Are you vegetarian?

Onie 2022-04-21 09:02:48

I saw this movie on pps and watched it because it was recommended by a classmate.
It was always shocking at the beginning, the blood stained the Dolphin Bay, which gave me a great visual impact. About 23,000 kills per year, each worth only 600 (forgot the unit), I even suspect it is yen. Exceeding the standard mercury content, they even forced students to eat it, I really don't know what word to use to call them. Afraid of defilement of animals.

Then there is reflection. The dolphin is dead, someone will pay attention and try to rescue it. What about other small fish and shrimp? Are they the damn thing? Or because they are so numerous that they are not worth protecting. Or, part of it is feeding, giving them life, which means you can control their death. An animal is a living thing. Ugh! So contradictory! The law of the weak, the law of nature, the survival of the fittest, the survival of the fittest. Or should we proceed from (part of) human nature. Now, on the surface, humans have won, and humans have become masters. What will happen in the future? Although the process is difficult to grasp, the results are predictable.

what to do? How to look at it is really difficult. I choose my humanity.

Hope you all can watch that movie.

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The Cove quotes

  • Mandy-Rae Cruikshank: When you're out swimming in the ocean and you have whales and dolphins come by you, it is one of the most incredible experiences ever. It's so humbling that this wild creature would come up and be so interested in you. It's... It's unbelievable, really.

  • John Potter: As a scientist, I'm trained to recognize intelligence through objective measures... tool use, cognitive processes, and so on. As a human being, when I see a dolphin looking at me and his eyes tracking me and I lock eyes with that animal, there's a human response that makes it undeniable that I'm connecting with an intelligent being.