The influence of large domestic enterprises on politics

Clare 2022-04-23 07:03:04

FoodInc. Many products from many companies → (competition, development) → Many products from several companies. Monsanto 1. Patented soybeans→Farmers who use their own soybeans become defendants 2.Polysaccharides/salt/oils→Although they are unhealthy, people like to eat them and sell well→A lot of unhealthy food is produced→Obesity is younger 3 .Organic food is too expensive, dishes are more expensive than snacks → To be full, have enough calories → Eat high-calorie junk food → So some poor people are fat, not because they have no self-control, but because they can’t afford expensive food Healthy food 4. Because big companies have money, they can A. Hire people to lobby (lobby) the government and influence government policies. B. Hire a team of lawyers to file lawsuits (to suppress individuals or small companies that are unfavorable to them). C. "fund" scientific research institutions to make reports that are beneficial to their food, such as the health and nutrition of the product, and what beneficial ingredients it contains, so as to guide consumers to buy. D. Donate money to politicians, or make political investments in advance, such as helping politicians run for election, and help the development of companies after their positions are higher (at the same time, many politicians have worked in those big companies before).

Multinational corporations direct the country and politics. For example, the top leaders of the country lead consortia and large domestic enterprises to sign contracts abroad. Large multinational corporations → too big to fall (for the national economy, national security, employee unemployment, or bribery → state capital injection to help these companies)

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Food, Inc. quotes

  • [first lines]

    Narrator: The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years than in the previous 10,000.

  • Joel Salatin: Even if you don't eat at a fast food restaurant, you're now eating food that's produced by this system.