Sister Somewhere lives in the shadow of sister Lost in Translation

Evangeline 2022-04-21 09:02:52

"Somewhere" is a movie that I want to scold but can't scold. Winning the Golden Lion Award amid boos in Venice has become the main reason for the film's scolding, as everyone said: "It's just such a good movie. Sophia's own masterpiece "Lost in Translation" can also win the golden lion?", "Quentin Tarantino is too obvious to take care of his ex-girlfriend!", "I always feel that Coppola has an Electra complex, Is this a gift from her to her father? It's boring and hypocritical. It can be a golden lion, Quentin is a bit of a joke", "Sofia Coppola: He won't let me get a golden lion, I will Let him get pubic lice", "It's better to watch "Lost in Translation" again"!
good! What everyone said is good, I agree! I also despise this film to get the golden lion! I have also angrily scolded Quentin for dereliction of duty to engage in internal relations!
But I must say that this film is a work that is only one step away from the "indiscriminate" film! Why is it "abusive"? It's not that the film is of poor quality, it's that it's cliché! Imitation is always a cliché, which means that you are watching something you have seen before, just like "Don't Come Near" and "Don't Enter the US", there is also an "adaptation" between them. "The close kinship, what's the difference between the two films? I can't see it, it's basically a different cast of actors to play it again. The US version is even trying to get closer to the old version's unique Swedish atmosphere and the wonderful touch between children and copy it! In the end, the US version won, and it was well received! Similarly, Tom Cruise's "Vanilla Sky" and Alejandro Aberman's "Open Your Eyes" are also successful remakes!
Of course, this is not an excuse, it is a remake, "Somewhere" is a film independent of "Lost in Translation", even if it is a half-sister, it is not an excuse! So "Somewhere", as a half-sister born seven years late, can't lift her head in the halo of her sister (but she is more beautiful than her other three sisters, who are beautiful but flashy and vicious and cunning in their hearts, "Peerless Beauty" That would be so much better!), when my sister made waves at the Oscars and was praised as a world-shattering work, my sister was still pregnant in her mother's womb (seven years ago, impossible?), in fact "Somewhere" has not been conceived for seven years, but has been conceived for 40 years!
The daughter in the film is the person Sophia is most familiar with. Isn't the girl who goes back and forth with her father to various hotels all the year round herself? If she faced her father with such loneliness, it must be because her father also faced her daughter with that loneliness, so when her daughter grew up, she told her father with "Death of a Virgin" and "Lost in Translation": loneliness is cultivated, and You have given me endless nutrients, but I still love you! Father!
Sophia is 39 years old this year, and the time in her mother's womb is just 40 years old. From the day she was born, her father used the honor of busy filming "The Godfather", "The Godfather 2" and "Apocalypse Now" to compensate for the days when his daughter did not have him, How she takes care of herself! Such a daughter seems ineligible to ask for time from such a father, because for every minute a father takes care of her, he consumes a minute of the mind of a genius at his peak, and the world will not allow her to delay his great moment (as if if At that time, Coppola was too busy taking care of his daughter to shoot "The Godfather 2" or not to make "The Godfather 3", then the whole world would look at this little girl with the vision of destroying a genius), so the world ignored her and let her Lonely alone!
That childhood loneliness is Sophia's embryo for the movie "Somewhere". The embryo begins to sprout from the mother's body to birth, and grows with the name (Sofia) Coppola until she has the courage to put It was born, and she finally gave her daughter a beautiful name Somewhere, which is more real than her sister Lost in Translation, more like a mother and a richer mother's life experience!
There is a genius sister who is praised by everyone. As a sister living in the shadow of her, she will inevitably be asked by everyone to be better or as good. Being a family member and a good helper in a well-known hotel with the big star sister, is it that you have no ambition, no ambition, just enjoy it?
right! Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers, so you are destined to have no future somewhere! no hope! Deserved to be scolded! Why isn't she a lady who just wants to enjoy herself! Your sister, Lost in Translation, has been so successful in her life, yet you spend your whole life behind her and spend the money she earns sitting on the mountain, and you spend your whole life in the bad film world, holding the worst golden lion in the history of Venice! No wonder so many people hate you! spurn you!
Although your grades in Venice were the first place your mother and the teacher who corrected the exam had an unspoken rule, people would never blame the teacher for changing the exam, because the benefits are what you get, and the one who cheats is always you!
The story of this film is a luxurious and even extravagant loneliness. Every stroke is breast-feeding from sad breasts, just as George Clooney's acting skills extracted from his lonely life in "On the Clouds" almost conquered the Oscars. (But it is undeniable that although he did not win an award, it is enough to have this film in his life. There is no more accurate representative work than "On the Clouds" to describe his career in Hollywood)! A Hollywood diamond king and even a public lover all over the world, he has nothing to lose, just because he has everything he should have, so the world makes him so satisfied that he doesn't even know what he has? What should he pick up in his own home? What more could he have in life? The world is full of his things, but when he needs something, there are so many things he can't find, so when he saves 10 million air miles, he looks at the world with that look , This is precisely why everyone feels that neither this character nor him is simply unattainable, this person is very lonely in his heart, this feeling is definitely George Clooney himself, can't be wrong! This is the first film that made me feel that the actor is no longer an actor. He has quietly squatted and started to talk to our audience. God is so lonely that he puts down his body and makes people smaller than ants in the clouds. This is the loneliness of "In the Clouds"!
Isn't the hero and heroine of this film not in the clouds? Moreover, the father and daughter are at opposite ends of the cloud, each experiencing their own loneliness, have they intersected? Meet up! They seem to enjoy everything in life in different hotels over and over again during the winter and summer holidays. It is sad because they have met countless times but still can't plant themselves deeply into each other. In the heart field, two lonely hearts are connected to the root but cannot coexist, but absorb water from the same place, and the water from the land connected by blood is absorbed by them but cannot be shared (the same root but not symbiotic), then it becomes Fight for the only source left! In the end, both flowers are bound to wither!
No one knows whether they are happy or not, but all we see are games, table tennis, swimming pools, play in the water, sunbathing, those are like two dogs hurt by loneliness licking each other's wounds, waiting for the wounds After healing, they will still smell each other and leave! (Strongly kneeling down and begging for the episode in the water, it's super nice! I spent a whole day and couldn't find it! Who knows the name and download address?) Did
the father really start to re-examine his life after the daughter left? ? He has cried and laughed! But the car went around and around at the same place, it was not because of my father's daze and confusion that he couldn't find the direction to save the father-daughter relationship! Isn't it just that everything still starts over and over again? They will all sigh and regret this unsuccessful father-daughter relationship, but isn't the day still going on like this? In the end, my father was still alone in the hotel watching the striptease that made people fall asleep because the dances were inconsistent. He still spent time drinking with women to soothe his empty heart with money, and he still returned to his career. Award-winning and handed down the movie, my daughter will come and go, with a wave of her sleeves, she will not take away a cloud!
There is a song that can set off the mood of this movie very well, that is Assan's "Leaves", which is like "Lonely, it is a carnival of one person! Carnival, it is the loneliness of a group of people!" This father and daughter are not the same group of people. ! When loneliness reaches a person talking and laughing at himself and fooling the only audience himself! When the carnival reaches two people together but they are just alone! Just like "love" (father-daughter love) originally started as companionship, but I (daughter) gradually forgot how to be accompanied at that time. I ate and traveled by myself, stopped and went, and read and wrote letters by myself. Dialogue and heart-to-heart, but where my heart has drifted again, I can't even see myself clearly, I think I not only lost you (father)!
The Venice incident is as absurd as the award-winning scene in the movie, and Sophia was "accepted" like a father, and then she could only stand awkwardly and laugh, and then a large group of singers and dancers surrounded her, which was the organizer's use of her. The fame is making jokes, and it is very successful, the whole world is scolding!
Time is still the only thing that buffers the father-daughter relationship (but it is not really a life-saving antidote). After 40 years, Sophia stood on the podium and said calmly: I never dreamed that I would win the Golden Lion Award. I was very surprised to receive the call, and I shared the news with my parents at the first time. Old Coppola was also very happy. When I was writing "Somewhere", I put myself in and imagined myself as that little girl, or that actor father. What I have always wanted to do is still similar to "Lost in Translation", and I will continue to work behind the camera in the future, not considering acting!
That means it doesn't matter whether the father-daughter relationship is healed or not, because whoever destroys Coppola's loneliness will destroy Coppola!

