Talk about my perception of black people and the truth that is promoted and covered up by film and television works!

Alexandria 2022-04-20 09:02:06

The film was well done, but we're not going to talk about the film today, let's talk about black people. For three years in Africa, I have been working for black people, from production assistant, to logistics supervisor, administrative assistant and foreign trade translator, and finally I was responsible for solving the problem of black strikes and riots. It is because of my work that I can understand this race, their differences, their joys more deeply than the average person, the average person abroad. I think in the 1960s in the United States, no white man could do this, which led to the situation where black people are still very antagonistic in American society! Although the poor white people in the United States do not live very well, they have the same skin color as the rich, and you can't notice any difference when you wear the same clothes. And what I'm going to say next is because black people's IQs are generally low, and they believe in violence and have no shame. Of course not all of them are, there are still some who are kind, unfortunately you can't tell who are good people by their faces, so black people called bro, you subconsciously think of them as criminals or potential criminals. Because that's how it looks to the American police!
First of all, there are some comments on the Internet that the IQ of black people is about 80 to 90, the average IQ of Chinese people is 110, and the IQ of chimpanzees is about 50 or 60. Although I don't know the comparison of this data, but it is very clear, why don't we let chimpanzees enter the society to help us manage the country? Is it because they can't speak? It's because they have very different values ​​than yours! We can't totally deny chimpanzee values, maybe in the jungle their values ​​are correct! But the scary thing is that they have to integrate into your society! Collision with your values, what to do with this? When their number is small, they will choose not to make irresponsible remarks about you for a while, and of course when you criticize them, they may pretend to listen to you! Sadly when their numbers start to get very large, they bring the customs that they brought from the rainforest into this society, so you see violence, murder, etc., the moral decay of society, to be exact, It is your social morality that has fallen. And because you claim to be more civilized, you will compromise, while barbarism and ignorance will not compromise! And this film only pushes the injustice suffered by innocents or innocent people to the table, without seeing the original situation of such a situation in the whole context, and when American society has fallen into the abyss of division, the more you go. The more innocent people are shown, the more opportunities are given to those who want to make trouble! That is to say, in order to achieve the purpose of grandstanding, the director is further fragmenting American society and accelerating the confrontation between the entire social class. From this aspect, the better the film is, the more bad reviews it has to give! The same is true for the Chinese people. Many ignorant Chinese people, or Chinese people who have only seen two or three black people, will think that the reason for racial discrimination is entirely because of the arrogance and prejudice of white people, and they have also suffered from the same. It is easy for Chinese people who have experienced painful experiences to have a favorable impression of the situation of black people, and this is the most terrifying, and that is the reason why this film must be given a bad review!
Secondly, our nation has many problems, such as infighting and many routines. It is true that this is indeed a problem! But the biggest problem of black people is that they are too comfortable to stay in Africa, and they don't even have the shame in civilization! In all my years of working in Africa, I have never seen a black man make a mistake and be ashamed, even a murderer and a thief! Even if they get stolen! At the same time, under the appearance of violence and brutality, there is actually a lack of adventurous spirit and enterprising spirit! It is true that under the strict management system of modern enterprises, a small number of black people can undertake the complicated labor like domestic workers, but the lack of contract spirit in their bones makes them just live simply and numbly. You may think that Africa is poor because of poor education. , but unfortunately, I did come into contact with many elites in the black society, including students from Cambridge in the UK, students from Xiamen University in China, Wuhan University, and Dalian University of Foreign Languages, as well as government officials, business owners, local rich people, and chiefs of local clans. It's a pity that they are just better at disguising as a modern person, and they don't have a bit of contract spirit and shame in their bones! Such a race, in fact, integrated into American society is a sad continuation of white supremacy colonialism in American society! It was not until the Vietnam War that the United States remembered the large number of blacks in the country because it could not recruit enough soldiers, and then Martin Luther King appeared again! You may think that I have said so much, not to highlight the new racism, the core idea is that the Chinese are the best? Right and wrong! After contacting more than 2,000 local people, I concluded that the reason why a race can be powerful is that there is not much individual difference, there are good people and bad people everywhere! but! ! It can be seen from a very small number of elites! Whether in the West or the East, at a critical moment, a large number of elites will emerge to promote the progress of the entire society and the development of social science and technology. Unfortunately, there are no such people in Africa. Even the few elites in their society are only Just live by.
From an individual point of view, most of us are not much better than black people in terms of personality. If we just admit a black person into our society, I estimate that any society will be fine, but unfortunately they are not One person, but billions! ! Their influx into any country is a disaster, and from a macro perspective, because of the huge differences in cultural diaphragms and three views, it will greatly affect the stability of society! I know a lot of black people, and many of them are really good people, with one problem or another, but all good people. I believe that if a tragedy happens to them, I will be sad too, not just as simple as i 'm sorry. But I still oppose the introduction of black people by the Chinese, no matter how pitiful and innocent they are, so for those ignorant people in the country, even if you really understand the benefits of black people, don't spread it everywhere, because in our civilization, there are always flatterers exist, and they will bring unrest to this society! ! I appeal to film critics to give the difference! If you really care about this country, if you really understand black people, even if they come to China, it won't be good for them!
Finally, please don't trust the media, I have been a reporter for a short time myself, they always ignore the truth, and everything they do is just to gain more attention and attention! There's not a shred of the big picture.

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