got it.
Louise: …and then I ran to call the doctor. I think I woke him up. He didn't rush, he just said, "I got it." He said that he had known this day a long time ago, and said that he would send someone...Oh my God, this morning was really bad luck!
Johns: (Watching TV news; the camera flashes through the first snow of this winter)... Heh! Louise, it's snowing in the garden today. Did you see the snow outside? How white!
Louise was silent for a while, then turned angry.
Louise: Nonsense! Damn you! Do you know to say this? What nonsense is there?
Johns smiled and remained silent.
Louise: The old man lay down there, and you're as though you were all right!
Louise stared at Johns. After staring for a while, she softened again and sat next to Johns.
Louise: (Continue) I said my goodness, Johns, I really don't know what to do with you. I was wrong just now, I shouldn't have treated you so loudly and martially. But what should I do with you...? (Johns doesn't respond, still watching his TV)...Forget it, I'll get you some breakfast to eat...
Johns: (turns to her) By the way, I'm starving.
Louise: (gets up and looks upstairs) Oh, at least there is no need to simmer those plums every morning. I... (she walks out and stops at the door)...what are you going to do, Johns?
Johns: (staring at the TV screen) Going to the garden to do some work.
Louise glanced at Johns again, turned and walked away.
Louise: (While walking) I'll cook some eggs for you.
Johns nodded in agreement, and then changed the channel.

Interior · Inside the mansion-a side staircase exclusively for servants. In the morning
, there is a staircase wall between the side corridor and the main corridor. Johns walked into the side corridor and went upstairs.

Interior · Inside the mansion-the corridor upstairs leading to the lobby. In the morning
, Johns walked out of the entrance of the side corridor and the main corridor, and walked through the lobby.

Interior view·Mansion——Old man’s room·Morning
The furniture in this room is not covered with white cloth-but the old man is covered with white sheets. Someone knocked on the door, and Johns walked into the room. He stood by the bed for a while, pulling away the white sheet covering the old man's face. He touched the old man's forehead, then covered it with a white cloth. Johns walked to the TV and turned on the switch. He sat in an easy chair by the old man's bed and began to watch a 1940s movie. Johns stretched out an arm and put it on the old man's body through the sheet. On the screen is a gentleman, greet a woman by touching the brim of his hat with his hand. Johns was deeply attracted, as if the picture had been engraved in his mind.

snow stopped in the morning . Johns wore a bowler hat, a suit, and a work apron around his waist. He was casually working in the garden. Louise walked out of the main building dressed warmly. When Johns saw her, he learned the manners of the gentleman on TV, touched the brim of his hat with his hand, and greeted her.
Louise: You are really a gentleman this morning! (Pause for a moment) I have to leave this place Wow, Johns...
Johns: (Continue to work) Oh.
Louise: You have to find someone, and find someone to wait for you by your side. (He continues to work) Johns, you have to find a woman... (She said with a smile, caringly) I'm afraid you have to find an older woman. Isn't it unreasonable to find someone young? With such a small thing as you? (She stretches out her hand to pat his shoulder) You, you want to be a child for a lifetime, right? (He laughs, but continues to work)...Goodbye, Johns...
Louise hugs and kisses Johns, then turns away.
Johns: (As she leaves) Goodbye, Louise.
Louise waved to him and entered the mansion. Johns touched the brim of the hat again to greet her until her back disappeared.

Interior·Mansion-Front Porch·In the morning,
Louise walked into the front porch and picked up a pair of suitcases that had been prepared there. She stopped suddenly because she saw two men walking down the main corridor carrying a stretcher. The third man following is here to undertake the funeral.
Louise: ...he was a big man when he was alive, and his bones were drained these days when he was sick... (stunned-then she talked to the old man's corpse) ... old man, I miss me Go somewhere else to find a bowl of rice to eat. I can't stay here anymore...The
stretcher came to the gate, and Louise stepped forward to stop them.
Louise: Wait a minute, I have to go out through this door first.
Louise looked at the body again, then opened the door and walked out.

· Interior mansion's dining room during the day-
strong Sri Lanka went into the house and sat on his seat. He turned on the TV and watched it, then turned to look for Louise. Without seeing Louise showing up, he went on to watch his TV again. He changed the channel, and there was an exciting game show on the screen. When the show was lively, he changed another channel. This time is a news program of the President of the United States receiving foreign guests at the White House. At the end of the news program, there were several close-ups of the president shaking hands with foreign guests. Johns learned to hold his hands together, and the picture on the TV screen seemed to be deeply etched in his mind.

Interior · Mansion-Front Entrance Hall ·
Someone takes the key to open the door during the day . The door opened, and Thomas Franklin and Sally Hays walked in. Franklin is a lawyer, thirty-seven or eight years old, with a large briefcase in his hand. Hess is a little younger, looks very pretty, and is also a lawyer. She is carrying a briefcase and looks like a modern woman.
Franklin: (They walked in) In the 1930s, he and my father used to ride horses and hunt together. At that time I was not born yet...
Hass: (Looking around) Can you Show me this place?
Franklin: Of course... (he smiles)... The safe is in Mr. Janis's bedroom. Let's go there and take a look.
Franklin put a hand on Hess's shoulder, and they both walked up the stairs together. Suddenly, they stopped, and they heard the sound of a TV show.

Interior view·Mansion’s dining room·Daytime
When Franklin and Hays appeared at the door, Johns was watching TV. When these two people saw Johns, they felt very strange.
Franklin: Huh? ...Hello...we mean to hear something...(walks to Johns, reaches out to him)...My name is Thomas Franklin.
Johns sat still, but enthusiastically held Franklin's hand with both hands, just like the president holding a foreign guest's hand on TV.
Johns: Hello, Thomas... My name is Johns, Florist.
Franklin: (surprised)...Florist? (Thinking he was joking, so he laughed)...Oh! Of course! Mr. Johns. This is Ms. Hays.
Hess stepped forward and shook hands with Johns.
Hess: Mr. Johns, I am very happy to meet you.
Johns: (He doesn't stand up, just shakes hands with Heis again.) Oh.
Johns turned to watch TV. Hess and Franklin exchanged glances. There was an uneasy silence.
Franklin: ...we work under Franklin, Giannis and Robert-a real estate law firm.
Johns: (smiling, very calm and natural) Oh, Thomas—I know.
Franklin: ...Are you waiting for someone? Or waiting for an appointment?
Johns: I'm waiting for my lunch.
Franklin: Your lunch? Do you have a lunch meeting here?
Johns: Louise will deliver the meal.
Franklin: Louise? ...Maid? (He glances at Hess) But she should be leaving here this morning...
Johns: (smiling to Hess) Oh.
Franklin: (surprised) Stop joking, Mr. Johns. Allow me to ask: What are you doing here?
Johns: I live here.
Franklin stared at Johns in a daze. Hess next to her opened her briefcase at this moment.

