Don't lose your true self

Karl 2022-04-21 09:02:40

The most surprising thing was to discover that the ending song turned out to be the Japanese version of Little Hands Holding Big Hands.

When I suddenly wanted to watch Hayao Miyazaki, I turned around and found that those who watched it often didn't want to watch it again. There was a cat kingdom in my memory, and I finally found "The Cat's Repayment".

Anime is warm, but where does it grow overnight. Who is not always looking for, to find the true self.

I envy Xiaochun. I envy her bravery and kindness. I also love cats and dogs. If I save them in traffic, I may not be able to do it. I remember when I was 20 years old, I saw a kitten curled up in traffic not far from home, but I was hesitant to have followed my family to the door. But I always look at the window without worry, hoping to see its safety. At that time I thought, if I was alone, maybe I would save it while the car was short. I didn't have it that day, I want to meet again one day, I must go and save it.

I also envy Xiaochun. Who is not living a lazy and lazy life like her. It's just that she has gone through a wonderful journey, gained growth and found her true self. I also followed the plot and wondered if I shouldn't meddle in and save the prince until I finally found out that she was right. But we can't have this kind of opportunity, we still have to know how to be ourselves.

For a moment I wondered what my true self is. Is it the wanted self or the existing self? I am kind but not brave enough, it becomes a kind of cowardice; I am a little smart but not hard enough, it becomes a kind of laziness; I am inferior and conceited, but I have no self-confidence...

In short, the movie is very warm and moving, there are difficulties, there must be more ways than difficulties, and people's hopes and potentials must also be great.

May everyone find their true self and become the best version of themselves~

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Extended Reading

The Cat Returns quotes

  • The Baron: If you find yourself troubled by something mysterious or a problem that's hard to solve, there's a place you can go where you always find help. You just need to look for it.

  • Haru: [Haru sits down on a lawn chair in a cafe, and a squishing/meowing noise is heard. She shrieks and jumps up] A cat... a FAT cat!