What was the first animal we domesticated from ape to man?

Yessenia 2022-04-21 09:02:54

What was the first animal we domesticated from ape to man?


As early as 15,000 years ago, dogs, as domestic dogs, not only hunted and fought with humans, but also had the function of an alarm system to warn of the invasion of wild animals or other foreign objects. Time has passed from generation to generation, and humans and dogs have also evolved together.

After 15,000 years of getting along, humans and dogs can easily communicate without hindrance. Dogs can best understand people's needs and emotions, and are considered to be the most "human" animals and the most loyal and intimate partners of human beings.

People's feelings for dogs are naturally extraordinary, and the image of the dog that appears frequently as the protagonist on the screen is enough to prove it. Before there was the movie "The Story of Hachiko" (the American version of "The Story of Hachiko"), and then there was the movie "Togo".

Also based on a true story of more than 100 years, a dog waits for people, and a dog saves people. Stories like this are usually very emotional, but we still can't help crying? why?

Because we see "humanity" in animals.

Therefore, what moves us is not how good the puppy itself is, but the quality of the people we see in the puppy. Such qualities as loyalty, perseverance, courage, fearlessness, and trust are rarely seen in people in today's increasingly utilitarian society.

Because it is rare, it is precious. Even if it's just a dog, it's enough to make us miss.


In 1925, in Nome, Alaska, diphtheria broke out, and many children were infected. The serum that could save children's lives was thousands of miles away. Because of the extremely bad snowstorm, the outside world was blocked from entering Nome. All traffic, only sled dogs have the possibility to pass.

The task naturally falls to Sepera (Willem Dafoe), the city's best hunter.

At first, Sepera refused.

In the face of the largest snowstorm in history, even animals are scared to flee into their nests, not to mention people? Sepera didn't want to be a hero, he understood that it was almost a journey with no return. He has a warm home, a beautiful wife, and his best lead dog is 12 years old.

In the end, the cries of the miserable children in the hospital aroused his compassion.

He decided to go, with his best sled team, and his best lead dog, Togo.

Those who can become the leading big brother are all extraordinary characters, and Togo is the same.

This dog was born with a frail head and a disability. Naturally, it was not liked by the male owner, Sepera, who believed in the "Darwinian evolution theory". It was his wife's repeated insistence that Togo was able to stay.

Togo is regarded as a "dog foolish and bold". Knowing that the male owner didn't like it, it wanted to dangle in front of Sepera, and ended up being locked in a cage. Just as some birds can't be kept, so can some dogs.

No matter how many fences and studs the host adds around the cage, Togo can always escape. The scene of it digging a hole is very interesting. It just started digging, and the surrounding dogs came to watch. When the melon-eating crowd gradually dispersed, it was still digging. Everyone felt that when it was out of the cage today, it broke out of the ground.

After finally giving it away, it was sent back within a few days, and the adopter was almost driven mad by Togo's ADHD.

Since no one wanted it, the cage couldn't keep it, so Sepera had to keep it in the house. In the end, Togo still managed to escape.

In short, Togo has been persevering to prove that he does not want to be a pet.

The wild call of the body's instinct leads it to become an Alaskan sled dog. The position of the leading eldest brother did not come down from the sky, it was fought for by Togo. Once the sled is pulled, it runs forward desperately, and finally outruns the entire team of dogs and the city's dogs.


Therefore, it is understandable why Sepera must bring Togo, who is already 12 years old, with him when he decides to set off.

Because he understands Togo, this mission may be completed, but without Togo, the mission must be impossible.

Although the whole film talks about how strong and brave Togo is, what really moves people is the will of people.

Especially in the blizzard, the two scenes that cross the ice sea.

In order to get the serum as soon as possible, crossing the ice sea is the fastest route and the most dangerous route.

When Togo took the sled team to run on the boundless icy sea, the constantly breaking river all around scared the dogs into hesitation. Sepera then recited aloud a passage from Shakespeare's "Henry V" King Henry's speech. This scene is very exciting, you can feel the greatness of human nature.

As the most complex animal in the world, it is also the most tenacious species. When we face difficulties, the force of that will produces a kind of spectacular poetry, which can confront nature, confront the gods, race against death, and subdue other species. The history of mankind is driven by the force of such a will again and again, which sometimes drives mankind crazy, and at this moment, it makes mankind great. Madness and greatness are two sides of human nature. We are fascinated and lost in this kind of self-moving time and time again, and we sing loudly in this kind of self-moving again and again.


Human willpower motivates humans and dogs to move forward in the snowstorm, and this premise is mutual understanding and trust between humans and dogs.

Therefore, the first time Togo crossed the ice sea, Togo was not only moved by Sepera's recitation, but it believed that Sepera could successfully cross the ice sea as long as he ran forward. It believed, and so did the rest of the team.

The second time across the ice sea is obviously more dangerous than the first time. Large chunks of ice rose up, and the dogs kept slipping and running. When Sepera shouted "run," Togo ran as fast as he could. It trusts Seppela's judgment, if they don't run forward desperately at this moment, they will all be buried in the sea of ​​ice.

Because of trust, Togo was able to be thrown on the land by Cepera when the ice surface was about to break, pulling the team to the land by himself like a cow.

Also because of trust, Sepera suffered from snow blindness. When he couldn't see, he told Togo that he couldn't see, and told him to lead the team to the nearest station, Lao Qiao's house as soon as possible, and Togo was without Sepei. Pulling the guide, he really found the old Qiao's house.

At this point, we have to sigh about such a tacit relationship between humans and dogs. 15,000 years of history, how many storms have been experienced between these two species, from the earliest two species that were close to each other to the two closest to each other.


In that year, 20 sled teams participated in the 1925 serum delivery, 19 teams ran an average of 50 kilometers each, and the other team, the Togo team, ran 450 kilometers.

Because the lead dog of the last relay team was named Barto, Barto became famous all over the world. A statue was erected in Central Park in New York to commemorate the statue of Barto of the 1925 Serum Relay. It wasn't until 2011 that Time magazine named Togo the most heroic animal of all time that it really justified the name of the hero behind the scenes.

A lot of guys don't care about that. What it really cares about is what Cypera thinks, and Cypera already sees it as family. Their affection lies in the mutual company of the 12 years of sledding, in the life and death of the serum delivery in the snowstorm, in the time when Togo walked together after retirement.

"Some dogs are made for certain people."

This sentence sounds selfish and narcissistic, but it is the most self-consistent logic to explain the intimacy between people and dogs.

From the horizon of the universe, this is just a coincidence, but from a human perspective, this is called fate. Just as one is destined to meet another, one is destined to meet another dog.

So in the end Sepella said, "If you're lucky enough to have a good dog, he'll never leave. He'll stay with you for the rest of your life, listen to your heart, give him everything." We'll be moved.

We thought that we once had such a creature, who accompanied us for a short period of time. Maybe the story is not so legendary, but it is just as warm, as dependent on each other, as it makes us less lonely at certain moments.

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Extended Reading

Togo quotes

  • Leonhard Seppala: What does he bring to the breed?

    Constance Seppala: The heart of a survivor.

  • Leonhard Seppala: Come, my pups!

    Leonhard Seppala: Are we to fear ice now?

    Leonhard Seppala: He, which hath no stomach in this fight, let him depart.

    Leonhard Seppala: His passport shall be made, we would not die in that dog's company!

    Leonhard Seppala: Old dogs forget, but he who would remember with advantages what feats he did that day.

    Leonhard Seppala: Then shall our names, familiar in his mouth as household words-Seppala, the driver.

    Leonhard Seppala: Sally, Molly, and Reverend Togo, great Togo in lead!