I cried at the end

Myron 2022-11-14 09:59:35

Inside Judy lives a little girl like the protagonist in The Wizard of Oz, who has never grown up. Since the age of 2, he has been working in various performances and singing in Hollywood and grew up. Subject to an adult-like workload and strict code of conduct. Her environment does not allow her to grow up, and once she shows a little bit of personal preferences and demands, she is intimidated and threatened by various languages. No one can grow into a complete person in such an environment where they only work and do not play. Judy loves her children and the children love her because she is their playmate. But she couldn't protect herself, and she couldn't protect her children. This little girl is easily moved. As long as the other party gives a little bit of warmth, it is easy to fall in love. If you are in love, you will get married. She thinks of the other party very well and is very capable. did not really know each other. Such marriages certainly don't last long, and little girls are easily disappointed and heartbroken.

Judy's good voice and some of her deeply rooted works have enabled her to have a lot of audiences and fans. This stage has given her a lot of meaning in life. She also loves the stage and the audience. But the little girl in her heart is just like unable to protect her own child, and she is also powerless to protect her audience's support, expectation and enthusiasm. Suppose her audience spends a year of savings to take the train from the country town to London just to watch her show, and witnesses the goddess in their hearts go crazy on stage, their dreams and hearts ❤️ must be shattered...

Judy, who started working at the age of 2, sang nonstop all her life. When she was 47 years old, she was careful to eat cakes, because she was subject to strict dietary requirements for work since she was a child. She was not allowed to eat food such as cakes and pizzas. The restraint had a firm grip on her behavior until the very end. She is too tired and should rest. May Judy drink less and eat more cake in heaven??

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Judy quotes

  • Louis B. Mayer: You're my favorite, Judy.

  • Judy Garland: I'm only Judy Garland for an hour a night.

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