About Bailu

Keanu 2022-11-04 06:22:09

Dabai, why are you so affectionate?
My face was paralyzed and I burst into tears. I shivered, and I was in a trance for a second. The next second, I realized that it was raining. . .

Since ancient times, Hongyan's life has been weak, and Lanyan has not been strong.

It's better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes than to stick to each other.

One should not be obsessed with commitment, and the other should not indulge in unnecessary guilt and self-blame.

The rivers and lakes are mixed, and it is not necessarily a bad thing.

The mental barrier that needs to be broken through, aside from the sharp-eyed masses, the parties must also be well aware of it.

The haziness only separated by a layer of yarn is the most seductive.

Open up Hongmeng, who is the seed of love?

Seeds must be bitter in order to be talked about with relish.

If it is sweet, it has been eaten long ago and the taste is forgotten.

It is not everyone can get it, and everyone wants it so much and avoids it.

Combine it? divided? Prisoner's dilemma makes sense.

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Bleach quotes

  • Ichigo Kurosaki: Eh-eah.

    [wipes away blood]

    Ikkaku Madarame: I don't get it.

    Ichigo Kurosaki: Hm?...

    Ikkaku Madarame: Sure there's some distance between us, but only a novice unfamiliar with fighting would allow a hand to leave his sword during a match!

    Ichigo Kurosaki: Why don't you just shut your trap! Alright? I got blood in my eyes! So I just stopped to wipe it away!

    Ikkaku Madarame: Even shallow wounds above the eye bleed profusely.

    [removes a cap on the end of his hilt]

    Ichigo Kurosaki: [puzzled] Mm!

    Ikkaku Madarame: [dabbing his fingers in an ointment inside his hilt] Therefore you must stop the bleeding...

    [spreading the ointment over his cut]

    Ikkaku Madarame: you can't just wipe it away.

    Ichigo Kurosaki: Hey! That's not fair! You have a special ointment to stop your bleeding!

    Ikkaku Madarame: It is too fair. It's called being prepared, you idiot! Instead of complaining, you should be applauding my professionalism!

    Ichigo Kurosaki: Eh-eah...

  • Zangetsu: [looking up at the sky; thinking] Ichigo... do you know how I hate rain? And it rains in this world, too. If your heart is troubled, the skies will become cloudy. If you grieve, it will rain ever so easily.


    Zangetsu: I wonder if you can understand... the fear of being rained on in this lonely world... To stop that rain, I shall lend you any strength, any power. If you just have faith in me, I will not allow any rain to fall upon this world.

    [speaking out loud]

    Zangetsu: Trust me, Ichigo. As long as I am here, you'll never fight alone.

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