Johns had a conversation with Franklin, while Hays quickly checked a pile of documents on the side.
Johns: The old man used to come to my garden to read and rest.
Franklin: Where is it possible? The deceased... (suddenly realized something, changed his words) Mr. Janis has been paralyzed in bed for at least 35 years since he broke his spine.
Johns: Yes, Thomas. From then on, he stopped coming to the garden. (Pointing to a spot in the garden) I planted a lot of tulips there. I like to watch them grow.
Hess: (lifting her head) There is no mention of a florist in the document. In fact, according to the schedule, from 1933 to the present, only one bricklayer named Giyo Sarasini was hired to repair the fence. Stayed here for two and a half days in 1952.
Johns: Yes, I still remember Jiyou. He was fat and had short hair. He also showed me a strange little picture book.
Hess: ...painting?
Johns: Yes, some paintings about men and women.
Hess: Oh.
Franklin: Mr. Johns, how long have you lived here?
Johns: I have lived here since I could remember. I was a kid at the time. I have been working in the garden ever since.
Hess: So, you really are a flower worker?
Johns: Yes, (pointing to a place) My roses...
Franklin: Mr. Johns, you have to give us something to prove that you live here.
Johns: I wow! I am here, what proof do I need? (He walks towards the back of the building, pointing to the front and saying) It's where Jiyou repaired the wall.
Franklin: (following Johns) Mr. Johns, are you related to the deceased?
Johns: No, it doesn't matter. (Turning around and looking at the garden) When spring is here, you can see my flowers.
Johns walked into the garage. Franklin and Hess followed in confusion.

Interior view·Car house·Afternoon
Johns entered the house. Franklin and Hess followed, closing the door inward.
Franklin: (observing the car) This car is really good. Did you drive it? Mr. Johns.
Johns: I've never been in a car before?
Hess: Have you never been in a car?
Johns: No. Never let me out of the door of this building.

Interior view. Johns’ room. Afternoon
, Johns turns on the TV. Franklin and Hess began to check his room.
Johns: I used to listen to the radio. Then the old man started to buy me a TV set, this one has a remote control...I like to watch it. (Walking towards the bed) Look, this is my bed. (Going to the closet again)...This is my closet. (Go to bathroom again) This is my bathroom.
Hess: (walks to the closet) Mr. Johns, you have so many clothes!
Johns: Yes! I can go to the top floor to get the old man's old clothes to wear. His clothes are just right for me.
Hess: The styles that were decades ago have become fashionable again today, don't you think it's strange.
Franklin: Do you have any documents with your residential address for us to see? Driver's license, checkbook, anything is fine. As long as you can prove that you have been hired here.
Johns: I don't have any of these things.
Hess: Uh, do you have a birth certificate?
Johns: No.
Franklin: So what are you going to do now? Mr. Johns.
Johns: I plan to work in my garden.
Hays: How much does Mr. Janis pay you?
Johns: Give me money? Why use it? He doesn't pay me anything. I never need money.
Franklin: Mr. Johns, I want to know what you intend to make of the real estate of the deceased.
Johns: (unintelligible) I'm fine, Thomas. The garden is a good one, there are no requirements to mention.
Franklin: Oh, then, did you sign just what you just said?
Johns: No, Thomas, I will not sign.
Franklin: Come on, sign, Mr. Johns.
Johns: (smiling) Thomas, I have nothing to ask for.
Franklin: But you don't sign, do you?
Johns: Yes, right. Thank you.
Franklin: Good, Mr. Johns. But let me repeat it again: this house is now officially closed, and you must move out—well—before noon tomorrow. (He pulls out a business card of his own and hands it to Johns) If you figure out the signing, give me a call. (Turning to Hess) Let's go, Sally-it's time for us to get some...
Hess: (stops at the door) Uh, medical records can be wow! Can you tell us the name of the doctor or dentist who treated you?
Johns: I never need to see a doctor or any dentist. I never get sick.
Hess: (smiling at Johns) Oh... then, goodbye, Mr. Johns.
Johns: (also smiling at her) Goodbye, Sally.
Johns watched them leave the room. He put Franklin's business card on the table, and without even looking at it, he turned around and watched the TV again intently.

Interior view·Mansion——Top floor·In the afternoon, the
top floor is quite large, and it is full of old man’s old objects. Johns walked in and turned on an old black-and-white TV with a magnifying glass in front of the screen. Johns picked one out of a pile of good quality suitcases, and then removed a hand-made suit from a long hanger.

Interior view. Johns' room. The
TV is on in the afternoon . Johns is handling his luggage. He wanted to put the umbrella in the suitcase, but the umbrella was too long.

Johns, dressed in a neat style, with a suitcase and umbrella in his hand, stood in the middle of the garden, looking around.

Interior · Mansion-Front Entrance Hall · Afternoon
Johns was very reluctant to open the front door. He hesitated a few times, and finally gathered the courage, pushed the door open, walked out, and closed the door behind him.

Location·Washington, D.C.-In front of the mansion. In the afternoon
, Johns stopped on the stone steps. The area in front of the mansion was in disrepair for a long time, and the yard was full of rubbish. He wanted to turn around and return to the door, back to safety, but the door had been locked. Johns stood on the stone steps for a while, wondering which way to go. After a while, he made a decision. He walked on the sidewalk and walked along the street, which was a dilapidated slum. The glass on the windows here is broken into pieces, and some windows are nailed up with wooden boards. The walls were smeared with black and white things. There were a few black people huddled on some tattered sofas by the roadside, warming up around the campfire. Johns politely nodded to the group as they passed by; but these people stared at him, without any friendly expressions on their faces.

Location·Washington, DC-Poor Street·Afternoon
Johns walks on the sidewalk of Poor Street. He noticed movement on the other side of the street, so he crossed the street and walked towards a group of a dozen or so hooligan youths.

Location·Washington, D.C.-Poor Street·Afternoon
Johns approached the group.
Johns: (friendly)...Sorry, do you know where to find a job as a florist?
The gang turned their eyes to him at once. After a while of silence, a young man named Luo Luo replied.
Luo Luo: Hey, you! What are you planting?
Johns: There are so many things to do in winter. I will prepare a nursery for the spring, and I have to prepare the
ground ... The leader of this group is Abaz, and he stepped forward and interrupted Johns.
Abaz: fart! Who sent you here, bastard? Did the fucking Rafael send you here, eh?
Johns: No, it was Thomas Franklin who told me that I had to move out of the old man's mansion. He is dead, you know...
Abaz: Dead? Hold! Listen, Bai Laoer-go tell Rafael, no matter who the fuck you will send from Western Union, I won't be fooled. Tell him boy, what the hell is he coming here to find me in person. (Approaching Johns) I heard mom? Bastard!
Abaz said more and more fiercely. Johns reached into his pocket and took out the TV remote control and pressed it at Abaz three times. When he wanted to change the picture, Abaz immediately took out a sharp knife and pointed it at Johns.
Abaz: Get out, white guy! Beware I kill you!
The remote control didn't work, and Johns was very disappointed. He put it back in his pocket.
Johns: Okay, okay, I get it. If I see Rafael, I must tell him. (When he leaves) Goodbye.
Abaz, Rollo and their friends watched Johns walk away. There was a burst of laughter among them: "Who the hell is dead?" "What does this kid mean by pointing the remote control at us?" "The old man is dead, it's Jiyou's father who is dead!" "This kid is really him? Damn it's a silly white guy!"

