
Karson 2022-11-18 07:18:49

When the little girl jumped into the swimming pool, I admired her courage. She was forced to oppress and dared to resist, which made me especially admire her and feel very sorry for her. The neurotic Judy makes the whole character very layered, and the trembling of her head and limbs in the taxi makes this character more realistic, and makes me believe that she is this character. Judy’s state of being supported by drugs made me think that I would also try diet pills when I was losing weight, but after taking it once, I felt a serious impact on my sleep, so I didn’t continue to rely on diet pills, but Judy still grew long. When she is in the body, she is forced to rely on drugs to maintain her body shape. This is oppression, and nothing comes at once. The foundation of her childhood and hard training have given her a group of ultimate fans who are willing to be in her 40s. Continue to follow her and admire her, these people who like her are her most gratifying gift. The feeling of hiding in the closet with the two children made me feel Judy's heartache. Why didn't she want to accompany her two babies, when she was disappointed in her life, the two children brought her great comfort and made her feel She can't go down yet, she can hold on a little longer, and she doesn't want to leave them to go on tour in the UK, but if she doesn't go, she won't be able to fight for custody with her ex-husband. Judy's deep sense of helplessness makes me feel bad. When I enjoyed listening to the audience’s applause behind the scenes, it reminded me that no matter how much applause I got from the audience during the performance, when the audience applauded sincerely for you, my heart would be filled with happiness, the kind of gratification for myself The feeling arises spontaneously. She couldn't control herself, she was someone else on stage, and I believe she was born for the stage. In the end, when I was very careful and reluctant to eat cake?, it reminded me that her birthday party was also a so-called form when she was a child. She showed it to the audience. She couldn't enjoy a moment of fun. Exhausted, neurotic, but fortunately at the end, her partner accepted the weird Judy and wished her well, prepared her a cake, her hands were shaking when she touched the plate, her profession Habits and long-term drug diets made her not know how to taste this piece? Her childhood was sad. But the people around her who really thought about her were like the sun in the winter room, bringing a trace of warmth. At the end, when the audience sang with Judy, she was really reluctant to leave the stage, she was shining and full of charm on the stage, she should know that she didn't have much time, so she asked the audience, you won't forget me Well, promise I won't forget.. Her whole life is dedicated to the stage.. Hope she will be remembered forever?

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Judy quotes

  • Louis B. Mayer: You're my favorite, Judy.

  • Judy Garland: I'm only Judy Garland for an hour a night.

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