Judy: Life is a gorgeous robe full of lice

Coby 2022-10-23 19:47:58

A film is based on a true story. Judy Garland was born into an acting family in Grand Rapids, Minnesota in 1922, and the family moved to California when she was four years old. She started acting at the age of four and joined the sisters at the age of seven at the insistence of her mother. At the age of 13, Judy signed with MGM, one of the largest film production companies in the world. At the time, owner Louis Mayer signed her on the spot without any hesitation. However, Judy's life at MGM was not easy. She was the representative of child stars and received many restrictions from the company. When she turned 16, she was asked to celebrate her birthday two months early to fit her work schedule, and she couldn't touch the cake because it would make him fat. MGM forced her to stay in shape, wearing very tight corsets to slim down further. In order to maintain her youthful appearance, her breasts were immobilized with bandages. She was forced to use drugs to adjust her nervousness on set to cope with a high-intensity filming schedule, and tranquilizers to put herself to sleep. She was portrayed by the company as the girl next door to Americans. Ordinary, ordinary, lovely. However, behind her back, she has been living an oppressed life. In 1942, she lost only 98 pounds (about 88 pounds). She was full of fear, insomnia, nervousness, and often had a nervous breakdown. Gradually, her mental and physical morbidity hindered more and more projects. Finally, in 1950. MGM fired her. "I broke down," she said later of her dismissal from MGM. "All I wanted to do was eat and eat and hide. I lost all my confidence for 10 years. I suffered from stage fright. People forced me on stage" Judy spent the rest of her life in comebacks. Participated in "A Star Is Born" in 1954 and signed with Cpital Records in 1955. She made frequent television appearances, made her Las Vegas debut, and toured the US and UK. In 1959 she was diagnosed with hepatitis and was hospitalized. Doctors told her it would affect her acting career. However, she made a comeback in the early 1960s. In 1968 she performed for five weeks in London, the last performance of the famous actor. The following year, she died of an overdose. died at the age of 47. She has worked hard and struggled, and she has persevered through gritted teeth. However, he lost the stage, was burdened with huge debts, and experienced five bad marriages, which ended in embarrassment. Lucky people are healed by childhood all their lives, and unfortunate people are healed by childhood all their lives. 2. Judy Garland like this, accidentally became an early gay icon. The original homosexual symbol was a pink inverted triangle. This is because during the Nazi Germany period, once gays were found, they would be taken into concentration camps, marked with a pink inverted triangle, and collectively gassed and cremated. Later, affirmative action organizations believed that continuing to use the inverted triangle logo for fans would cause trauma to homosexual psychology, so they came up with the idea of ​​changing the homosexual logo. What logo should I use? Because at that time there was a famous movie "The Wizard of Oz", which told the adventure story of a little girl Doris and Scarecrow, Iron Man and Lion. Scarecrow, Iron Man, and Lion are different from "ordinary people" in the eyes of the public, but Doris can become good friends with them, and gradually find her own (family, wisdom, love, courage) through a series of adventures, and finally Be proud to be yourself. Aren't these scarecrows, iron men, and lions the same as gays in reality? And the little girl was blown to a rainbow place by the tornado. There are all kinds of people and animals, it is a diverse world. So the rainbow is used as a symbol of homosexuality. The heroine of "The Wizard of Oz" also actively supports equal rights for the gay community in reality. In particular, actively lobbying the president to decriminalize homosexuality was an early GAY ICON. The Wizard of Oz's theme song "over the rainbow" has also become a gay holy song. "They saw that we loved her because she reflected the pain and loneliness in our own lives. This is crap. My parents were straight and they were the most miserable, lonely people I've ever known. We're not alone and Painful proprietor. I love her because no matter how they put her down, she survived. When they said she couldn't sing; when they said she couldn't raise men...when they said she was fat; When they said she was thin; when they said she fell. People are falling on their faces every day. She got up." - A Gay In the letter to a press conference in San Francisco, Garland was asked if she mind having so many gay followers, to which she replied: "I don't care at all. I sing to people!

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Judy quotes

  • Louis B. Mayer: You're my favorite, Judy.

  • Judy Garland: I'm only Judy Garland for an hour a night.

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