I don't know why I live, I can only live under the control of others

Ned 2022-11-01 04:41:36

From the end of life to the beginning of life

The most touching part of the movie is the epilogue. Judy finally won a farewell performance and tried her best to project all her emotions into the singing. She is the goddess of the singing world, and her moving and sincere singing once again captured the audience. Finally, she sang one of her classic famous songs "over the rainbow". This song has the meaning of longing and yearning for a beautiful place. Judy lost control of her emotions while singing, so that she lost her voice and could not continue singing. I think Judy must have been flooded with the misfortune of her life's misfortune when she sang, always hoping to find some rainbows, but never seem to get them. Fortunately, the audience, especially the LGBT group she supported, stood up and continued to sing her song, and others followed along, forming a more moving melody. Fortunately, in the end, Judy felt the consolation from the audience. This consolation is also the most touching part, because this is the most authentic part of artistic expression such as songs. It conveys the encouragement between people, Emotions of support, love, this is the most artistic part. After the farewell show, Judy died in her apartment six months later at the age of 47 after overdosing on sleeping pills and other drugs.

At the end, I can't help but think, why hasn't Judy found the rainbow she was looking for? Why did it end in a tragic end when it was clearly at the peak of life?

Judy is very passionate about singing and has always had many fans, but mental problems often make her out of control. Since he was required to take medicine by his agent to control his weight since he was a child, he finally had to rely on medicine to relieve his mood and insomnia. After marrying her fifth husband, when she found that her husband could not understand her from her point of view, she thought that her husband was just like the previous husbands, a bastard, and the relationship broke down again. She attaches great importance to the two children she loves, and finally chooses to settle down with her father, instead of living a life of displacement and often changing environments with her. There is at least a wave of fans in the UK who still like her, but because she often fails to perform on time and says a lot of things she shouldn't say during the performance, she gradually lost the popularity of the audience and the support of her agency, and eventually her career declined.

When you see the scene of her quarrel with her fifth husband, on the one hand, you will see how she is so reluctant to face the truth and admit that the problem of her behavior has led to the decline of her career. When her husband pointed it out directly, I hope she can clearly realize this problem; but on the other hand, if she jumps out of the scene of the quarrel and looks back at her growth process, she will feel very pity, she just hopes that her husband can unconditionally Love her and understand her. In such an embarrassing situation, I hope her husband can control his emotions at this time, soothe her injured, instead of directly saying the bloody truth. At this time, she was too fragile in her heart. Although she knew that it might be a fact, she couldn't face and accept it, and she couldn't accept herself like this, which led to her bleak ending.

Pulling the camera back to Judy when she was young, maybe we will blame the agent's exploitation and extreme control over her for her extremely suppressed emotions and lack of love. A little girl, under the extreme control of her manager, can't eat french fries and cakes. In order to control her weight, she takes medicine every day. She has no time for rest and entertainment. She only sleeps for 5 hours a day. , but in the end they all succumbed to the broker and fell into the control of the broker.

Let's see how the agent controls her. Her father didn't care about her, and her mother didn't care about her that much, and left her directly to the manager. The grades are still young, there is no independent thinking, and there is no back-up support in the face of management and control. Why is Judy willing to accept the agent's control? Because from the very beginning, the agent has seized the weakness of human nature and painted her a beautiful blueprint, "Do you want to live an ordinary life or a life to be admired?" In order to obtain a life of admiration, Judy suppresses With his own nature, regardless of the roar of the "inner me", even if he is a little bit temperamental at times, he is pulled back to the pursuit of a better blueprint by the agent. Extreme self-control and self-discipline and the natural advantages of her singing voice have made Judy step by step. "Inner Self" focus.

But looking at the camera to the end of her life, the fame she longed for when she was young did not bring her a happy life, she did not find the rainbow she wanted, and her life was in chaos. If you want to disintegrate this chaos, it is not because of outside fame that can bring about changes, but to look from the inside, to find the peace and meaning of life from the inside, only then can you find the solution and find the rainbow she wants.

With this kind of awareness, if we re-plan Judy's choice, how should she choose?

The "inner Judy" who didn't want to be controlled in her childhood often jumped out to resist. If Judy faced up to the prompts her inner self gave her, listened to her heart, and chose the path again, what would the outcome be? She can bravely give up the bright future offered by her agent, but at that time, many people may not agree with her, because the aura of fame is too attractive. If you choose this path, you may end up being an ordinary person, and you may be able to live an ordinary, peaceful and joyful life. It is better to be at peace with your inner being than to constantly suppress and suppress your inner being. Originally a child who lacks love, if you can find a trace of warmth and love in ordinary life, perhaps the background of life will become warm, and perhaps rainbow will be found. If there is a better path, it is to find a gentler agent, and provide her with a platform and training without suppressing her so much. Different training methods, life may be very different. But the entertainment industry is profit-oriented, and such an agent was too rare in that era. If not, then calmly be an ordinary person, at least you can take singing as a hobby, or part-time part-time job, if you encounter good times and good opportunities later, you may still have a chance to become famous.

Looking at the starting point from the end of life, and extending the dimension of life time, Judy reminded me that the dimension of happiness in life should not be placed only in the dimension of career success. The inner spirit may be more important than the outer appearance. The happiness of life Dimensions should seek a harmony within and without. In the long run, inner stillness may be the more important thing to pay attention to. If we understand this truth, we can live a relatively better life and reach somewhere over the rainbow. And if you don't understand this truth, don't know why you live in life, you will succumb to the control or evaluation of others, and you can't bravely obey your own heart.

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Judy quotes

  • Louis B. Mayer: You're my favorite, Judy.

  • Judy Garland: I'm only Judy Garland for an hour a night.

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