bland dog movie

Christian 2022-04-22 07:01:42

After watching the whole movie, I felt bland. When I watch movies, I tend to follow my heart when I give reviews. I won’t give high marks because of the difficulty of shooting (such as one shot) or because it is an adaptation of a true story. I only rated it based on how I felt after watching it, because this rating also only represents. If it is graded because of blindness, it is meaningless.

Judging by feature films or documentaries alone, Togo's feat may be earth-shattering. But from the point of view of enjoying the film, the whole film seems bland, and nothing touches my heart. The dog entering the bedroom, going to bed, and the male protagonist's walk after the relay race are all "touching" points, but unfortunately they didn't touch me.

I don't know if I am a dog lover. When my favorite dog "Little Tiger" died when I was a child, I cried all day long. At that time, I was still in elementary school. A mulberry tree, I miss it for a long time. Xiaohu's companion, the wolf dog, also died later. I don't keep dogs anymore. Although they died in an accident, they couldn't take good care of them. But even if it is the end of its life, I am afraid that I will not be able to accept its departure, so I simply no longer keep dogs, so that I don't have to face the separation of life and death.

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Togo quotes

  • Leonhard Seppala: What does he bring to the breed?

    Constance Seppala: The heart of a survivor.

  • Leonhard Seppala: Come, my pups!

    Leonhard Seppala: Are we to fear ice now?

    Leonhard Seppala: He, which hath no stomach in this fight, let him depart.

    Leonhard Seppala: His passport shall be made, we would not die in that dog's company!

    Leonhard Seppala: Old dogs forget, but he who would remember with advantages what feats he did that day.

    Leonhard Seppala: Then shall our names, familiar in his mouth as household words-Seppala, the driver.

    Leonhard Seppala: Sally, Molly, and Reverend Togo, great Togo in lead!