Key Discussion: Music and Love in the Context of the Cold War

Dina 2022-04-23 07:03:17

Sensen Dajun Film Critic Lecturer Screenwriter

cold war

Answer the following questions from fans

1 Is this film just about love and the current situation? So what kind of ideas do you want to convey? Why make it black and white?

2 Interpretation of a lot of camera language, how to interpret the opening pee? Bench, big tree, various photos, muddy ground... What's the purpose, why did the female protagonist ever kill her father?

3 How to interpret the two elements of music and love...?

Cannes Film Festival ( 2018; 71st ) Awards: 1 Nominations: 1

Award · Best Director Award

Woman: This movie has that kind of feeling again. You say it criticizes current politics, and there are no specific negative characters. You say it talks about love, but it is not tepid. The script was written, and the throat is stuck...

Well, the two have betrayed each other, on and off, and love to love .

Woman: Why is this necessary? I always hold it in my heart, why can't I let the men and women in this film let go of love, love completely? Even if it's a little sad, it's okay to accuse politics and the Cold War situation at that time, and interpret the greatness of love...

So, I have to say every time, what is the purpose of the movie, that is, the purpose of creation, is it to let the audience vent their emotions or is it a tool for the director to present his thoughts and art? In fact, this is the difference between commercial films and literary films...

Woman: One is for box office and the other is for art, right?

yes! So we have to find the theme of the film and see what the director wants to say?

Woman: I noticed at the end of the film, someone asked the male protagonist, do you love Poland? The male protagonist replied, love!

Love? Hehe, who are you fooling around, what are you doing out of the country to be patriotic?

Female: So you mean that the male protagonist doesn't love his country...?

What do you think? Why did the male protagonist defect from his country? He must have a reason not to love him. He is poor. If he can eat big fish from the Baltic Sea every day, who doesn't love such a country? You think, as an artist, the male protagonist has to be instilled with this idea and that idea when he plays music, and he also depends on the leader's face, monitors each other, and is not free at all...

Woman: Yes! But Poland was not bad at the time, and there was a major famine in other countries... Haha

So, ah, this kind of thing is a matter of opinion! As an artist, he always pursues absolute freedom, pure's too tender and ideal!

Woman: Well, it makes sense, but these things happen to these people who are engaged in art. It's reasonable and reasonable, and it can't be more normal!

Yes, this film is actually to create such an environment, such a pair of men and women...

Female: What ideological theme does the film try to illustrate?

Don't worry, let's continue the analysis. Have you noticed in this film? Music, singing and these things appear repeatedly...

Woman: Of course! In fact, Polish folk songs are very nice and simple. Through artistic processing, they are even more beautiful. I will sing: Fudge... la la la...

Well, then we will analyze music and love together, have you ever thought about:

Musical love should be the most pure and simple, the most beautiful thing that God has given to mankind.

However, what is music and love like after the Cold War, the current situation and politics?

Female: Oh, I suddenly have a feeling. I saw the serious and serious faces of the audience in the audience. I felt a kind of unfreedom. It was not a heartfelt love song, but a political show. Acting purely for acting's sake...

yes! Music is like this, and love is like this. Under this political environment and pressure, how can there be any love between men and women, just cheating and breaking shoes! Of course, young people still have to take the initiative to move closer to the organization. If they can engage with the leaders, they are still very promising...

Female: Ha, I think of the little bitch in "Youth", in fact, they are almost the same...

That's how people are, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, otherwise what else can they do, they must live! But at a certain period of time, the yearning for love, the yearning for freedom, and the surging of the heart will be like a volcano eruption, and that magical power is unstoppable!

Female: Well, so this film mainly explores the tangled and complex psychological changes of the two artists?

Let's focus on the line of love between men and women. Do you remember a line of dialogue? When the male protagonist is with his lover, the male protagonist has a sentence: prostitutes are too expensive...

At this time, three women also appear in our minds: the prostitute, the most important woman, the lover...

It shows that the male protagonist is weighing in his heart, which is true love and which is important.

On the surface, the male protagonist said that prostitutes are too expensive to consume, but in fact, who do you think is the most expensive?

Female: Hey, life is really a matter of calculation everywhere, you have to weigh it... I think the most expensive woman is the woman who is willing to pursue it with her life!

That's what it means, anyway, over-reporting is a must! Love needs to be overstated and purified...

So, every man actually has a steel scale in his heart ... What does a lover do, what does a prostitute do, and who is true love? Who is used to vent , who is used to pave the way for a career , who is worth pursuing sincerely and defending with life ...