Location · A yellow area in Washington ·
A street in the afternoon . The street is lined with pornographic bookstores, pornographic movie theaters and strip clubs and other low-level places. An older black woman came to face her, carrying a bag of freshly bought vegetables and food in her hand. Johns walked up to her.
Johns: I'm starving, can you bring me lunch?
The woman looked at Johns and looked terrified. She turned and jogged and fled into a bar. Johns watched her run away blankly. He continued to move forward.

Location·A park in Washington—In the afternoon
, Johns stood outside the iron fence and looked in. He was watching a group of teenage boys playing basketball. He thumped the fence with his hand to greet them.
Johns: I have watched the balls you play. I have watched Evelyn Hayes play many times. People call him "Da Yi".
The children ignored him, and Johns had to walk away.

Location·Washington Street-Near the dusk
, Johns looked at a loss, not knowing which way to go. He looked left, looked right, and then looked back. At this moment he saw a huge statue of Benito Jerez in the middle of the street. He smiled and walked in the direction pointed by the statue's hand.

Location·The back door of the White House-At dusk
, Johns walked through White House Street. He walked while observing a tree growing in a pot. He walked to a policeman standing nearby.
Johns: I'm sorry... (pointing to the tree)... The tree is very sick, so I have to find a way.
The policeman looked at the tree and turned to Johns. He guessed that this well-dressed man must be an important person.
Police: Yes, sir. I will report immediately.
Johns: That's right, that's right, goodbye.
Police: Goodbye.
The policeman took out his intercom. Johns left.

Exterior · Commercial District-At night
this is a fashionable area: luxurious shops, neat streets and sidewalks, Johns stands in front of the window of a TV shop watching. More than a dozen TV sets on display in the window are all showing programs of different channels, and there is a video recorder facing the sidewalk in front of the store. People passing by can see his own image on the TV in the window. Johns actually saw himself on the TV and found it very fresh. He posed for the TV, then backed a few steps, and retreated to the side of the street. His image disappeared from TV. He frowned. Johns was standing between two cars parked on the street. He took out the remote control from his pocket and pressed it against the shop window a few times, and immediately four or five TV sets switched channels automatically. However, he himself never reappeared on the largest screen. At this time, the American luxury car on his left was falling backwards. Suddenly, the car slammed into Johns, squeezing him tightly against the car on the right. Johns screamed, the suitcase, umbrella, and remote control all fell to the ground, and one hand threw a hand on the trunk behind the car. Driver David and attendant Jeffrey immediately jumped out of the car and ran towards Johns behind the car.
David: I'm so sorry, sir... I...
David and Jeffery reached out and hugged him, but Johns was held tightly between two cars.
Johns: (painfully) I can’t move...My legs...
David: (runs back to the car in a hurry)...My God...
Jeffry: It’s terrible, sir—don’t hurt you. That's amazing...
Johns: Oh, no. I'm not badly hurt, but my leg hurts a lot.
David drove the car forward a bit, and then Johns loosened it.
When Jeffrey helped Johns back to the sidewalk, several passersby had already surrounded him.
Jeffery: Can you go? Are you okay? Um?
Johns: (leaning on the car, lifting one leg) I hope it doesn't break.
David: (Back to them) Should I call an ambulance?
An onlooker interjected.
Onlooker: You should call the police.
Johns: (lifts his head, smiles) No, no need to call the police. It's just something on the leg.
At this time, the back door of the car opened and Eve Rand got out of the car. Mrs. Rand was about thirty-four or five years old, and she was a lady. There was a look on her face that was dissatisfied with the inconvenience caused by all this.
Jeffery: Can I see your legs?
Johns: OK, OK. I also want to see what's wrong with it.
Johns bent down and lifted his trouser legs. His calf was bruised and swollen. Eve had already approached at this moment, looking at Johns' scars.
Eve: (to Johns)...Can we do something to you? Your leg needs to be checked, and we can take you to the hospital.
Johns: (smiling to Eve) No need to go to the hospital.
Eve: Why? It is absolutely necessary to go there. You must have a doctor check it. I insist on doing this, please let us take you there.
Eve turned and walked towards the car. David followed closely and opened the door of the car.
David: Mrs. Rand, I'm so sorry, I haven't seen this person at all.
Eve: No one can blame this, David.
David: Thank you, madam.
Jeff initially held the opened car door, but Johns hesitated, not knowing whether to get in the car, and said: I have never been in a car before.
Jeffery: (surprised) I assure you, sir, David is a very careful driver.
Johns: (looks at the car, then makes a decision) Okay, it's up to you.
Jeffery: (Johns gets in the car) Very good.
Jeffery closed the car door, then returned to the scene of the accident to get Johns' suitcase and umbrella. But he didn't notice Johns' remote control. When Jeffrey put Johns' things in the trunk of the car, we saw that the car had a private license plate marked: "Rand One".

Interior view · Car driving through the city · Inside the car · At
night Johns and Eve are sitting in the back row. They began to talk. It was obvious for Johns to ride in the car for the first time.
Eve: Are you still comfortable?
Johns: Yes, it's comfortable.
Eve: It's really troublesome to encounter these things-a small accident can make people fuss. (Looking at Johns) What insurance, police, news... all... uh, do your legs feel better now?
Johns: No, it's still the same.
Eve: Oh.
Johns looked out the window, and the cars kept flowing.
Johns: It's like watching TV, but you have to watch farther.
Eve: (not heard) If you are willing to come to my house, we can take care of you there.
Johns: Go to your house?
Yves: Yes. My husband is very sick. His doctors and nurses live in my house. It's too cold in the hospital-did you know? It may take several hours to check there.
Johns: I agree.
Eve: That's great, so you can save a lot of unnecessary trouble. And it's much more comfortable for you at home... (leaning forward) David, let's go home, Jeffery, call them and let them know.
Jeffery: Yes, ma'am.
Jeffery pulled up the glass between the two rows of seats and began to dial on the phone in the car.
There was a moment of silence. Eve looked slightly uncomfortable. She pressed the button, and a small table with ampoules and glasses slid out.
Eve: Would you like something to drink?
Johns: Okay, thank you, I'm out of thirst.
Eve picked up a crystal glass engraved with the RAND monogram and poured a little French brandy into it. Johns noticed the TV in the car at this moment.
Johns: I want to watch TV.
Eve: (somewhat strange): Oh? Of course...
She handed the brandy to Johns and turned on the TV.
Eve: May I ask your honorable name?
Johns took a sip of brandy. He was not used to drinking strong alcohol and coughed.
Johns: (light cough) My name is Johns.
Eve: Sorry, should I call'Mr. Jos'?
Johns: No, I'm a flower worker.
Eve: Oh...Mr. Huagon...Mr. Joshuagon, are you related to the Balsh Huagon couple?
Johns: No... I'm not close to them.
Eve: Oh. They are really a pretty good couple. We have been friends for many years. I often go to see them on their island.
Johns suddenly reached out to touch his pocket, as if looking for something.
Eve: Did you lose something?
Johns: Yes, I lost my remote.
Eve: Oh... well, that's really unfortunate.
After a while, Johns reached out and changed the channel.

