Can you criticize other people just because the protagonist is the main point of view?

Rosalee 2022-04-19 09:02:22

That's right
, in the film, we can see that Hathaway's character was questioned by family and friends after returning home after treatment in the rehabilitation center, and we can also see her many difficulties.
The main point of view of the film is precisely to make the audience's eyes and psychology be affected by the role of the sister.
But because of this, some people criticized her parents, her sister, etc.
, saying that her father was hypocritical and that her sister had a bad attitude towards her.
But what I want to say is that if you have such a sister in reality, can
you still look at her with love as always?
A child who accidentally killed his younger brother and kept causing trouble to his family, isn't it normal to have a slightly biased attitude towards her?
In fact,
no one in this film deserves to be criticized.

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Rachel Getting Married quotes

  • Kym: I am Shiva the destroyer, your harbinger of doom this evening.

  • Kym: [Late to rehab meeting, she knocks over a chair] Cocksucker!

    Kieran: [Who had been addressing the crowd] Uh, only once. My dealer. I was very hard up for cash.