Woman: Wow, I finally understand the purpose of these plots! But you guys are so complicated!

So do you women! At the end of the film, the heroine did not distribute suicide pills according to her weight? Has the heroine never betrayed the hero, so why didn't she run away to France with him... Do you think her explanations are the reason?

Female: I feel that she really thought a lot at the time, but the main reason was some fear and worry, for fear that she would be helpless in the end , then it would be better to hang out with the leaders in the art troupe with peace of mind!

Yeah! In fact, everyone knows that love cannot be eaten as food, and love is not a career. People can throw career and love in order to fill their stomachs. So you see, this film hides a lot of details and pictures of eating, all of which allude to these thoughts...

Female: However, I have also felt the fiery love of the female lead and the male lead many times, and they are desperate like moths to the flames ... This is also where I am entangled, why...?

Then look, what happened when the two were together? The male protagonist is ambiguous with his lover, the female protagonist is dissatisfied and jealous...

Female: The heroine has a strong personality, and she will suffer if she doesn't love her. She must be the only one in the heart of the male lead, to get all the complete sincerity of the man...

It's normal, we all know that love itself is selfish! We think again, is there anything pure in this world? Music, love...? What is there in love, in addition to lust, there are all kinds of jealousy, envy and hatred , no confidence in men, no self-confidence in yourself, sincerity and fear, all kinds of worries, all kinds of complex emotions mixed in... Even if you catch up, you still have to torture in the end For yourself, is it worth it, is it worth it...

Woman: Yes, yes, you have to say that, I watch music too! The simple folk music is mixed with various elements... patriotism, nationalism, and love for Comrade Stalin are all blessed...

That's for sure, whatever the common people think is good and popular, it must be filled with stuffing and ingredients, euphemistically called: sublimation!

The girls at the beginning of the movie got out of the car, stepped on the mud, and entered the music hall. Of course, they need to be eliminated, which is the so-called purification...

In fact, these pictures have overtones... dirty and muddy places, how to purify the music?

Woman: Isn't the patriotism mentioned in this film pure, and isn't the heroine also patriotic?

Then let's talk about patriotism. What the heroine is brooding about is that she thinks that the hero has told the heroine about her life experience: she escaped from Poland, and she used to come from the countryside, which is to hurt the heroine's self-esteem Slap in the face, you are the one who fled from Poland. Your whole family came from Poland. You are no different from calling me a prostitute. This is the main reason why the heroine hates the hero. Since you look down on me, Then I'll fall for you...

Female: Hey, really, the soup of love is really full of five flavors... On the contrary, distance produces beauty!

So, do you think this is still love? It's sour. It 's completely different from the hero's imagination, right? When chasing, you risk your life and death, and living together is such a shitty thing...

Woman: Well, love is like fireworks. When the mood comes, beautiful flowers will bloom, but they may disappear in an instant...

At this point we have to think: Is there pure love in the world, is there pure music?

Okay, we're looking at some lens language, making phone calls, flipping coins, flipping coins one by one

The subtext here: Love is also maintained by money: if you lose a child, the line will be disconnected there ...

Also remember, the male lead and the female lead made an appointment to elope to another country, and the address was still on the ground...

Woman: Is this also the director's intentional arrangement?

Of course, otherwise, it would be a good idea to remake one! So you see, the man didn't wait for the woman later, did he?

Female: At this time, it implies an accident or a small accident...?

Well, these are all lens language movie symbols. After reading too much, you will summarize by yourself... All these "bugs" that appeared during the shooting process are the flaws left by the director deliberately, because the movie is not Douyin, the movie has never been It's the art of "posing"!

As a film critic, all these obvious flaws and action details must be interpreted. This is the minimum requirement for myself and for a film review.

Female: Yes, yes, if you don’t analyze him and don’t interpret it, you will be bragging all day long, and you will only engage in those ignorant fakes. This is true of film critics and academic circles. Then we audiences and fans can still learn to what?

Also, the male protagonist was directing the musicians to score the music. The director said that music should be inserted in the shadows. At this time, the female protagonist pushed the door and came in , a light...

There's actually a pun here, the metaphor is at the wrong time ...

First, the place where the woman entered was wrong, and the crew was still working. By extension, the timing of her finding the male protagonist was not right, and she was in the shadows. The male protagonist already had a lover at this time...

Woman: Oh, I see. Sure enough, the two of them didn't get any good results in the end. The timing was wrong!

Look at some more pictures, freeze-frame shooting, a circle, you can interpret the meaning of many levels, the environment of the title appears again at the end of the title. We conclude:

Life is actually a circle, human nature is like this, so is love, live and live, make your mind tired, what can you really gain? But it's just a circle, a period, a zero, where it comes from and where it goes back... It ca n't escape the circle of human nature...