Location · On the highway in the suburban forest area · The night
car approached, turned, and drove to the gate of the Lander Manor. Two guards guarding the gate stood by the gate. They saluted the car, and the car drove in.

Interior · Inside the car ·
Eve is talking at night . All of Johns' attention was focused on the TV in the car. He changed another channel. A news program appeared on the screen.
Eve: Do you want to watch any special programs?
Johns: I like to watch it. This show is not bad.
Eve: I know it’s really important to stay informed, but I find that there are too many things on TV. Sometimes the more I watch it, the more confused...
Johns nodded and changed another channel. A cartoon of the omnipotent mouse appeared on the screen. Eve thought it was a small joke made by Johns to her, so he smiled confidently.

Location·Rand Manor·
At least three people in uniforms were waiting in front of the Rand Building at night . Two personal servants-Wilson and Perkins, and a goalkeeper named Lewis. The car drove in and stopped. Together with Jeffrey, the three men helped Johns get out of the car and then put him in a wheelchair. There was a rush.

Interior view·Rand Building·Night
Wilson pushes Johns in a wheelchair. The group entered the gate, and a woman in uniform named Greta took Yive's coat from the side.
Ive: (to Wilson) You take Mr. Hua Gong to the guest room on the third floor.
Eve: (to Johns) I will see you again after Dr. Allenby has seen your leg.
Johns: Good. I think he should come and see my legs.
Eve left, and when Wilson pushed Johns up the elevator, the several places they passed had partially revealed that this was a very large and luxurious place.

Interior · Inside the elevator · The
elevator door was closed at night , and Johns looked at Wilson.
Johns:...I've never been in this kind of...
Wilson thought Johns was talking about his wheelchair.
Dorson: This is Mr. Rand's. Since his illness...
Johns: (looks around the elevator) Is there a TV in it?
Wilson: (laughs) No—but Mr. Land has a wheelchair equipped with an electric motor, so he can operate it by himself...
Johns: Oh.
Johns continued to look inside the elevator.
Johns: How long are we going to stay here?
Wilson: How long? I have no idea. It depends on what the doctor says... The
elevator stopped on the third floor.

Interior view·Land Manor's Palm Garden·Night
Eve is talking to Robert Allenby, Allenby is nearly 60 years old. For many years, he has been Benjamin Rand's personal doctor.
Eve: Thank God, I did a smart thing. Robchi, I don't want to take that risk, so that everyone knows it. Especially now that Benjamin is so sick.
Allenby: Isn't it? You are so smart, Eve. However, I hope this person is not the kind of extortionist who makes a fuss, and is squeezed with this little injury.
Eve: You have to go with the wind when you have to. But I don't want it to be like this-you go and see what's going on. Now I have to change clothes.
Allenby: (Eve walks away) Ben (Jermin) keeps asking about you.
Eve: (turning to answer) I'm going to see him now.

Interior view · In the guest room ·
A huge bedroom at night . The interior is decorated with old-fashioned furniture from the 18th century. Allenby put a cotton ball soaked in alcohol on the top of Johns' buttocks, and was about to inject. Johns stood aside, his pants falling to the ground. He saw a TV in the room. The TV is off.
Allenby: This will relieve the swelling and pain, Mr. Hua Gong.
Johns: I understand. I have seen others do this before.
Allenby: Now, you will feel a little bit, but it doesn't hurt at all.
Allenby injected Johns. Johns showed pain on his face.
Johns: You are wrong. It hurts terribly.
Allenby: (chuckles) It only hurts for a while...
Allenby put a piece of gauze on Johns' hip. Johns noticed that there was a TV remote on the cot beside the bed. He reached out and picked it up.
Allenby: It doesn't matter, it doesn't seem to hurt the bones.
Johns: Yes, I think so too.
Allenby: There may be a little bleeding, but it's okay now. However, if the treatment is not stepped up, it will cause some minor troubles.
Johns: (Turn on the TV) Oh.
Allenby: (watching TV, watching Johns again) Put on your pants.
Johns: Oh? Good, good.
Allenby: Just to be prudent, Mr. Hua Gong, I suggest going downstairs to get an X-ray of your leg.
Johns did not respond. Allen looked at Johns longer than ever.
Allenby: By the way, Mr. Hua Gong, I want to ask a few questions straightforwardly.
Johns: (don’t understand) Straightforward?
Allenby: Yes. Are you going to make any request to the Landers about this matter?
Johns: (stunned) Make a request? …Oh, ask, yes, Thomas asked me the same.
Allenby: Thomas? Who is Thomas?
Johns: Thomas Franklin, a lawyer.
Allenby: A lawyer?
Johns: (Turning to TV) That's right.
Allenby: (Suddenly becomes cold) So, you want to deal with this matter through your lawyer?
Johns: There is no need to ask for anything. The soil and fertilizer in the garden are strong.
Allenby: (Glances at Johns) Oh, I understand... (laughs) I'm relieved now, I must admit...
Johns: (Change channel, sitting on the edge of the bed) Thank you.
Allenby: Very good, Mr. Hua Gong. Be careful with your leg and don't use force. In fact, if possible, you can stay here for a day or two. I can assure you that you will receive the best care.
Johns: OK, I can stay here. Does this house have a garden?
Allenby: ...what? Yes, there are many gardens.
Allenby picked up his bag and walked towards the door.
Allenby: I asked Wilson to come up and take you to take an X-ray, Mr. Hua Gong, there is a phone on the desk, please use it as you please. If you feel uncomfortable, please feel free to tell me.
Johns: Okay, definitely.
Allenby glanced at him and left. Johns was watching TV and was acting in an old movie. A man was smoking a cigar and was smoking a cloud. It was very enjoyable. This scene seemed to be deeply imprinted in Johns' mind.

