Do your best to "sure" to win? that's a fairy tale

Allan 2022-09-11 17:04:18

I haven't seen such a great Indian film in theaters for a long time. Is there anything that will win if you try your best? Such stories are mostly fairy tales and chicken soup, but in reality they are more failures. The seemingly unpleasant ending is actually a higher sublimation of life. Now that you have tried your best, even if you fail, you are still a warrior. Because you have tasted the process of struggle, you are no longer a "loser". Whether it is the memory line of "Loser Squad" struggling to get rid of the Loser label, or the reality line of a group of people trying to reawaken the courage of the protagonist's life, the editing, connection and transition of both are very easy, laughter and tears are intertwined, there is no lack of Touch and inspiration, emotional rhythm is in place. What is even more rare is that the two story lines are like parallel lines, seemingly never intersecting, but they always echo each other throughout the whole process. The overall idea is high, with a smooth plot, it can be said to be the best textbook for a new generation of parents who are now looking forward to their children becoming dragons, their daughters becoming phoenixes, and even the ivory tower generation who are under great academic pressure. In reality, there are too many pressures and expectations, preparations for the so-called success and victory, whether these expectations come from relatives and friends, or their own. When you are used to taking a happy ending as "of course", you rarely think that even if you fail, it doesn't mean much misfortune, because failure itself is a high probability event. On the road of life, we always take winning and losing too seriously, but we forget that life itself is the biggest and most important game.

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