Rating of the film:
"Somewhere" 88 points (I admit that it was copied from my sister, but I think it's a copy, and it's a good copy! Plus it's poor background, it's one point higher than my sister's Let's go!)
Mention the movie rating:
"Lost in Translation" 87 points
, "Death of the Virgin" 85 points
, "Beautiful Queen" 66 points
, "In the Clouds" 86 points
, "The Godfather Trilogy" 100 points
"Apocalypse Now" scored 88 points
, "Never Come Near" scored 78 points
, "U.S. version, "Never Come Near" scored 77 points
, "Vanilla Sky" scored 83 points
, "Open Your Eyes" scored 84 points

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Somewhere quotes

  • Johnny Marco: What's that book about again?

    Cleo: It's about this girl that's in love with this guy. But he's a vampire, and his whole family's vampires. So she can't really be with him.

    Johnny Marco: Why doesn't she become one too?

    Cleo: doesn't she become one too? Cleo: Because she can't. He doesn't want to turn her into a vampire. And if she gets too close to him, he won't be able to help himself.

    Johnny Marco: Oh, man.

  • Johnny Marco: Whoa! What the fuck, dude?

    Ron the Masseur: Oh. Did they not tell you how I work?

    Johnny Marco: No.

    Ron the Masseur: I have a website that explains my technique. I feel that if my client's naked, it's just more comfortable if I meet them at the same level.

    Johnny Marco: Yeah, it's - it's not for me. Thanks, though. Why don't you just pack it up.

    Ron the Masseur: Alright.

    Ron the Masseur: [after putting his clothes back on] S'sorry about that.

    Johnny Marco: Nah, it's cool.