Interior view·Eve’s bedroom and living room·Night
Allenby walked in. Large windows on both sides of the bedroom are open. Eve stood at the window. She has changed her outfit, and her hair style is not the same as before.
Allenby: Oh my god! Eve, you will freeze like this.
Eve: I want to breathe some fresh air, how is Mr. Hua Gong?
Allenby: There was a big bruise, but nothing...
Eve: (Interrupting him) I'm not asking this, Robert.
Allenby: (Surprised)...Oh, yes, he seems to be very accommodating, I don't think he will cause any trouble.
Eve: Thank God!
Allenby: I think it's better to keep an eye on him-I suggest letting him stay here for a few days.
Eve: Live here? is it necessary?
Allenby: It's not very necessary, but it's good. Don't worry, Eve, maybe he can bring you some fresh air.
Eve: (strangely)...Yes. He is different from others... He is very concentrated and introverted, don't you think?
Allenby: Maybe... Actually, I found him to be a very humorous person.
Eve: Well, maybe it's not bad to stay for a day or two.
Eve was silent for a while, staring at the dark night sky outside the window.
Eve: I think I should go see Ben (Jermin) now. (Turns around) See you at the table.
Eve left the room.

Interior view. Rand’s recuperation bedroom. At night,
Eve walked into the room through the thick glass door. Benjamin Rand was wearing a silk nightgown and lying on an extra-large bed of joy. Seeing Eve coming in, he immediately became active. Benjamin is more than sixty years old, and he appears to be haggard due to a long illness. However, the appearance of illness cannot conceal his inner strength and dignity.
Rand: (sickly)...Eve...
Eve kissed him and held his hand.
Eve: (seriously) Heh! Ben-I really missed you when I went out... Are you okay?
Rand: Very tired...this tiredness is really boring. If it weren't for this, I would feel pretty good.
Nove: Then I'm so happy... no headache, right?
Rand: No, today was pretty good, better than you. They told me about you.
Eve: Have you heard?
Rand: Although I am stuck here, I still have good ears and eyes. Today's accident frightened you.
Eve: It's not so unlucky, my dear. We are very lucky, that Mr. Hua Gong is a very reasonable person.
Rand: Reasonable? Hurrah! I was just about to meet a reasonable person, and invite this Mr. Hua Gong to have dinner with us. What do you think?
Eve: Have dinner together? Is your body OK?
Rand: (laughs) Hi! Tell the truth, Eve. If I have to wait a little longer, will I still see this person in my life? (Eve is silent) Constance!
Constance, dressed in a nurse's uniform, appeared at the side door of the bedroom.
Rand: Constance! Give me some fresh blood tonight, and I want to get up for dinner.
Constance: But, Mr.
Rand ... Rand: Stop talking. Tell Robert I want to lose some fresh blood! (Turning to Eve) Go and invite him to dinner.
Rand took Eve's hand closer and kissed it.
Eve: (The surprise has passed)... I ran into Congressman Jason at lunch today, and he ignored me. Things like this have happened recently-since you got sick.
Rand: Asshole: What reason does he have for doing this? I Mingyao called to ask him.
Eve: Thank you, dear.

Interior Rand Building-Downstairs Entrance Hall·The night
elevator door opened, Wilson pushed Johns out in a wheelchair.
Johns: (Wilson is pushing him out of the elevator)...That room is really small.
Wilson: (laughs) Yes. It's not fake at all, sir-it's the smallest room in this building.
Johns: (Four lives looks around) Yes, it looks like this.
Wilson took Johns' answer as another joke. He giggled and pushed Johns toward Rand's medical room.

INTERIOR Rand’s medical room. The night
medical room is a glass room next to the Rand’s bedroom. The room is equipped with the most modern hospital rescue equipment. The doctor is giving Rand a blood transfusion. Constance stood by with another nurse named Teresa. When Doersson pushed Johns into the room, Rand looked up.
Rand: Mr. Hua Gong, welcome to Rand Memorial Hospital.
Johns: (Looking around the medical room)...Oh.
Wilson pushed Johns to the X-ray machine, and a black technician named Billings helped Johns onto the fluoroscopy platform.
Johns: (Take a deep breath) I feel very comfortable here.
Rand: that's when I get sick when oxygen as people with a glass lid of this medical room so that you can put some oxygen in the house, I breathe the spirit of it better...
at this time strong Si is already lying down. Billings adjusts the machine and prepares for fluoroscopy.
Johns: You must be very sick, right?
Rand: Aplastic anemia, Mr. Hua Gong, it is aplastic anemia. The bones can no longer make red blood cells. ...There is no way. Oh, but they can make me feel comfortable and prolong my life by relying on steroid therapy and blood transfusion... But, Mr. Hua Gong, unfortunately, my illness is generally a young man's disease. You see, I’m about to die of a young man’s disease at my age...
Johns: (smiling at Rand) I’ve never seen this disease on TV.
Billings: Mr. Wagon , Please don’t move.
Constance: Mr. Rand, please don’t move. You have to keep quiet.
Rand: (with your head leaning back)...Mr. Hua Gong, you promised to have dinner with us, okay ?
strong Adams: well, I'm very hungry.
Rand: I'm hungry too, friend, I'm hungry too.
strong Adams stared at Billings, realized that he was a black man.
Johns: Do you know Rafael?
Billings: No, sir, I don't know him.
Johns: Someone asked me to bring him a word.
Billings: Oh, sir.
Johns: A black man asked me to bring him a word.
Billings: Yes, but I don't know this person, Mr. Hua Gong. Please don't move.

