"Chicks here take only seven weeks from hatching to 5½ pounds, and their bones and guts aren't keeping up with that growth rate, and a lot of chickens here can only walk a few steps and then fall over because their bodies can't keep up. support its own weight"
"Antibiotics are mixed in the feed, and after the chicken eats it, it will be passed on to people, and the bacteria will develop resistance to the antibiotics, and the antibiotics will become ineffective."
When you walk through the supermarket, these dazzling choices don't actually exist. The diversity of food is only a surface, and only a few companies are involved in the production. There is cheap corn to feed the animals > we eat cheap meat
"Cows didn't eat corn originally, they ate grass. We feed the cows with corn just because corn is so cheap and it makes the cows grow faster."
The animals stand ankle-deep in manure all day, and when they are sent to slaughter, the manure sticks to their skin. And if the slaughterhouse slaughtered 400 cows a day, how can it be guaranteed that the slaughtered meat will not stick to manure? This is how meat is contaminated with feces.
Cattle's stomachs are built to digest grass, and some studies have shown that a corn-based diet increases the acid-fast Escherichia coli. Feeding corn to cows allowed this common bacterium to gradually evolve and mutate, leading to the emergence of... new species.
Escherichia coli is not only found in ground beef, but also in spinach and apple juice, by-products of factory farms.
During the Bush administration, America's agriculture secretary has been the beef industry's leading lobbyist in Washington. Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and former vice president of the National Association of Food Processors. These regulators are effectively controlled by the companies they are supposed to oversee.
"We can get cheap candy, cheap potato chips, cheap sodas. When you look at the vegetables in the supermarket, you're like, 'Look at the price of these vegetables, it's enough for me to buy 2 of them elsewhere burgers'"
Why can you get a double cheeseburger for 99 cents at McDonald's but not a cauliflower for the same price at the market?
The food industry blames excess obesity on people's disregard for their own healthy lifestyles. However, it is the food industry that transforms food, and it is also the food industry that changes people's way of life.
For years, the government turned a blind eye to the practice of recruiting illegal workers by meat suppliers. But now, when the anti-immigration movement is on the rise, the government is taking drastic measures. Not against the food companies, but against the workers.
Big food companies expand not through their own growth, but through acquisitions
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