Unscrupulous consequences

Wilfrid 2022-01-06 08:01:20

First of all, I was quite pleasantly surprised by this shooting mode. I have seen some pseudo-documentary films in the past, but those are mainly based on camcorder lenses, but now this is the first time that the camera is entirely based on a laptop computer and its operating interface is the main scene. See.
In this way, there will be a strong sense of substitution, after all, most people have this kind of behavior when facing a computer. And as long as you have used it, you will never forget the special feeling when you use it. It is different from mobile phones and tablets, whether it is interface or function, it has its own unique features.
When there are those operating behaviors on the screen, especially when the movie is played in full screen, this sense of substitution will be more realistic than other pseudo-documentary screens, giving people a kind of interface that seems to be the operating interface of their own computer. However, because this is a foreign language film, relatively speaking, people of English may have the highest sense of reality when watching it.

Then, come back and talk about the plot that caused my sigh.

(There may be spoilers in this part, don't read it if you mind!!!)

In fact, the main line of this movie is very simple, and there is not much suspense in it.

The heroine Blair has a good friend who has known since childhood, called Laura. She committed suicide because she was made a ugly video and was broadcast on the Internet. Under the ridicule of a bunch of people, she committed suicide.

A year later, when the heroine was flirting with her boyfriend, she was suddenly connected to a multi-person instant chat, and there was an unknown person in it. No matter what method they use, they cannot kick this person out of their group.

As time progressed, these five friends and a stranger group were drawn into a girl who the heroine suspected to be a ghost behind the scenes—Val. After she joined the group, it seemed as if the crowd had gathered, and strange things happened one by one.

In the end, the out-of-control games run over these young people one by one, and the price is without exception, suicide.

The reason is nothing but revenge for the dead. At the beginning, we were in peace, but in the game, each other was ugly. In the past, some big and small pranks, inadvertent frame-ups, and even the heroine and the hero's friend-Adam had an infidelity, were caught by Laura this evening.

Maybe a small ridicule in the past is now put in front of everyone, and it has become one after another, incomprehensible weights. Of course, there are some things they may not have deliberately said, but it is just like this night of death. Speaking more viciously, it will become a real curse.

This involves a problem that is getting more and more serious and has completely lost control.

Regardless of whether it is foreign or domestic, on the world's Internet, humans seem to have completely torn their own human skin. Regardless of men, women and children, as long as they can type, they can "speak". On the Internet, as long as no one else knows their identity, they will have no bottom line and ignore the consequences.

It seems that the birth of the Internet has also opened that taboo door. There is no God in it, but only the darkest and most vicious ghost in the human heart. People who don't dare to speak louder, dare to abuse countless people on the Internet, and dare to'fight' against people who don't know him at all, even if he doesn't even know what happened.

He only needs to "furiously" speak out his moral standards when he sees a few words, and condemn the other party severely, and that's it. Even if it is finally confirmed that what he said has nothing to do with the facts, he will not have any apologies. It is always not him who is wrong.

Of course, there are not only this kind of moral kidnappers who take themselves as the standard, but also the double-labeled keyboard man, and there are many others who follow suit. They don't have too strong emotions and sense of participation. They are just like the crowd watching when something big happens in reality. There is not much mood swing, there is no obvious point of view, the only thing they are wrong is.

The same unknowing onlookers watched the crowd, but without knowing where they were, they followed suit and acted as accomplices. Because they don’t know, they can say those things without guilt, such as such embarrassing things, why don’t you die? ! For the victims, it is completely deadly words of heartbreak.

What's more frightening is that the current network is too extreme. All events of public concern are polarized. Either it is the extreme positive energy that touches the world, or it is the evil deeds on the other end, which is scorned by thousands of people. Things seem to have no buffer, and there can be no middle ground. It seems that there must be a position, either you are a good person or you are a bad person.

But things in the world cannot be classified in such a simple and rude manner. It should have a gray buffer zone that can give people a breath. It is true that mutual friendship and mutual assistance are the friendly side of the network connecting people, but it should not form an ignorant, or it should be a torrent of ignorance.

When too many netizens gather together, when the people who pay attention to the truth can only be a small number of people in this torrent, remove the interference of state forces such as government agencies, otherwise, this uncontrolled torrent will be According to the emotions of most netizens, and rampage. At this time, even if the fact was that it was just an unintentional joke, it was finally spread like a vicious declaration.

Then, under this torrent, a woman happened, and her career, future and life were ruined. There are too many similar stories, and you can find a bunch of similar stories on the Internet, both at home and abroad.

Wake up, don't be so reckless when speaking to others, don't speak categorically when you don't know the truth, don't follow the trend casually when a group of people are speaking.

Because what you say and do now can happen to you in the same way.

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Unfriended quotes

  • Mitch Roussel: I can't believe you'd do this me, I love you fucking slut


    Blaire Lily: [crying in return and wheezing] No, please don't call me that baby I love you.

  • Laura: Never Have I Ever... defaced Laura Barns' grave.

    Jess Felton: [crying and hyperventilating] No! Please Laura that wasn't me! I swear! Please no!

    [the countdown of seconds going from 19 continues]

    Adam Sewell: Please Laura she's telling the truth, it was me Laura, it wasn't Jess.

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