Interior view. Rand’s dining room and night
dining room are extremely large, with a ceiling of seventy-five feet long. There are several huge fireplaces in the hall. Allenby, Eve, Rand and Johns (Rand and Johns in a wheelchair) were seated around the dining table. Seymand (male attendant) and Marina (female attendant) walked in with trays full of food. Eve turned to Johns.
Eve: Mr. Hua Gong, your leg injury will not affect your career, right?
Johns: No, it won't.
Eve: …are you willing to let us inform the people in your family?
Johns: No need. The old man is dead, and Louise is gone.
Eve: Oh! Sorry, I shouldn't take the liberty to mention these things. Hmm... If you need to use the equipment here, please use it as you please.
Rand: Do you need a secretary?
Johns: No, thank you. My house has been closed.
Rand: Oh, you mean your business has closed?
Johns: Yes. The lawyer has closed it and locked it.
Rand: Look, what am I talking about? I fully understand what you mean. Now, businessmen are under the control of the nasty Mao lawyers hired by the secret police, who specialize in "controlling" our natural growth.
Allenby: Unfortunately, no one can escape this kind of thing now. If this continues, I am afraid that even the medical practice will be banned by them in accordance with the law.
Johns: Yes, it's banned.
Rand: It's so fucking-it all happened so fast. (Sighs) What are you going to do now? Mr. Hua Gong, allow me to call you Jos?
Johns: Well, it's good to be called Jos.
Rand: Then you call me "ben".
Allenby: (Laughs at Johns) My name is Robert.
Eve: (also smiling)...Eve.
Rand: How is it? Jos, what do you plan to do next?
Johns: I would love to work in your garden.
Eve: (laughs) Oh, I know what you mean, and sometimes I like to make soil in the garden. Really, it's easy to forget those unpleasant things like this.
Rand: I've never touched that stuff... Uh, Eve, will you take Jos to visit our garden tomorrow? (To Johns) My garden is very nice!
Eve: But then I have to wait for me to come back from Boston...Unfortunately, I have to go to another charity event tomorrow morning.
Johns: I am a very good flower worker.
Rand: Yes! Isn't a businessman just like a flower worker? A person uses his hard-working hands to open up a beautiful field, watering blossoming flowers with his sweat, in this way to benefit his family and society. Yeah! Jos, a successful businessman is like a florist in his own garden!
Johns: Ben, I fully understand what you mean. My garden is really a good place. However, it will never come back again... (Looking at the ceiling) Now only the room above is left for me.
Rand: Oh, wait, Jos-you have the green hills... For God's sake, don't be discouraged, you have to fight them! You can't let those dog days succeed in this way, and I don't want to hear you say "the upper room" again. That is not where you are going, but where I will be soon.
Long silence. Johns raised his head, looked up to the ceiling, and then smiled at Rand.
Johns: It's a very comfortable room, Ben. (Refers to his own house upstairs)
Rand: (laughs) Yes, I think this house is also very good. At least others praised that. (Wrongly referring to the dining room) There
was another silence. The attendants were walking in the dining room endlessly. At this time Allenby was studying Johns carefully.

Interior view. Rand's billiard room.
Allenby is playing billiards at night . Rand drew a cigar box from a cigar box that could maintain a certain temperature and handed it to Johns.
Rand: Smoke this, Jos, Cuban cigar.
Johns, thank you, Ben.
Johns looked at the cigar in his hand and didn't notice that Rand had cut off the protective part of his own cigarette tail first.
Rand: Robert is in charge of everything, just can't control my smoking. The cigar is really delicious when you smoke it.
Rand handed the cigar scissors to Johns. Johns held the scissors, trying to figure out how to use it. At this moment, he was suddenly attracted by the flames from a beautiful lighter. Johns stared intently at Rand and lit his cigar with a lighter.
Rand: ...Jos, you know, thousands of American industrialists, large and small, have experienced the same experience as you. I have been very concerned about this situation for a long time. (The lighter and gave it strong Sri Lanka.] ...... I am willing to lend a helping hand to these decent "flower workers" were. These people have long been harassed inflation, heavy taxes and trade union struggles and other obscene acts.
Strong First wondered how to use the lighter, and then wanted to use the lighter to light the uncut cigar in his hand. At this time, Allenby was watching Johns carefully.
Rand: (Continue) Anyway , We have to fight against the forces that undermine our basic freedoms and the well-being of our middle class. In this struggle, these industrialists are our most solid force. Therefore, I have been thinking about building an aid foundation. Look, Jos, would you like to consider this plan?
Johns: (blowing, trying to light the cigar) No, Ben
Rand: (smiling) I don’t want to say it, don’t you, Jos? Understand, it takes a while for a person to lose everything, become sulky, and cannot calm down. Well, think about it, think about it, I believe you will have something to say in a few days.
Strong Si put the unlit cigar into the ashtray and smiled at Allenby, who was full of doubts.

Interior view·Manor building elevator·Night
Johns was sitting in a wheelchair, observing the elevator. Wilson stood behind him.
Suddenly, Wilson laughed out loud.
Wilson: …Excuse me, sir, I thought you were going to say something joking about the elevator again. sorry sir.
The elevator door stopped and opened.

Interior view · Three-story front porch in the manor building · Night
Wilson pushes Johns out of the elevator.
Wilson: (Laughs again) Yes, sir-elevator.
When Eve walked towards them, Wilson stopped laughing.
Eve: Jos, I'm here to tell you that your leg hurts. I am very sad, but you promised to stay with us, which made me very happy.
Johns: Thank you, Yves. I like this house very much.
Eve: Ben is so happy to meet you. You refreshed him. It's just... hi! It's great that you can stay here...
Johns: I'm very sick, Eve, I've seen this in the past.
Eve: Yes, I understand, Jos.
Johns: I like Ben very much... He reminds me of the old man...
Eve: Really?
Johns: Yes. Will you close this house after he dies?
Eve did not expect that Johns would mention this issue.
Eve:...oh...no, I don't think so.
Johns: That's great.
Johns smiled at Eve, and after a moment of silence, Eve left.
Eve: Good night, Jos.
Johns: Good night, Eve.
Wilson pushed Johns toward the guest room.

Exterior view. In front of the building of Lander Manor. In the morning
, Johns walked out of the building lamely and began to admire the beautiful Lander Manor for the first time. Attendant Lewis hurried towards Johns.
Lewis: Sir, do you want a car?
Johns: Okay, here's one.
Lewis: Yes, sir.
Lewis returned to his post and picked up the phone. While Johns was watching around, Allenby and Wilson (pushing Johns's wheelchair) walked out of the building.
Allenby: Jos, so you are here! How did you start with that leg?
Johns: I feel good today, Robert.
Allenby: It's not fair, Jos. It's up to me to decide. Please go back to your wheelchair now.
Wilson pushed the wheelchair to Johns, and Johns sat in.
Allenby: (checking Johns’s leg) Seriously, I swear, Jos, you and Benjamin really kept me busy... (checking Johns’s calf)...Uh, quick Now, the swelling has disappeared a lot...
A high-end sedan drove to the front of the building and stopped, waiting for Johns.
Allenby: (Continue to check)... Benjamin has been chasing me, asking me to agree to let him speak at his annual meeting of the Treasury House today. But this is obviously impossible. He won't be able to take it...How are you feeling here, Jos, is it still painful?
Johns: It hardly hurts, Robert.
Attendant Lewis interjected.
Lewis: Your car, sir.
Johns: Oh, thank you.
Allenby: Are you going out?
Johns: No, Robert.
Allenby: (surprised)...oh...but the president offered to attend the annual meeting for Benjamin. This is a good gesture. I think the president is coming.
Johns: Yes, Robert, I know about the president.
Allenby: (Slightly surprised)...Oh? Have you heard about it?
Johns: Yes, Ben called me and asked me to meet the president.
Allenby: Really?
Johns: Yes, Ben told me to go to his room at ten o'clock.
Allenby: Hi, great, Jos.
Johns: How can I know it's ten o'clock?
Allenby was silent for a while before reacting. He looked at his watch.
Allenby: It's five minutes away. You'd better go back to the building now.
Johns: Thank you, Robert.
Wilson pushed Johns in.
Johns: I want to walk by myself today.
Allenby: Damn it! (Immediately healed his breath) Want to go by yourself? Don’t you want to see the president?
Johns: (Getting up from the wheelchair) Yes, I like to watch him on TV.
Allenby looked at Johns suspiciously, and Dorson opened the front door.

