
Vaughn 2022-04-19 09:02:23

Probably the best movie I've seen in 2011, at least so far. In 2010, my favorite was Inception. What moved me in Inception was the confrontation between technology and human nature, and the contest between love and self. Perhaps the top is a sign of self in a deeper sense. Whether we are awake from a dream, intoxicated or faced, is the subject of the meaning of life. And Last Night is a very simple story, there is no high-tech, no props that we can't understand and understand. It doesn't matter whether the location is Manhattan in New York, London in England, Paris in France or Frankfurt in Germany. There are many such stories around us, so there is a need for deeper value and discussion.

In fact, I think this is not a dualism: spiritual derailment and physical derailment, but self-reflection and consideration of love and marriage. In fact, Michael and Joanna are not completely open to each other, both Michael and Joanna have many secrets of their own. Of course, this approach may be more in line with the modern sense of the scale of romantic relationships, but in essence, perhaps the secrets they keep with each other also provide a breeding ground for cheating.

First of all, I have to say that a woman's sixth sense is really accurate. At the beginning of the party, Joanna was not "overreacting" as she said in the note in Michael's shirt, but realized that there must be some kind of relationship between Michael and Laura. . In fact, compared with going to bed, this kind of ambiguous ambiguity is a more serious problem. First, there is no evidence for this relationship, and there are no inappropriate details; second, this relationship is very dangerous, as long as there is a spark, it will spark a prairie fire. Fortunately, Michael is actually hesitant. He has been hesitant to have something wrong with Laura. The scene in the swimming pool is very real and vivid. Not every man is led by hormones, and fears and worries may be a lot more known than outsiders. However, aside from the overnight romance, we found that Laura had no requirements for Michael. The two could not get married, nor could they have more ties. This relationship is actually quite safe. We read regret and self-blame on Michael's face when he woke up after a night of passion. He stopped what he was doing and rushed home, but it was because of guilt. I don't think the relationship is too dangerous, maybe Michael and Laura will be separated, psychologically and geographically distant from each other, and most likely not even co-workers. And this fascination will no longer have the following, nor will it destroy the marriage. I even think that it was this night that broke the balance, from confidante and confidante to lover, Michael and Laura broke up completely.

However, I think Joanna and Alex are more dangerous. Maybe Laura is just Michael's "affair", but Alex always stays in Joanna's heart. The two keep photos of each other, the joy of the unexpected encounter, Alex's fantasy and psychological dependence when Joanna's life is not going well... Maybe after the night, Michael will put Laura down; however, Joanna and Alex did not let go of each other. This never ending relationship may be the bomb of marriage.

Alex's publisher friend was right, maybe Alex's involvement was not a good thing. And he has seen the marriage very thoroughly, not a vow but a memory of getting along day and night. This is what the Chinese mean when they call love into family. However, this process will obliterate a lot of the original beauty, perhaps choosing Michael thinks that Alex is a charming writer, but really choosing Alex will miss Michael's loyalty and stability. There is never a correct answer to the choice between red roses and white roses. It's just that regret is different, the logic of regret is different, and the regrets of people who regret are different.

And, despite saying that, nothing happened to Joanna and Alex. But perhaps the most dangerous is them. After all, the relationship between Michael and Laura means the end, and once Alex and Joanna get involved, it means a new beginning for the two. After all, two people still have love, attachment and memories with each other. These things are more dangerous and deadly than a night of romance. Perhaps, for all kinds of extramarital affairs, just having sex is not scary. What is scary is all kinds of emotional entanglements from before marriage to after marriage. As Alex's friend said, "the memory of getting along day and night", and this kind of memory is often indestructible and indelible. .

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Last Night quotes

  • Truman: But she is married.

    Alex Mann: I know.

    Truman: No, you don't, you've never been married. Fuck the vows, it's the years you can't undo. You will never be able to take away the years with her husband. And the moment you try, this will be gone.


    Truman: Be smart, keep it as it is.

  • Michael Reed: You can be happy and still be tempted.

    Laura: I know, but surprised you do.