It doesn't matter where you are, what matters is that you are in my heart - to "Somewhere"

Mason 2022-04-20 09:02:10

Our life is built by the little things and the little feelings. Even if there will be strong winds and waves, there will be ups and downs and stumbles, but most of our lives are in order. It went on in sequence, the better thing was to move forward, but the worse thing was that he kept going in circles like Johnny or even broke down in the middle of the road.

It's actually embarrassing to go around in circles, because if you don't sound good, you may have lost your life direction, lost some very important and precious emotional feelings, and lived in a daze, even if you are a movie star, Of course, as a celebrity, it seems reasonable to use alcohol, drugs, and beauty to stimulate the already numb self. It can even be used to find inspiration for artistic creation, but these can be used to deceive others, but it is definitely too much If you don't come to the level of yourself, simply put, you can deceive others with the appearance of life, but you can never deceive yourself in terms of life itself.

Looking at Johnny at the beginning of the movie, I feel like he is really a silly, poor child, a person who has never found the right place in his life and his spiritual sustenance, so he lives in an extremely embarrassing way, think about it, What can you expect from a person who will fall asleep even watching the dance of two beautiful girls! ! And for a long time in the movie, Johnny is the one person who can't sleep at night without some sensory stimulation, such a person, watching him play like a puppet for his own movie and let the staff play around like a puppet , It feels like being played around by people. At this time, you will really feel that he is very pitiful, you will sympathize with him, pity him, and you will naturally feel that his future is worrisome! ! And it is extremely worrying! ! It's really hard for such a prodigal son to want to find his way back! !

But maybe everyone admits that, that is: life is fair, even if the person who is not good will still have hope and warmth in his life, and Johnny is no exception, in fact, there is still a very The important part, that is his daughter - Cleo! ! In fact, although Johnnny knew that his daughter was very important to him, he could even vaguely feel that his daughter meant a lot to him and his life, but he had never been able to figure out the changes and meanings in it. Thoroughly, but at the back, we all know that Johnny's confusion at that time is not so shameful, because the ultimate meaning and warmth of life always needs to be like we use a small fire to slowly cook that pot of rich soup, As long as you use enough patience and time, you can smell and taste the aroma and taste yourself, but the premise is that you do it with your heart and feel it.

And what is the method used to make the soup of life boil and emit a strong aroma? ? The answer is the little stick called "detail", because what is life built without the little details of life? ? Watching my daughter dancing happily on the ice, eating delicious breakfast made by her daughter, having a late-night snack with her daughter and watching Friends, diving with her daughter in the bright sunshine, playing table tennis, and letting her tired daughter lean on her There are too many moments of falling asleep with the faint singing on the shoulders, and the details are enough to make a father who is alive and groggy regain something that has been lost for a long time. After all, the motivation and confidence to keep life going does not need to be Just like the sparkling fireworks for a moment, but need these little bits and pieces that seem ordinary but practical, moving people can find their little touch and little warmth. And only real emotional accumulation will have corresponding emotional rewards.

Life is dull, but the dullness of emptiness is the most terrifying thing. Seeing her always innocent, sensible, and happy daughter suddenly began to cry, crying and expressing her worries and fears, Johnny really understood what it was at this time. , it's not okay to let his daughter lean on his shoulders for a snuggle, it must be "I'll always be you around." Although Johnny himself was timid at this time, he only dared to choked in the noise of helicopters Said a promise that he should make to his daughter as a father, but at this time he understood that he was no longer willing to continue his empty and pale life, and he had to do something to make his life full and rich again. Get up, and now he understands, he understands, it's the daughter, it's the brief time spent with her daughter that brightens up the main color of his suppressed life, and he doesn't want to live anymore, he has to move forward , to change, to be a responsible person, to be a father who can make his daughter practical and happy, to be a real backer, and to make his and his daughter's life a happy, happy and dull life.

At the end, Johnny retreated from the room and drove his Ferrari forward intently. When he finally ran out of gas, he left the car and walked forward without looking back. When he saw this moment, Johnny smiled, and laughed heartily. When the time came, my eyes were red, yes, how great do ordinary people in life need to be? ? What you have to do is to find the warmth in your life that touches you, the motivation that gives you confidence, and when you strive to bring the same warmth and happiness to those around you, maybe you will succeed, especially You have made real changes yourself, and you are willing to change for those who you think are worthy. What is such a person not great? ?

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Somewhere quotes

  • Johnny Marco: What's that book about again?

    Cleo: It's about this girl that's in love with this guy. But he's a vampire, and his whole family's vampires. So she can't really be with him.

    Johnny Marco: Why doesn't she become one too?

    Cleo: doesn't she become one too? Cleo: Because she can't. He doesn't want to turn her into a vampire. And if she gets too close to him, he won't be able to help himself.

    Johnny Marco: Oh, man.

  • Johnny Marco: Whoa! What the fuck, dude?

    Ron the Masseur: Oh. Did they not tell you how I work?

    Johnny Marco: No.

    Ron the Masseur: I have a website that explains my technique. I feel that if my client's naked, it's just more comfortable if I meet them at the same level.

    Johnny Marco: Yeah, it's - it's not for me. Thanks, though. Why don't you just pack it up.

    Ron the Masseur: Alright.

    Ron the Masseur: [after putting his clothes back on] S'sorry about that.

    Johnny Marco: Nah, it's cool.