Woman: Ha, human nature, no help! How do you interpret the crossroads at the end of the film?

Crossroads represent choice, and of course, crosses are also crosses…

In fact, the religion of the cross itself is the choice of life, but we have to think about it philosophically. There are really several choices in life, all of which have the same ending. No matter what direction you go, you have to go back to the original point. Look at your path, but it is Just draw a circle!

Female: Ha, there is a feeling...

There are also benches for taking a break. Life is but a station

I really want to pursue eternal love, pure love, hehe, it's time for you to take medicine... I tell you, there is no such place on earth, and there is no such love!

See, the two of you finished taking the medicine, rested on the chairs for a while, and had to listen to the voice of God again: I'll give you a clear way, you two, let's go for a walk outside the earth!

Woman: Haha, it's heaven... I think "City of Absolute Beauty" also has a similar theme, how can there be such beauty in this world!

After talking about the circle, let's take a look at the straight line... There is a picture in the title: a long shot of peeing under the tree...

Woman: Yes, what does this picture mean?

Trees represent nature, straight and towering, reaching the sky…

Woman: Well, one line goes to the end!

Humans are different from plants after all. People have to eat, drink, and drink. These are physiological, and they show the instinctive nature of life. When it comes to love, the same is true. Many men are like this. For women, love is definitely love, but after a long time, it will definitely get bored, so I want to find a prostitute or lover, also called a fixed sex partner... Anyway, it's a play let's play!

Woman: Sadness, depravity, AIDS, rotten life, spiritual emptiness, bourgeois way of life...

Well... so you see, let's analyze how good, elegant and emotional the Oscar Cannes is!

So what is a movie symbol, the director of the title has a hint: this movie is about nature!

Now understand why this film won the best director award?

Female: A few black-and-white photos and a few actions are all the language of the camera, and they all interpret themes and ideas, absolutely! Then let me ask another question, why do you want to design such a history as the heroine, who went to prison and killed her father?

Because human nature is not perfect! You see, family love is not pure, you say first, because what girl would kill his father?

Female: In the dialogue, she said that her father regarded her as his mother, and the implication was that his father wanted to rape his daughter...

Yes, these dialogues are all related to ideas... Subtext: Even family affection will be adulterated, what else is pure? You see, in the end, the female protagonist ran off with the male protagonist and committed suicide. Does she care about her son? In addition, does his husband care about the heroine, just hugging his son and kissing...

Woman: There is no love like getting married. It seems that the husband also uses the heroine as a tool to spread his descendants?

That's right, I don't love it anymore, let's love it. Anyway, we use each other and give birth to a son for us, even if the transaction is completed...

So you see, love, marriage, mixed with the right little things...

Love and music should be the two purest things in the world, but they have always been controlled by politics and by human nature...

There is no true love in the world at all, and it is even more difficult to distinguish between love and non-love for a country. Are you not patriotic?

Pure love and music without impurities does not exist!

Let's talk about the title of the film, the Cold War is the background of the story, and it is also the hero and heroine. There is also a Cold War, and the heroine and the heroine's lover are also... Everyone lives and forbears for art, living in an icy world, and being in a state of Cold War at any time...

The black and white colors of this film also reflect this tragic result: either black or white, love and not love, entanglement, contradiction, choice... In the end, it is as clear as life and death!

Female: Well, as you said, there is always no escape from a circle, no escape from humanity! I understand a lot of plots now, those folk music, played in a certain style of a certain country and a certain instrument, are beautiful and intoxicating... But in another person's concept, it means being tainted ... This can also be called purity music?

The same is true for women. Once possessed by others, it means being defiled. The most unbearable thing for a man is the fall of a woman's body, and her body becomes dirty... Can this be called pure love?

Woman: Then you say that there is really no such thing as pure and pure in the world?

Anyway, the heroine finally believed in religion and felt that religion was the purest, so she held a religious wedding.

Woman: Why?

Can go to heaven! There is true and pure love only after death. Nothing in the world is pure, there is no eternity, go to another clean world!

Female: For artists who yearn for freedom and demand true love, the world may not be worth lingering on!

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Extended Reading

Cold War quotes

  • Wiktor: Edith Piaf worked in a brothel and the people love her even more for it.

  • Juliette: [jealous] Did you visit the whores ?

    Wiktor: [smlies] I have no money for whores. I was with the woman of my life.

    Juliette: [dry] Wonderful. Then let me sleep.

    [turns away from him]