Hopeful Tuscany

Graham 2022-04-22 07:01:37

At the beginning of the film, Francis was betrayed and divorced by her husband, lost her house and hid in a rental apartment. The people in the apartment are complicated, and the melancholy mood is even more melancholy, so I came to Tuscany, Italy, as if to escape.

The scenery of Tuscany is really charming: typical European-style spire buildings, characteristic tour buses, sunflowers covering the sky, green grasslands as far as the eye can see, and simple towns full of rural atmosphere... When they arrived, they happened to be in the town. On the purchasing day of 2019, Francis also said on the postcard: "I eat the grapes I bought, and the sweetness of purple melts in my mouth, and I can even smell the taste of purple." The romance and exotic scenery made her buy it like a charm. Down a dilapidated house, perhaps this will enable her to find another life.

But reality is not easily changed. Francis's run-down house is like her current state of life - shabby, cockroached, dusty, lack of water and electricity, and there will be a storm at any time at night, the only thing she can do is hide in bed The quilt covers the head and prays to the Virgin Mary. When faced with difficulties, what should we do? Self-pity only makes us more helpless and depraved.

So, she started to change the status quo and hired a local decoration team to start decorating the house, harvesting olives, learning Italian, learning how to cook Tuscan cuisine, participating in local national festivals, and improving her life day by day. It finally arrived unexpectedly.

There is a line in the movie that says, "When I was a little girl, I used to spend a lot of time looking for ladybugs, but I gave up and fell asleep on the grass. But when I woke up, I had It's full of ladybugs." Perhaps the best way to gain is to pay without asking about the result. Calmness, hard work, and dedication, although success will come later, can be regarded as a kind of surprise.

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Under the Tuscan Sun quotes

  • Katherine: Listen, when I was a little girl I used to spend hours looking for ladybugs. Finally, I'd just give up and fall asleep in the grass. When I woke up, they were crawling all over me.

  • Frances: Any arbitrary turning along the way and I would be elsewhere; I would be different.