Interior view. Rand's room. Morning
Rand is sitting in an easy chair, dressed neatly. He is waiting for the arrival of the president. Two nurses stood on either side of him.
Wilson led Johns into the house. Rand smiled.
Rand: Jos, went for a walk in the morning, didn't you?
Johns: Yes, Ben. I like walking.
Rand: That's great! Good news! friend.
Johns: Ben, you look great today.
Rand: Hi, it's all makeup, Jos... I asked nurse Teresa to put something on my face. I don't want the president to think that I might die while talking to him.
Johns: I understand.
Rand: No one likes a dying person! my friend. Because they don't know what death is all about, they only know how terrible death is. But Jos, you are completely different from these people. This is what you admire. You have a calm personality, unlike those people who are sometimes full of fear and sometimes full of hope. You don't have that kind of vacillation. You really deserve to be calm as water!
Johns: Thank you, Ben. (Looking up to Rand's face to observe carefully) Nurse Teresa does a good job of makeup for you, Ben.
The nurse turned and looked at Johns.

Interior view·Land Manor’s third floor entrance hall·In the morning,
Allenby walked out of the elevator. He stopped, meditated for a while, and then walked along the hallway towards Johns’ room.

Interior view. In front of the Lander Manor Building. In the morning,
Perkins led eight attendants to stand neatly on the stairs at the gate. Two black bridge cars drove over and stopped at the gate. Eight men in gray suits got off the car, one of them was Waltz. Waltz walked straight towards Perkins.
Waltz: Wow, Mr. Perkins.
Perkins: Morning, Mr. Waltz, it's nice to see you again.
Waltz: Thank you. How are you doing?
Perkins: Very good, thank you. (Hands a piece of paper to the Waltz) Today we also invited a guest, Mr. Joss Wagon.
Waltz: (look at the list) I see. (Turns around and says to others) Okay, let's get to work.
Eight attendants followed the eight men into the building.

Interior Rand's room. Morning
Rand is talking, but Johns' eyes are fixed on the TV.
Rand: Yes, when I was young, I also thought about participating in politics. However, Jos, I found that by appearing as a non-political citizen, my contribution would be even greater. Of course, my money has made me have a considerable influence on politics, but please believe me, I have been telling myself never to abuse this influence...Jos, this is very important wow! Even when the temptation is the strongest, it cannot be confusing for a moment and forget the interests of the country. Many people say that I am a "king maker", but I have been trying hard to listen to the voice of the people, and I have been striving to be an honest person worthy of myself.
Johns: (Change channel)...I understand, Ben.

Interior view. A corridor in the Rand Building. In the morning,
an attendant accompanied a secret police named Reeve, knocking on the door one by one in the aisle to check.

Location · In front of the Rand Building. In the morning,
Lewis saw the president's motorcycle team driving into the Rand Manor from a distance. He picked up the phone.
Lewis: (to the phone) The President will be here soon, Mrs. Warbury.

Interior view. Mrs. Worbury’s office in the Rand Building. Mrs.
Worbury is the executive secretary of Rand. But her office is the spiritual center of the entire RAND enterprise.
Warbury: (to the phone) Very good, Lewis, thank you.
Mrs. Warbury turned off the microphone and turned on another one.

Interior Rand's room. The
phone rang in the morning , and Rand smiled at Johns.
Rand: He is here. (To the phone) What, Mrs. Warbury? (Listening) Very good, first invite the president to the library, we will be there in a few minutes.
Rand put down the phone and turned to Johns, his eyes gleaming.
Rand: The old rule in the power world-let visitors wait.
Teresa pushed Rand's wheelchair over.
Rand: (stands up, looking weak) I don't need it now, I'm going to see the president by myself.
Teresa: But, Mr. Rand...
Rand: (holding Johns with one hand) Let's go, Jos.
Johns: Okay, Ben, it's time to go.
Rand walked very slowly, relying on Johns, who was also lame, tightly.
They left the room together.

Location·Corridor·Morning The
President and his group are walking towards the library. Here Rand and Johns came over and stopped in front of Mrs. Warbury's office.
Rand: Mrs. Warbury, have you received the documents regarding the Caracas Agreement?
Warbury: Yes, sir. It's all ready, you can sign.
Rand: Very good. (They leave the office) Mrs. Warbury is a very nice woman.
Johns: I agree, Ben.
They walked slowly to the front porch of the hall, and Waltz and another security officer named Buck appeared in front of them immediately. The two security personnel each held a small metal detector in their hands.
Waltz: Good morning, Mr. Rand.
Rand: Waltz... (nods to Johns) This is Mr. Hua Gong.
Waltz: (pointing to the detector) Mr. Hua Gong, this is just a matter of formalities.
Buck passed the probe past Rand, while Waltz checked Johns.
Rand: It's your blessing that we didn't take a wheelchair today, otherwise you will suffer.
Johns: (Waltz ends inspection) Thank you.

Interior view·Rand Library·Morning The
President waited for Rand and Johns here, with a slightly disturbed expression. When Lan and Qiang entered, he stretched out his hands and walked towards Rand.
President: Ben!
Rand: ...Mr. President, I'm so happy to meet you!
The President: I am also very happy to see you. You look good!
Rand: (looks at Johns) Thank you, Mr. President. I said, your visit refreshed me.
President: Old friend, I really miss you wow. (Walks to a chair with Rand) Come, come, sit down, don't stand still.
Rand sat down in relief. Johns stretched out his hands and walked towards the president.
Johns: Good morning, Mr. President.
President: (smiling)...Hello.
Rand: Oh, Mr. President, let me introduce you: This is my good friend, Mr. Jos Huagon.
Johns shook hands with the president, and the president reacted slightly.
Johns: Mr. President, you are much shorter than on TV!
President: (stunned)...Oh, isn't it? ...
Rand: (smiling) Mr. President, you will find that Jos is a man who can't play with words.
The President glanced at Johns, then laughed.
President: Mr. Hua Gong, this is great! I like to speak out and see each other sincerely. Please sit down, please sit down, Mr. Hua Gong.
Johns: (sit down) Okay, I'll sit down.
President: (also sitting down) Ben, you have a chance recently ("chance" in English is pronounced the same as Johns's name). Have seen me...
Johns interrupted immediately when he heard the president mention his name.
Johns: What?
The president was taken aback, glanced at Johns and felt a little inexplicable, he went on to say.
The President: I just wanted to ask if you had a chance to read my speech, Ben.
Rand: Yes, I have seen it.
President: Do you think...?
Rand: Overall it's not bad. However, Mr. President, if only temporary measures are used at this stage, it would be very dangerous.
The President: But... Ben, I...
Rand: I sympathize with your situation, and I know it's not easy to speak out. But, I can tell you now, Bao Bei (Kennedy's nickname, in this play, the president alludes to Kennedy) your position on this issue will cause a lot of controversy, I am afraid you will not be able to resist it!

