Walking toward somewhere that you've dreamed of.

Chauncey 2022-11-01 14:07:16

The impression of Judy Garland remains in the fairy tale heroine in "The Wizard of Oz" who looks less like a traditional blond doll; the deeper impression of Renee Zellweger is in "Mr. Sweetheart" The blond beauty and the old leftover female BJ in "BJ's Single Diary", and I don't want to do my homework in advance to avoid "preconceptions" before watching the movie, thinking that this is just a history of Hollywood star making, so I chose this movie to watch At the time, I didn't expect that I didn't even have the courage to watch the whole film in one go. Heroes come to an end, beauties are twilight, stars are dead, and tragedy is to destroy beautiful things for others to see. In the eyes of the audience, Judy may be just a young and famous, numerous awards, and a dazzling star, but who would have thought that these achievements would require her to sacrifice her health and the emotions and desires of ordinary girls. Therefore, this super star who has no childhood , he spent his whole life pursuing the simplest and purest thing, that is, being loved and needed. In the end, when she found that she was no longer needed and no one loved her, she could only return to the stage she couldn't live without and seek affirmation. When Li recommended this film on Weibo now, he quoted the sentence in the original book "The Wizard of Oz": "A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others." And I was deeply impressed. But it's Judy's introduction to "Over the Rainbow" at the end of the credits: "This next one, it isn't a song about getting anywhere. It's about walking toward somewhere that you've dreamed of. And maybe the walk is every day of your life. And the walking has to be enough. It's about hope. And we all need that." Be hopeful and live in the moment!

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Judy quotes

  • Louis B. Mayer: You're my favorite, Judy.

  • Judy Garland: I'm only Judy Garland for an hour a night.

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