Togo--"Togo" who Delivered Medicine to Save People

Joana 2022-08-07 13:55:17

When it comes to Erha, everyone must think of a docile personality with his own funny skills, often silly and cute. Of course, sometimes it will be demolished inside the house, making a mess and disturbing people. Erha is the nickname of the husky, and the husky is actually a Siberian husky, a warrior who walks on ice and snow. It is named after the Husky because of its unique hoarse bark. Today, it has become one of the most popular pets in the world.

The next movie, "Togo," tells the touching story of a Siberian husky named "Togo" who delivers medicine to save people. The film is based on true events. In 1925, the deadly "diphtheria" disease broke out in the city of Nome, Alaska, just in time for a severe snowstorm that blocked all traffic. In order to deliver the life-saving serum, 20 local sled teams participated in the relay and completed the seemingly impossible task in just five days. In this relay of life, 19 teams ran an average of 50 kilometers, and one team ran more than 400 kilometers. However, at the push of reporters, only the dog who delivered the serum was remembered at the time, and a statue was erected in New York's Central Park.

Later, "Togo", who led the sled dog team to run the most difficult 400 kilometers, was finally known to people. In 2011, it was named the bravest animal of all time by Time magazine. Now, let's follow the movie to relive this legendary story. Many children lost their lives because of the raging diphtheria disease. The hospital beds were full of weak people struggling with pain. The only thing that could save them was anti-venom. However, at this time, it was a rare snowstorm, the outdoor temperature was close to minus 50 degrees Celsius, and the average wind speed was 8 kilometers per hour.

The sled driver, Cypera, was ordered in case of danger, but he was faced with a problem: the lead dog, "Togo," who had followed him for many years, was old. If he was taken here to perform this mission, he would probably die. However, if he did not go, in such bad weather, there is a high probability that I would not be able to come back. Seeing the child struggling in pain, Sepera took Togo on the journey resolutely. Togo's name comes from the famous Japanese general, Togo Heihachiro, who defeated the Russian navy and defeated the arrogant white people as a yellow race. Just like Heihachiro Togo was initially disliked, Togo was always disliked at first.

At birth, it was very weak and had a defective brain. Natural selection, survival of the fittest, it seems that a bullet is kindness to it. Although Sepera's kind wife rescued it, Sepera hated it very much. As an experienced dog trainer, I thought such a dog had no use value and would not be able to belong to it if it lived. If ancestry has any contribution, however, Togo, who was born handicapped, showed amazing perseverance. Every time Sepera kept him in a cage, he worked tirelessly to find a way to burrow out. To that end, Sepera purposefully reinforced the cage's perimeter. Togo made no effort to find a way out, eventually escaping after digging six or seven holes while the other dogs were already lazily basking in the sun.

Then Sepera directly locked him in the grocery room, but this did not trap Togo. It cleverly climbed up the roof beam with the help of various sundries and ran out from the gap of the exhaust vent. Sepera also gave it to others, and the owner kept it in the house, trying to tame it, but it eventually broke out of the window and ran back to Sepera. Every time Togo ran out, it rushed towards Serra's dog team desperately. It broke the existing class relationship of the dog team trained by Cypera. The leader of the dog team, Sepera, was overwhelmed by his persistence and put him in the last row with the most vicious dog. Togo quickly conquered him, ofcourse, in a cute way...

Because of Togo's outstanding running speed, its position was advanced again and again, and soon it became the fastest dog in the dog team and was placed in the front position, becoming the leader of the dog team. Under the leadership of Togo, Cypera's new dog team defeated the most powerful dog team at the time, and at that time, almost no one thought that Cypera's dog team would win the game. Back in reality, Sepela didn't get out of the division. When he was browsing a snowy mountain, he almost fell into the abyss. It was Togo who led the panicked members of the dog team to pull the sled back from the edge of the cliff. Togo was also injured.

With the help of the residents on the way, they quickly rested and continued their journey, passing through the dense snow-covered forest and across the river surface that could be cracked at any time under the ice. The situation in China After taking the serum from another sled team without a hitch, in order to hurry on the return journey, Sepera was ready to cross the frozen river again. During the journey, the ice surface suddenly cracked, and the sled almost fell into the cracked water many times. Togo resolved the danger with astonishing reaction force and speed.