Interior view. Johns’ room. Morning
Allenby looked at Johns’s clothes one by one in John ’s wardrobe, seeming to be looking for something. When someone knocked on the door, Allenby quickly closed the closet. At this moment Reeve opened the door.
Allenby: Oh... Hello.
Reeve: (Walking into the room) You are early. My name is Reeve. I'm the secret police.
Allenby: Yes, of course, of course.
Allenby stretched out his arms to accept Reeve's detection of himself with a detector.

Interior view·Library·The
president is walking in the room in the morning . What Rand had just said made him deeply disturbed, and Johns kept a smiling face throughout the conversation.
Rand: ... Now that inflation has reached its end, there is no more room to go. Taxation has also reached its peak. Due to long-term dependence on imports, the energy problem is now in a state of crisis. And, in my opinion, Mr. President, that so-called free enterprise system might disintegrate everything.
The President: You don't think I should take a risk, do you?
Rand: Absolutely (Note 1) No risk.
Johns wanted to interrupt when he heard his name, but he didn't know what to say. The president sat and turned to Johns.
President: Do you agree with Ben's opinion? Mr. Hua Gong. Do you think we can encourage and stimulate economic development through some temporary support measures?
Johns: (stunned) As long as the roots continue, everything will be fine, and the garden will definitely flourish one day.
President: (pause for a while) In the garden?
Johns: Yes, life in the garden is seasonal, including spring and summer, as well as autumn and winter. After autumn and winter, spring and summer are again.
President: (staring at Johns blankly)...Spring, summer...Oh, I see, autumn and winter. (Laughs at Johns) Yes, that's right!
Rand: (Interrupting) Mr. President, I think our insightful friend is clarifying this question: We recognize the laws of nature and welcome the change of seasons. However, we do not understand that the economy has its inevitable laws, and we are troubled and disturbed by the changes in economic seasons.
Johns, yes, he was right. In spring, life will be resurrected and grow again.
President: (Happyly) Wow, Mr. Hua Gong. I must admit that it is the first time in a long time that I have heard your inspiring optimism. (He stands up)...I really envy you for having such a healthy and real insight into things. Mr. Hua Gong, this kind of spirit is lacking in our Congress! (Looks at the watch) I have to go now. (Stretching out his hand to Johns) Today's visit has really benefited a lot.
Johns got up and shook hands with the president.
Johns: Yes, not shallow.
President: Would you like to accept the invitation of me and my family to visit my house?
Johns: Okay, I'm willing.
The President: Great, we look forward to your coming. (Turns to Rand) Is Eve at home? I want to say hello to her, Ben, you spent so much time and energy, thank you.
Rand: If so, Mr. President-I should thank you for taking the time to come here to see someone who won't live for a few days.
The President: Ben, listen to me, you are not allowed to say such things. Why don't you listen to your good friend Jos? What should be considered now is how to survive!
The President clasped Rand's hand tightly.
Rand: You are right, Mr. President, I don't want to pity myself.
President, take care, Ben.
Rand: You also take care, Bao Bei. (The president turns around and prepares to leave , smiles at Johns)
Johns: ... Bao Bei... The
president left the library, Johns turned to Rand.
Rand: (The door is closed at this time) The president is quite decent.
Johns: Ben, I am very happy that he is here today. It is a pleasure to talk to the president.

Interior view. The entrance hall of the Rand Building. In the morning, the
president and his party walked to the entrance of the hall. One of his assistants, Koffman, walked beside the president.
The President: Koffman, I need materials about the background of Mr. Joshua Gon.
Koffman: (Write Jos's name in the notebook) Hua Gong, yes, Mr. President.
President: I want it today.
Koffman: No problem, Mr. President.
They walked out of the gate and walked to the waiting car line outside.

Interior view. Tapestry room of Lander Manor Building. Morning
Lande walked slowly with one hand supporting Johns. Wilson and Perkins pushed an empty wheelchair behind them.
Rand: (Very weak) You know, Jos, what makes you different is that you are not playing with words to protect yourself. You are very straightforward... (they walked a few steps further, silent) Do you know me? What do you mean by talking to you late?
Johns: (without expression) I don't know, Ben.
Rand: Hey, how can you not know! Establish an aid foundation for industrialists. (Suddenly I have a new idea) I want you to take charge of this work. You are the most suitable candidate. I want to introduce you to the other members of the committee. So you can discuss the issue in detail with them.
Johns: I see.
Rand: But, Jos, don't rush to make a decision. I know you are not the kind of person who does things on impulse.
Johns: Thank you, Ben.
Rand: Jos, I feel very tired now, I'm sorry, I won't be with you anymore.
Rand got into his wheel, and Perkins pushed him away.
Johns: (Rand leaves) Ben, it's unfortunate that you are so weak.
Johns stood there and watched them leave. Suddenly, his eyes fell on a large tapestry on the wall. He was attracted by the tapestry.

Rand Manor location of the center of the garden during the day ·
Strong Adams and Eve stroll through the garden. There is a huge Victorian greenhouse at the end of the garden. There are many small greenhouses on both sides of the greenhouse. On the other side, there is an intricate stone building with five men shoveling fertile soil in front of the building.
Eve: We plant more than 6,000 tulips here. Look good when it blooms. Of course, roses are also very beautiful, I think we have more than two thousand roses. (Gestures to the worker who is working) Every year we plant different flowers on that land... But this year I haven't figured out what to plant. What would you say to plant something, Jos?
Johns: I don't know.
Eve: Ay, think about it (pointing to the stone building) That building is for florists.

· An interior greenhouse-day
strong Adams and Eve standing in a large fertile basin of central greenhouse, where four workers looking after hundreds of potted grass.
Johns: I like to watch young plants grow.
Yves: Not b

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Extended Reading
  • Leopoldo 2022-04-22 07:01:32

    I don't think it's a comedy. It was originally intended to be a satirical drama, but after watching it, it is thought-provoking and definitely a movie worth watching. recommend!

  • Buddy 2022-04-23 07:02:34

    The more serious, traditional, and square scheduling, the more ironic the shots and the composition, the more ironic the feeling will be. It can only be said that it has been ironic to the extreme. Chance can finally stand on the water and it makes sense.

Being There quotes

  • [upon walking out of an elevator]

    Chance the Gardener: That was a very small room.

  • Abraz: Bullshit. Who sent you here, boy? Did that chickenshit asshole Raphael send you, boy?

    Chance the Gardener: No. Mr. Thomas Franklin told me I must leave the old man's house. He's dead, you know.

    Abraz: Dead, my ass. You tell that asshole, if he got somethin' to tell me, to get his ass down here himself! You got that, boy?