It's pretty rubbish.

Eloy 2022-11-14 17:57:42

Two stars.

A lot of people were attracted by the first episode, the second episode started going downhill, and the third episode went straight to diving. As a vampire, his methods are too shabby. In the last episode, the vampire was kept in a cell and released because of a lawyer? Is that a vampire? ! Then in the end it turned out to be not afraid of the sun? Talking about how far the sun is, how come vampires have been underwater for 123 years without considering whether it is reasonable or not? The whole story sucks. I struggled to endure nausea and dizziness after watching it to see how bad this film can be. Now that I have finished watching it, I resisted my nausea and said to everyone, cherish life and stay away from this drama!


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