However, by the time they reached the shore, the ice on the entire river had completely split into pieces, and they were trapped on a piece of shedding ice. Seeing himself washed further and further from the shore by the drifting water, Sepera made a dangerous but hopeful decision: he roped the sleigh around Togo and threw it towards the shore. After a game, the tenacious Togo pulled the ice block where the sled was located towards the shore by himself and finally enabled the other dogs to jump ashore, saving the sled from the desperate situation and also saving Sepera's life.

"Why should you worry about those who escape death like this?" Sepera's friend asked, movingly. After going through the most dangerous situation, Sepera wanted Togo to go back in a sled, but Togo stubbornly returned to the front of the dog team. Later, under the interference of the blizzard and the strong wind, Sepera completely lost his sight and had to rely entirely on Togo to bring the serum to the contact point of the next team. After arriving at the destination, Togo finally fell to the ground, so tired... Because of this mission, Togo was seriously injured and exhausted. Although he recovered, he could no longer continue his beloved sled work. From then on, he accompanied Sepera and her wife until her death.

And it has earned a name for its own breed: the Sepera Siberian. This is a breed known for its intelligence, tenacity, bravery, and deep affection for people, and people from all over the world scramble to raise its offspring.The whole film uses montage shots with soft and melodious music, which can easily mobilize people's emotions.Simultaneously narrating from the past and present two time points, while promoting the development of Togo's growth history, it also highlights the change in Sepera's attitude towards Togo.

Togo has grown rapidly from a weak and abandoned pup to the leader of the dog team. It has escaped the bondage countless times and rushed to the sled team, which is a concrete manifestation of its will to survive. On the edge of the cliff, on the ice that breaks at any time, it is its cleverness and bravery that help its owner escape from death again and again; by himself, he pulls the sled loaded with serum to the shore, and after being injured, he still stands. At the forefront of the team, this is its tenacity and pride!

As a dog trainer and sled driver, Sepera initially only regarded dogs as a tool for human labor, and if they were of no useful value, they should be discarded. He doesn't allow the dog into his bedroom, scoffing at his wife's pity. However, no matter whether Togo is locked up or given away, when it can always appear in front of him again, Sepera realizes that Togo is not a dog like he thought before, and they become a dog team in Togo. After the pillar, Sepera gradually developed a deep relationship with him that she had never realized.

After completing the dangerous serum delivery mission, Sepera put the injured Togo on the bed in his bedroom. This is a complete recognition of Togo. He no longer regards it as a tool, but as a friend, as part of one's own family. Saipera went out to work and led the sled dog team away gradually. Togo, who was left in the house because of the injury, immediately opened the door. This time, it no longer rushed to the dog team, but to Saipei. Pull the arms.And Sepera finally realized that Togo was not born for sleds, but for himself!On the other hand, the change in Sepera's attitude towards dogs is even more worthy of our thinking and reflection.

Many people treat dogs as waste and throw them out of the house if they don’t want them. Many people kill dogs just to satisfy their appetites, and even a dog meat festival has been launched to eat dog meat as a festival. celebrate Some people abuse cats and dogs in various ways in order to satisfy their deformed happiness. What's more, they specially set up such groups to organize and then take pictures or videos to share the pleasure of their abuse as capital to show off...I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. In the same way, we can dislike dogs or other animals, but we should also respect their lives.

Of course, if you like dogs, you should treat them well and be lucky for them. As Sepera concluded, if you are fortunate enough to have a good dog, it will never leave you, will accompany you throughout your life, will listen to your heart, and will devote everything to him from beginning to end. Now you should know why your Erha is so restless sometimes. After all, it has the blood of a sled dog, and its other companions are bravely fighting against nature in the ice and snow! How can it be safe?

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Togo quotes

  • Leonhard Seppala: What does he bring to the breed?

    Constance Seppala: The heart of a survivor.

  • Leonhard Seppala: Come, my pups!

    Leonhard Seppala: Are we to fear ice now?

    Leonhard Seppala: He, which hath no stomach in this fight, let him depart.

    Leonhard Seppala: His passport shall be made, we would not die in that dog's company!

    Leonhard Seppala: Old dogs forget, but he who would remember with advantages what feats he did that day.

    Leonhard Seppala: Then shall our names, familiar in his mouth as household words-Seppala, the driver.

    Leonhard Seppala: Sally, Molly, and Reverend Togo, great Togo in lead!