The third episode is amazing

Cecelia 2022-12-31 15:51:42

The first episode is a decent description of Dracula, adding modern elements, Dracula chose a same-sex bride, from England, handsome and strong, Dracula regained his youth after drinking blood; knowledgeable, honest gentleman , he is in danger and wants to save others, and Dracula is a type of person, so Dracula likes to chat with him and is always polite to him. He would rather die than abandon his faith in goodness and be loyal to love. These qualities are the reasons why Dracula carefully chose this bride

Van Helsing is set to be a woman and a nun. She is not superstitious in God and studies the devil's "sideways". In fact, she is also a scientist, fearless out of curiosity.

Van Helsing is not enough to match Dracula, Dracula is too strong and too lonely, humans are both his food and his companion, so Dracula always maintains the patience of a gentleman to his prey

The second episode is still quite satisfactory, Dracula planned a joyful hunting game for his travel, to pass the lonely journey, and finally was spoiled by Van Helsing, hibernating in the sea

In the third episode, Dracula was salvaged by Van Helsing's descendants to do research after 123 years of dormancy in the sea. The picture changed from the dark horror of episodes or two to bright and intimate. Dracula came to modern times and quickly learned and mastered various electronic skills. Through social software, it was easier to capture prey, which made him boring. He even had to exercise to keep in shape, hahahahaha. He calls himself a blood taster, and his taste is getting more and more critical, and he wants to drink more unique and high-quality blood sources.

There is all the information of a person in the blood, and Dracula learns more by sucking blood. This sci-fi setting is successfully explained in the third episode. I personally like this setting. It goes beyond legends and horrors, and uses a sci-fi structure to extend Dracula infinitely into the future. He can also go on with us. From this point of view, the first season is of great significance.

You can't let Dracula keep sucking the ancients in medieval clothes. Dracula is more handsome in suits, and he can be infinitely sexy. Dracula is a good boy who studies hard every day, maybe he can help mankind explore the mysteries of the universe.

Is Van Helsing dead? Of course not, Van Helsing was immortal after being sucked by Dracula and became a vampire too

Is Dracula dead? How is it possible that cancer kills people but not vampires. The third episode revealed that all the legendary Dracula's weaknesses do not exist, neither need to be invited to not enter, nor afraid of the cross, nor afraid of the sun, in fact Dracula has no weakness, dare not face death , it is only Van Helsing's unilateral speculation.

Dracula has more than 500 years of wisdom, how can a mortal speak his mind? He is just lonely. He likes human beings, likes to observe human beings and learn from human beings.

The old legends can't be made too far, and the pattern of science fiction is even bigger. Looking forward to the second season

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