love is important to life

Camryn 2022-04-19 09:02:23

Sibling love is nothing. The important thing is to love each other. Only with love can we have a good life. The film "Sister and Brother Love" tells such a truth. Is marriage scary? Perhaps this is not a problem at all, and what people ultimately want is life - a good life. Love itself is wonderful, so no matter how it appears, don't be surprised. The film shows the greatness of love in a very plain way. The heroine has been married, and she has to adapt to this sudden and somewhat unrealistic love-because her age and experience make her very realistic. After the male protagonist was rejected by the woman, he felt that he might not really be able to bring a sense of security to the other party - unrealistic will make people feel insecure - especially the woman, and finally he chose to leave alone. When two people meet again after 5 years and find out that each other's love is still the same, I think everyone will make the same choice...

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The Rebound quotes

  • Sandy: Someone like you shouldn't be with someone like me - an old girlfriend with two kids.

    Aram Finklestein: You're an ageist.

  • Lateefah: Aram, I know you took some women's studies courses in college, but other than that, do you have any kind of experience that you think might've prepared you for this job?

    Aram Finklestein: Uhh... I used to buy tampons for my mother.

    Lateefah: YOU... will fit in perfectly.

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