[VTALK Film Review No. 67] "Togo" - how the loyal dog who represents the keen world becomes a "leader"

Lois 2022-04-19 09:02:33

A dog and its owner, from childhood to adulthood, from birth to death, from rebellion, growth to becoming the best choice for the owner, this dog seems to be constantly working hard, and it has been endowed with human-like spirituality. The film is mainly aimed at the owner and the dog named Togo as the protagonists, and the sled dog as a foil also plays a vital role. The film is based on true events and revolves around a blood serum transmission relay in 1925 in Nome, Alaska, in order to save the lives of local children. A group of sled dogs, a sled and its owner started a long journey. At this time, Togo had grown into a "leader" among the dog teams. He climbed valleys, cliffs, and glaciers with them. Escape through hardships until the end. The story focuses not only on this one event, but also through interspersed narrative techniques to show Togo's 12 years, from how it arrived, to its growth experience, how to build trust with each other, and finally how to become a "leader" . The various tacit understandings formed between humans and other animals are often given the title of "spiritual" in real life. Togo in the film can be said to be a keen representative of the animal world, as well as its loyalty to the owner. It has similarities with the film "Give Me Wings". The owner's attitude towards the dog has changed silently, from distrust to trust; Dogs touch human beings, work hard for it, pay for it, until death. What it conveys to the audience is more of a feeling of touching the heart and daring to fight and work hard. In recent years, there has been an endless stream of films featuring animals, including pets. As an animal who can’t speak and has no lines, the content conveyed must be understood through the heart of the audience, so that the audience can understand and understand, and the core content is the same. Got it.

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Togo quotes

  • Leonhard Seppala: What does he bring to the breed?

    Constance Seppala: The heart of a survivor.

  • Leonhard Seppala: Come, my pups!

    Leonhard Seppala: Are we to fear ice now?

    Leonhard Seppala: He, which hath no stomach in this fight, let him depart.

    Leonhard Seppala: His passport shall be made, we would not die in that dog's company!

    Leonhard Seppala: Old dogs forget, but he who would remember with advantages what feats he did that day.

    Leonhard Seppala: Then shall our names, familiar in his mouth as household words-Seppala, the driver.

    Leonhard Seppala: Sally, Molly, and Reverend Togo, great Togo in lead!