Downton Abbey that never fades

Alexandria 2022-04-19 09:02:33

I was a fan of our downtownabey before! This time the movie didn't let me down either. The big production, the scene, the telephoto or wide-angle lens is so beautiful (I don't know much about nonsense), in short, the picture is super nice! Seeing the UK like that makes me yearn for it. In terms of plot, it's okay, telling a story completely anyway, like watching a small TV episode haha.

There are a few other places that impress me

First, Barrow has found the perfect son? And he is also very handsome. He also staged the story of a hero saving a man. He filled in a lot of TV dramas. "I'm very happy, I finally found a friend" - "It's really just Friends?" The one who tilted his head and smiled, are we together?

The second is the scene where Mary's other half drives back to find Mary. Many details are in place, such as getting out of the car without opening the door, jumping out of the car quickly, then throwing off the hat at the door, and then running upstairs, but when it is close to Mary In the room, the pace slowed down again, and the tie was arranged casually. The lover met with all kinds of hearts, and the details were well portrayed. "You tell me, will you stay in Downton all the time and not go anywhere else" - "Leave Downton? Weren't we stuck here". Mary was worried that he would get tired of Downton's life and wanted to go to other places in the future, but his husband (forgot his name) didn't hesitate to think about it. Seeing this, he can understand why Mary gave up the one who traveled with her before. Boy, I have chosen a racing enthusiast. He is so simple and doesn't think too much. The two of them are very compatible, which is great.

Third, the people of Downton Abbey are united to defend the dignity of Downton Abbey, and play the role of royal servants together. But what moved me the most was that even though they were servants, that was their profession and work, and it was what they were proud of.

The fourth is that Tom finds the lover haha

Fifth, I really have to say, I love grey humor so much "grandma, you look at us in every picture and live in every book we read, you're always with us" — - Grandma's eyes were wet and "it sounds like I'm going to be tired" haha. Here is Mary's tearful and funny dialogue after she knew her grandma's time was short, hey, after explaining to Mary

The era of Downton Abbey will end, but she once existed so real and is the pulse of the times, but he is also advancing with the times and will not fade.

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Downton Abbey quotes

  • Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham: A shy royal? Is that an oxymoron?

  • Violet Crawley: I am an expert in every matter.