a movie about a movie

Alexys 2022-04-20 09:01:49

This is a movie about a movie, a story that takes place in a movie theater. The advantage of this is that it can give people a sense of hierarchy and experience sensory experience in different levels of space. The heroine of the film is a restaurant waiter during the Great Depression in the United States. With such an inconspicuous identity, she begins the follow-up story of two love stories between reality and fiction. Comedy form and lonely ending are the most common combination of Woody films. Cecilia can't see her own way out in life, so she chooses to go to the cinema every day to see Cairo Purple Rose. Her choice is not to find the meaning of life or a way out from the movie, but more to escape the disappointment of real life. She is briefly immersed in a romantic comedy like Cairo Purple Rose, so that she can temporarily escape from reality. Unemployment, alcoholism, domestic violence, and a cheating husband keep her temporarily away from her real life. Rather than a choice between reality and fantasy, it is better to say that Cecilia never had the right and courage to choose.

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The Purple Rose of Cairo quotes

  • Tom Baxter: [to Cecilia] I love you. I'm honest, dependable, courageous, romantic, and a great kisser.

    Gil Shepherd: And I'm real.

  • Movie Patron: You can't talk to my wife that way - who do you think you are?

    The Countess: I'm a genuine countess with a lot of dough, and if that's your wife she's a tub of guts.