fallen angel

Makayla 2022-12-02 16:45:30

The first time I came into contact with Amy Winehouse was when Amy's documentary won the Oscar. I was going to watch it, but I found out that I had never heard of or cared about the characters introduced in the documentary, so I put it on hold. Unexpectedly, I watched this documentary for the first time in the class of Introduction to Pop Music, and I was moved by Amy's singing for the first time.
After watching the whole documentary, I think there are only five words to describe Amy - a fallen angel. Her pure singing, pure heart, and unrepentant love are like an angel, but alcohol and drugs have made her degenerate, and the bombardment of media public opinion has accelerated her depravity.
Let's talk about her singing first. When I heard the first sentence of Amy's singing, I realized that it was it. This is the jazz in my mind. In my impression, jazz should be sung like this, and the voice of a jazz female singer should be like this. , lazy, hoarse, free. She loves music and jazz. The purpose of her songwriting is not for fame and fortune. She just feels that there is not much good jazz music in contemporary society. She wants to create it. After singing a song so many times, she would get tired of it. Later in the film it is mentioned that Amy didn't want to tour and wanted to make a new album because there was nothing left to sing about those songs. She couldn't get anything new out of it, she needed to write new songs. It is said that good songs come from life, and Amy's unwavering commitment to love made her amplify the pain caused by love and gave her the source of music inspiration. And it is precisely because she can make music that she finds solace in it. Several of her masterpieces are rooted in emotional release. Her most famous song, "Back to black," wrote all the lyrics and melody in just two or three hours.
Amy's ex-husband not only brought her love, but also brought heroin into her life. And this man, the man who pushed Amy into the poison pit, was able to say "Why shall I waste my time with her?" shamelessly and easily. Drugs and alcohol. Apparently, Amy's reputation for alcoholism and drug addiction has since overshadowed her music with the "help" of the media. The paparazzi's flash light is only seen in the film data, and has already blinded his eyes. Not to mention living under such unrelenting capture. Amy has been to rehab centers and drug rehab centers many times. On the night of winning the Grammys, Amy was actually in a state of successful detoxification. After the celebration, Amy's best friend Jules excitedly expressed her joy to her and wanted to get some kind of response from Amy, but Amy said, ' Jules, this is so boring without drugs.' This completely broke Jules' heart, which shows that what Amy can't quit is her addiction. If there is no media, maybe Amy can manage her music well, maybe she can really get rid of drugs successfully. But these gossips other than Amy's music have become the talk of variety shows and talk shows. People view her personal life as a joke, and terrible public opinion swallows her up.
After seeing the video, I started to feel bad for Amy. She was just an insecure, vulnerable woman. None of the five Grammys brought her fame. When her father went to the island to accompany her on vacation but brought the media, she showed a strong inner dissatisfaction. She kept trying to escape, but the paparazzi were horrible. There's a section in the video where Amy's bodyguard says she's almost the only family member and he's the only one who can chat with Amy, how sad it is. Although when Amy died, he was blamed for alcoholism, but was it just alcoholism? I'm afraid her ex-husband and the terrible media can't escape the blame.
People always learn to cherish when they are lost. The same goes for Amy's singing, it wasn't until Amy passed away that people started to sigh that we lost a talented singer. Fortunately, music can last forever. Fortunately, after many years, when everyone hears her charming voice, they can still think of this fallen angel~ It's just that the angel can no longer create more soul music for us.

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Amy quotes

  • Tony Bennett: If she had lived, I would have said:. slow down; you're too important... Life teaches you, really how to live it... if you could live long enough...

  • Amy Winehouse: Jules, this is so boring without drugs.