togo good boy

Jimmie 2022-04-23 07:03:26

This is another film that focuses on the sincere feelings between the owner and the dog after "The Faithful Dog Hachiko". This story should be heard by many people, it is based on true events. In 1925, in the cold winter of Alaska, a group disease broke out among the children in a small town. The final solution was to deliver serum by means of a relay sled. The protagonist Sepp is a Norwegian, and he takes on the most dangerous part of the entire relay. In the low temperature of minus 30 degrees to 60 degrees, braving the strong wind of level 7 or above, running on the sea covered with thin ice. Under the joint efforts, the mission finally succeeded. Compare with "The Faithful Dog Hachiko". In order to highlight the relationship between the owner and the dog, the film builds the story in a dangerous environment, rather than in ordinary life, and stimulates this emotion through various crises. In contrast, "Hachiko" takes place in a town environment that is relatively close to the general public, while "Togo" takes place in an unpopular, hungry and cold environment. As far as the plot is concerned, Hachiko the Faithful Dog is based on the common situation of going to and from get off work, while "Togo" is based on the plot of escorting serum through danger. As far as the picture is concerned, the picture of "Faithful Dog Hachiko" is a street classroom with blue sky and green space, which is fresh, smooth and clear in color. And "Togo" has a single, cold and heavy style of painting. Under a variety of factors, the story of "Togo" is more legendary, and the emotional expression is not as delicate as "Hachiko". The rhythm of the film is characterized by a slow front and a fast back. The first half of the movie shows the heavy and slow geographical atmosphere of Alaska all the time. In winter, the whole land is covered in silver, everyone is dressed like a bear, and there is only the sound of squeaking and stepping on the snow when going out. When everyone gathers for a meeting, the dark brown houses and the sunlight are weak, and people shuttle between them. Slow as if every step is connected to the cold outside, the time feels stagnant and heavy. In the middle and late stages, the pace gradually accelerated with the transportation of Saipu. In the cold air, steep terrain, and dangerous cliffs, only one team whizzed past in the thick and white snow environment of Alaska. As the dogs passed by, the turquoise lake was splashed with ice balls, and the middle and later stages of the film felt like a fantastic action movie. The overall structure of the film adopts a two-line intersecting narrative. They are sending serum in a cold environment and recalling Togo's growth. In contrast, the latter's style of painting looks warm and soft. Togo's soft appearance when he was one year old wanted to make people go to rua, long hair and fat body, and he didn't give up after being locked up by the master, making the house a mess. Follow the master too. The shooting of the memory part made people laugh and admire Togo's cuteness and wit. Part of the film where the two lines are intertwined is handled well, but Under the clear skies of Alaska, this transition adds a lot of beauty. From a thematic point of view, the film's handling is not strong enough to highlight the two-way relationship between humans and dogs. Relying on Saipu's repeated shouting of "good boys" to support his emotions seems weak, and the transition of Saipu's self-blame because of Togo's serious injury in the later period is unnatural, and in the end, Saipu's comment on "Togo doesn't care about sleds but "Master" is a bit nonsensical. After all, the Togo shown in the movie, the master has a relationship with the sled. In the early stage, he has been creating the image of Togo's brave, witty and natural king. In the absence of other shots, this sentence suddenly came out. Some forced sublimation theme meaning. I thought that the best expression of the emotion between the two was Togo excitedly helping Saipu lick the ice balls off his face and the last family going out with Togo accompanying him. Conclusion: Recommendation index: Four stars???? Reason: The lens is beautiful, and the screenshots are all wallpapers. The image of Togo is very good. Actors acting online

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Togo quotes

  • Leonhard Seppala: What does he bring to the breed?

    Constance Seppala: The heart of a survivor.

  • Leonhard Seppala: Come, my pups!

    Leonhard Seppala: Are we to fear ice now?

    Leonhard Seppala: He, which hath no stomach in this fight, let him depart.

    Leonhard Seppala: His passport shall be made, we would not die in that dog's company!

    Leonhard Seppala: Old dogs forget, but he who would remember with advantages what feats he did that day.

    Leonhard Seppala: Then shall our names, familiar in his mouth as household words-Seppala, the driver.

    Leonhard Seppala: Sally, Molly, and Reverend Togo, great Togo in lead!